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S1: The Strange Case of Aif Jenkins' Farm (E13 judge) - Concluded


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This adventure is for Father Eusebius, Boog, Juliana, Beamer & Banion. The action starts in the temple of Hyrag in Orussus. Currently only Eusebius is active. It's probably better if the other players not read this yet. You will be directed to this thread when the time comes.

This adventure does need a judge.

DM Summary:
[sblock] Adventure summary:Beamer and Banion head north to seek refuge from their pursuers by finding Banion’s ‘uncle’ Poto Knezer, who is said to be wealthy and powerful. Eusebius’ aid is requested by Verbotem the Chosen at the Temple of Hyrag in Orussus. Eusebius is asked to find the Paladin Torvin Arkenthrasher, who has disappeared after acting strangely. Eusebius recruits his old friends Juliana and Boog to help him.

One day North of Rivensblight, they stop at a small stockaid to spend the night. This place cators to travelers. The group finds two traveling merchants, and a dwarf trader named Reinert. Over night, the two merchants, operating under the alias of Toler and Rafferty, open the gates, and let in a pack of dire wolves. After a battle, the group kills the wolves, but both ‘merchants’ escape. Afterwards, the group finds a small symbol of Seto in their saddlebags.

The group continues north, and finds themselves attacked on the road near Braeholl. The kills these orcs and decide to investigate a farmhouse nearby that appears to be overrun. They kill many more orcs and meet the enigmatic farmer Aif Jenkins. Aif is found to know Torvin Arkenthrasher. In fact, he believes Torvin to be in an underground complex on this farm. Entering the complex, the heros route more orcs, as well as a group of strange ignan-speaking human warriors wielding scimitar, composite bows, and their bare hands. They also kill a monk leader, Mano, and his colleague, a demonic green-skinned woman, who carries a scythe in a specialized backpack. They are aided, briefly, by an orc who claims to be on Torvin Arkenthrasher’s side. This orc seems to have been killed, but its body is not found. Aif Jenkins likewise, is not seen again.

The group does find Torvin Arkenthrasher, who has been badly tortured, as well as a grey, featureless dead body. Torvin acts strangely, and seems obsessed by a weapon which he can’t find. The group decides to continue to Braholl, as Boog leaves for destination unknown.

Organizations: The curved Blades of Arcton have appeared before, and are detailed under the Seto entry of the LEW pantheon. They are evidently active in the Northern Mountains as well, and seem to be allied with the orcs.

Verbotem the Chosen. High preist of Hyrag in Orussus, this venerable dwarf is one of the most influential followers of the Brightmantle in the land. (cleric, level unknown.)

Reinert (male dwarf Ftr2/Rog2; Chr 6) This grumpy dwarf is a merchant trader, largely employed by the wizard Trimble of the Silverwoods. He buys the wizard equipment and brings it out to his isolated tower.

Torvin Arkenthrasher. Human Paladin. Tall, and hansome, with black hair and blue eyes. Was first a noble warrior who became a Paladin for Hyrag. Very well respected by all who met him, before his disapearence.
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Father Eusebius makes his way to the Temple of Hyrag in Orussus. This is not his first time to visit, and he returns as a more powerful member of his faith. It is duty to check in here from time to time, to learn of the faith's progress and challenges. As an adventuring cleric, it is also his duty to make himself available for tasks suited for his ilk, and which advance the cause of his diety.

At the end of the Merchant’s Avenue stands the new temple of Hyrag, at the limits of the Clerk District. Eusebius enters humbly and introduces himself to a acolyte. He is soon escorted in to see the high priest, a dwarf known as Verbotem the Chosen. Verbotem is old, and his knowledge deep. Hyrag is blessed to have such a servant.

"Greetings Brother." the dwarf says. He pours some wine and the two discuss some current church events and Eusebius' doings. Once satisfied with Eusebius' conduct and convictions, the dwarf shifts in his seat and opens another topic.

"It gladdens me to see you here today, my brother, for my heart is troubled, and perhaps you can help. An important member of our faith has gone missing, and I cannot get him out of my mind. Perhaps you've heard of Torvin Akenthrasher?"

Eusebius hasn't.

"Torvin is a Paladin with allegiance to The Lightbringer. He has been active in the Vastermarch, adventuring often into the Northern Mountains and Silverwood, bravely facing evil wherever he might find it. Not so different than you, brother. A few months ago, he left on a mission. Silverwood has been becoming increasingly dangerous. We fear some malignant force has been gathering there, summoning all manner of baneful creatures to its cause. Torvin went to investigate, alone. We have few servents as powerful as he who are free to leave their ward and take such an asignment. Make no mistake, Torvin is a powerful and dedicated servant of our cause, and his absense has become increasing painful for me, as we have not heard from him since."

"Then an odd report reached me. A pilgram from Vastermarch brought word that he had seen Torvin in Beth Hannon, but Torvin had not acknowledged the man. It was as though he had no memory of his old friends. The man told me that Torvin was buying supplies and loaded them into a wagon, but the man knew not his destination. You have been to this area recently. I was hoping you would return to find Torvin and investigate his strange behavior. If you cannot find him in Beth Hannon, you might try entering the Silverwood. Beyond this, you will have to trust yourself, because I have no more idea of where Torvin might be. Torvin is a tall human of about 30 years, with black hair he keeps short, and grey eyes. In battle he wears full plate with the sign of our god, and weilds a greatsword. Are you otherwised engaged, or would you accept this quest on the part of you god?"

Beth Hannon is the Northern of the two large towns on the main road through Vastermarch.


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Eusebius bows his head.

"Father, I am the servant of our Lord, and so I have pledged my life to the battling of evil. I will gladly take on this task. To find such a puissant servant of our God and to ensure his safe return to the fold - this I count a duty and an honour."

Then he frowns and looks earnestly at the elder.

"But if, as you say, Torvin Akenthrasher is such a powerful warrior of the Shining One, it may be that those who have brought about his apparent dereliction of duty are themselves mighty. In that case, I must humbly point out that I may not be able to perform the task you have set me alone."

Standing, as if the need for such an admission raises tensions that can only be expressed through action, he continues.

"Do I have your permission to involve others in this quest? And if so, what incentive can I offer them? For it is the case that not all adventure for love of the Light - and that even those of us who do, still need to purchase supplies and equipment."

"I, myself, found the purchase of silver weapons necessary of late, since I was a member of a company faced with a shapechanging foe, as I mentioned earlier. Perhaps members of that very fellowship might agree to travel with me. They are brave and generous - and have already proven their reliability."

"What say you, Father? Shall I ask these my companions to undertake the task?"


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"The church does set aside funds for these purposes, though we must not be profligate. I don't know how long this mission might take nor where it might lead. I have prepared a letter that you have been assigned a mission from this temple. This should get you additional aid from any other Temple or Follower of the Light Bringer. We shall endevour to supply you with enough gold to fund you expedition for a month now. How much do you think that would be?" Verbotem hands Eusebius a sealed scroll.

"I would prefer not to let the word out that Torvin is missing. It might inspire our enemies and rivals in the region. In any case, I think this requires wisdom and tenacity more than strength at arms. If you have comrades you trust, by all means try to get their aid, but do not advertise this delimma to others. What inticement do you think your fellows would need to join you?"

The temple of Hyrag in Orussus is well-built and requires a certain expense to convey the glory of the diety, but beyond that is run very frugally. Eusebius knows, however, that the church is widely counted on to provide healing and other services. This, combined with tithes of the faithful, means that the church does have healthy funds.


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Manzanita said:
"How much do you think that would be?"
Gee, thanks, M!

How much were you planning to provide along the way? Eusebius knows that Juliana is trying to raise cash, so she'll need an enticement to go along. He also recognizes that others won't have the same commitment to the Temple that he does - and that it's only fair to reward those who lay their lives on the line.

The appropriate treasure reward for an EL6 encounter is 2000 gp (DMG p51), and I recall you were planning for 4th to 5th level PCs, so I guess that means EL6 is not unreasonable. If you're going to include other awards, how does 2000 gp up front sound? (Or half now and half at the end?)


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Boddynock said:
Gee, thanks, M!

... how does 2000 gp up front sound? (Or half now and half at the end?)

OOG: OK. I'm having a bit of the same problem. I did design this for good -aligned PCs, such as Eusebius, who didn't need lots of cash to take such a mission. Juliana went along to cure Rowan's brother last time essentially w/o payment, despite her lack of good alignment. She may be more 'good' than she thinks. Not to dump that issue on you in any case. sorry..

IG: Verbotem the Chosen produces two soft bags containing assorted gems and coins. "Take these to aid your search. It is quite a bit of money, and should provide for you and a companion for some time. In my experience most adventures of this nature provide other rewards as they progress, as well."


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"I thank you, Father. I will gather those of my companions who wish to come, and leave as soon as we are prepared. It should not take long. We will go first to Rivenblight, where another of our company currently sojourns, then on to Beth Hannon."

"Do not fear - we will find Torvin and encourage him to return to the Shining One's service."

Eusebius takes the two purses and stands. Then, with a profound bow to the venerable dwarf, he leaves the chamber. After spending some little while in prayer before the main altar, he returns to the Red Dragon Inn, keen to persuade Juliana to join him in his quest.


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Each bag contains the equivalent of 1000 gps. Eusebius should feel free to return to the RDI & recruit Juliana. When you're ready post back in this thread with any travel details you can provide. Are you mounted? Any special equipment or precautions?

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