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S2: War in Vastermarch - Completed


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DM commentary:

I’d originally imagined this as an excuse to have some mass combat. I foresaw the PCs leading troops into battle, organizing defenses, and defending against assaulting hordes of orcs.

As appealing as this is visually, in Lord of the Rings and whatnot, it didn’t turn out like I’d hoped. For one thing, you guys cut through orcs like butter. For another thing, my execution didn’t match my planning. I had expected the group from S1 to get back to Braeholl by the time the group in S2 were getting started. I then figured S2 would clear out the hill fort and hold it while the orc army tried to recapture it. The S1 group would then lead a squadron of soldiers (Warrior 1s) to the rescue.

This didn’t work b/c I started S2 too early. I saw those fine PCs stagnating in the RDI & recruited them. Then the S1 group finished up too slowly. The timing just didn’t work. I should have had more soldiers survive the fort battle, though, because I wanted to give the PCs control over some troops. Oh well.

In Braeholl, I was thinking that you’d figure out how to destroy the scythe. Or figure out how to figure out how to destroy it. But I’m getting ahead of myself. We’ll get to that in S3!

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It's in this thread, post 72 or so is the proposal, by Rae. Boddynocks, B4bcchus & I voted for it, as did Patlin, I believe.

The judge is to award 1 DM credit to a reasonable adventure summary which includes a Wiki update. I believe mine is sufficient, though I'm open to suggestions of course. The players themselves might wish to review the summary & comment on anything they think is missing.


Thanks for a good game, again, Manzanita. S2 was perhaps a bit heavy on combat and lighter on skill use and puzzles, but still very fun and good RPGing.

With regards to leading troops, that's something that can cause a game to drag quite a bit as the combat will take quite some time. I believe we did quite well with the roadside battle, though, commanding the kids plus Hugh and his soldiers to hold the rear. The people further to the front were perhaps not as well-used.

I'm a bit miffed that noone jumped at the idea about the volcano. Imagine, a halfling carrying an object of corrupting evil to a volcano to destroy it. Doesn't that sound like a unique opportunity? :)

Edit: Just read the summary. Since Razh and Ogrin played together with the M3 crew in M4 (which has no summary by the way), would it be a stretch to assume they make the connection between the assassins when the S1 crew tells of their encounter with them?
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rln said:
I'm a bit miffed that noone jumped at the idea about the volcano. Imagine, a halfling carrying an object of corrupting evil to a volcano to destroy it. Doesn't that sound like a unique opportunity? :)

:p still might happen. Ogrin better keep track of all his fingers!


Okay I've read through it, can I give both DM credits for S1 and S2 here? If so, I award Manzanita 2 DM credits for the compilation of S1 and S2.


ooc: sorry i fell quiet for such a long time folks. I've been really busy irl and about all my LEW activities suffered from it.
I'm going to have Talbin exit stage left and not interract further with the closing of this one and the start of s3.
Maz: thanks for a great game! It was real good fun and I got to use Talbin's sneaky sling attack more than I could hope for :)
Regarding loot: Talbin will settle for just cash.
Finally at the rest: thanks for a great game and some really great roleplaying.

Talbin joins Julianna on the way back to Orussus.


When I saw S3's title, I went back and read through S1 and S2 to figure out what was happening. It's very cool to see some of the stuff I did (Seto, The Curved Blades of Arcton) being used as significant opponents and plot devices. It was a pretty interesting read. I'm interested to see where this goes now. I'd really enjoy getting involved in some way, shape, or form if you have any uses for me.


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Creamsteak said:
When I saw S3's title, I went back and read through S1 and S2 to figure out what was happening. It's very cool to see some of the stuff I did (Seto, The Curved Blades of Arcton) being used as significant opponents and plot devices. It was a pretty interesting read. I'm interested to see where this goes now. I'd really enjoy getting involved in some way, shape, or form if you have any uses for me.

I can't remember why I became interested in it, but I did read your Heroes of Vesper Peak adventure a couple years ago. I thought it was very good & it was part of the inspiration for this adventure series. As usual, this adventure is an amalgamation of various ideas I've had over the years, and I got it started once I could figure out how to weave it all together.

At this point, I've spent significant time planning & detailing S3 & It's been approved the way it is, so I'm probably better w/o any add'n advice or input. Nor do I need another PC or judge. But if I can think of anything, I'll let you know.

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