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S2: War in Vastermarch - Completed


OOC: Remember to remove the cost of identifying the items, too. Already done, never mind me...

Ogrin is interested in:

S2 fort battle:
CLW potion or potions
amulet of health +2
cloak of resistance +2 (black)

S2 wilderness battle:
Ring of Feather falling

I generally prefer keeping loot instead of selling it, as long as the skew in lot division is within reason. Makes a better RPG experience. We're here to play heroes, not accountants :)

Regarding alignment change, I don't think a single action should change that. Ogrin is relatively egoistical and acts like a hero because he likes the fame and the glory. I'd consider switching to lawful, though, since he might feel honorbound to protect those who can't fend for themselves. It certainly was a case in this adventure, even if the pretext for the journey was loot, fame and glory.

Fame and glory is also why he insists in collecting letters of commendation. It's always good to be able to back up your claims :) If possible, he'll try to wrestle such a letter out of whoever is the highest official in the town impressed by Tharok's capture.
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The man with the probe
OOC: I'd agree it it wasn't a bit more freeform, but yes, I agree. Juliana is generaly in it for the money, though she will protect the less fortunate, so she's fairly open to minor renegotiations. More so for Father E, who has proven to be a good and honorable companion (She judges human & elven men more particularly)


First Post
Bront said:
OOC: At 4000, the sell value is 2000. If Father E can come up with the difference between his share and the pearl (1045.31), all should be good. He's close just from his split of the other treasure for him.

OOC2: Question. we did get our 400 gold in addition to the treasure we discussed earlier, right?
Re OOC: Eusebius has enough cash, including the cash split from S1, to afford the Pearl, so he will buy it.

Re OOC2: The high priest of Hyrag in Orussus gave Eusebius 2000 gp to cover expenses and to encourage companions. Since our expenses were, in fact, negligible, that 2000 gp was still available at the end of the adventure, which came to 400 gp per character, with Boog's share going to the party, since he took off so suddenly. ;)

Since there was a disparity in the values of the magical treasure in S1, Eusebius and Juliana receive 814 gp each. The other two don't receive any cash (ignoring what I posted earlier about Eusebius sharing out the gold, since at that stage we didn't know for sure what the magic items were).

Re the Periapt vs Amulet + Ring: Bront, I think it would benefit Eusebius more in the short to middle term to take the Amulet and Ring, since his AC is really pretty poor for this level, and it'll be quite a while before he actually receives that bonus spell from the Periapt. So, if you're happy with the Periapt, that's what he'll claim as his share of the magic items from S1.


The man with the probe
OOC: I'm Meh for it, but it's fine. It's still more PPs (All be it only 3) than she had before hand, and the difference to you is +1 AC, Will save, DC now, and +1 spell later vs +2 AC now. Then again, a will save bonus for Juliana doesn't hurt either. It's reasonably close, so I'll keep what I got if that's what you prefer :)


Since looks like RA's mega adventure will be starting this weekend and I'd like to be in it, it'd be great if we sorted the treasure soon.


Someone said:
Since looks like RA's mega adventure will be starting this weekend and I'd like to be in it, it'd be great if we sorted the treasure soon.

OOC: We're waiting for Talbins input on the S2 treasure. My guess his pick is going to be the same three items as me and Nodis. My suggestion is that those interested of us draw straws - whoever gets the longest straw (highest d100 roll) gets to pick an item and will need to pay the pool what it's worth. Then the next person gets to pick, then the third. Seems fair? It seems only Ogrin, Nodis and maybe Talbin has expressed interest in the remaining items, so no need for drawing straws separately.
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ooc: Sounds fair. Or sounded, before I rolled a... 1!. No, really, it's a real 1 in 1d100. Maybe the party caught Nodis when he tried to use Psionic minor creation to create a very long straw, and made him choose last. Since looks like I won't get any item I want to use, I suppose I'll have to have enough with the cash.

Rae ArdGaoth

OOC: Can we OOC less? ;)

IC: As the treasure's being divided, Rasereit turns to Ogrin. "If ye want the potions too, Ah'll split 'em wit' ye. One each, neh? Maybe these'll be better than that junk Ah bought in Orussus. If Ah ever go back there, Ah swear..."

As Nodis, Talbin, Ogrin, Juliana, and Eusebius work out who gets what among them, Rasereit thinks about the future. Then he speaks. "Alrigh', so ye got this weapon, ye don't know what it does, jus' that it's evil, an' ye need to destroy it, though ye don't know 'ow it's done. Do ye at least have an idea? Seems like a hopeless cause t'me.

"But look, eh... Father Eusebius. Ah kin see, ye're good in a fight, healin' us an' kickin' them, that spiked chain's an interesting weapon, too... Anyway! Ah didn't come up 'ere to do any 'eroics, save any villages, or whatnot. Ah came t'reclaim the clanhold o' me fathers. Ah can't do that wit'out powerful adventurers like yerself. So let me strike ye a deal. Ye seen 'ow Ah am in battle. Ah help ye wit' this weapon thinger, an' you help me when Ah go into the depths.

"The rest o' ye! Me fathers weren't poor, an' the creatures that drove us out weren' mindless monsters, they were cold, intelligent, they had weapons that..." he thinly disguises a shudder. "Ye know, they got goodies an' gold an' all that. An' Ah promise ye, we'll be known throughout the dwarven world for a long time. Liberators o' the Vundinn Clanhold, we'll be! Give it some thought, will ye?"
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First Post
Eusebius turns to listen attentively to Rasereit. When the dwarf has finished speaking, he stands very straight and executes a formal bow before saying, "Rasereit, you honour me! Your strong right arm is one I would gladly have at my side as we seek to allay this evil, and I , in turn, would willingly stand shoulder to shoulder with such a one as you. Indeed, I can do no other, if only to honour the dwarf who gave me this weapon - my friend and brother Rurik of the Axebender clan."

"There is still a matter I must resolve with the high priest after this is done ... but then I am with you - all you have to do is call."

Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit claps his hands together and stands, grinning ear to ear. "Fantastic! Now if ye just figger out what t'do wit' the weapon..." He winks.

"An' look, are we in a terrible rush on this 'un? 'Cause 'soon as we sell all this stuff, Ah got some purchases Ah want t'make. Thinkin' o' tradin' in me shield 'ere for the next size up. Maybe some armor, too, if Ah kin afford it."

OOC: I plan to sell Razh's current light shield for a heavy one, to take advantage of the LEW Shield Balance feat. The armor I know he can't afford, so that'll just have to wait. Kind of annoying, since I just spent a bunch of money before this adventure and now I'm finding better uses for it, but oh well.

The reason I mention it is because we're in Braeholl, not Orussus, so I doubt they have crafters or whatever selling 4000+gp shields. And if the weapon destruction is terribly urgent, then Rasereit won't be able to travel anywhere to make his trade in.

So I guess this is a question directed at Manz: Is there time to get to a larger city before S3 begins, or are we charging onward?

Voidrunner's Codex

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