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D&D 5E Ruins of Adventure [IC]

Running through the narrow, 10 foot wide alleyway, Balthassar emerges into a small, square courtyard. To his south, he can see a single tree rising almost desultorily amongst crumbled cobblestones. To the southeast, a small building stands, it's front door torn from its hinges, the room beyond dark and yawning.

To the south, in a narrow cul-de-sac, a lone kobold fearfully tries to scramble up the wall of one of the abandoned buildings. Pitiable sounds of terror erupt from it's dog-like mouth as it hears Balthassar approaching.

Caius easily slips into the shadows inside the narrow alleyway. Peeking around the corner to the south, he can just barely make out the kobold.

OOC: Kestrel, please roll your Athletics to climb onto the roof. [MENTION=86620]CrispinAugustus[/MENTION], the forum has its own die roller you can use. The format is (roll)1d20+5(/roll), but with square brackets instead of parentheses.

Map Key: B = Balthassar
Ca = Caius
H = Helios
K = Kestrel
Cr = Cruciger
ko = Kobold


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Ibn Khaldun


Cruciger approaches the intersection and stops. He scans the surrounding slum ruins for signs of any movement or activity. He is keenly aware of the possibility of an ambush.

OOC: Perception Check: [roll0]


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Balthassar stops running abruptly when he spots the little creature. A kobold! Exactly what he was looking for.

In the Draconic tongue, the sorcerer tries to put the kobold at ease. "Don't be alarmed, I mean you no harm. I just want to talk."

OOC: Can I attempt a charisma (persuasion) check? [roll0]

It's a struggle for Kestrel to crawl up onto the roof, but she's finally able to succeed.

Cruciger looks around, watching and listening quietly. While he doesn't see anything, he feels a certain foreboding, a feeling that something is watching and waiting.

Balthassar attempts to calm the Kobold. It stops trying to scramble away and cowers in the corner to the South, watching as the dragonborn approaches.

OOC: @Skarsgard, @CrispinAugustus Waiting to hear from the two of you.

Also, I will be on vacation next week with limited access to the internet. I will try to post as often as I can.
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Ibn Khaldun


"Have you had the feeling that you're being watched?" Cruciger says. "I have. Right now. Go with care."

For the present, he holds his place in the intersection.


Helios glances at Cruciger and then looks around.


"Probably," he mutters as he watches Kestrel climb to the roof. "Did you need a boost there?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Carefully approaching the kobold, Balthassar continues to talk in what he assumes in a calm and soothing voice. Holding his hands out to either side, empty except for the magic wand that is now aimed away from any creature.

"Do not be frightened, lonely one! As you can see, the blood of dragons runs through my veins as well as through yours. What is your name, little cousin?"

OOC: Do you require another persuasion check? If so, then here it is: [roll0]


First Post
Since Kestrel was trying to avoid attention and be stealthy, she didn't reply to Helios. It wasn't because she was embarassed about almost falling off like a hapless stripling child. Obviously. Quietness was required!

Once out of the street-level sightlines, she did try to find a good spot to watch the rest of the party's parlay with the kobold. Rather than watch the single one they'd cornered, she watched the streets around them.

There was never just one kobold.

As Balthasar continues to approach the lone kobold, Kestrel takes position on a nearby rooftop. However, from her vantage point, she's only able to see a small portion of the small square.

Only Caius and Cruciger are able to hear the sudden scramble of small feet from the nearby building. As Balthassar moves past the southern doorway, several more forms rush out of the room, prepared to ambush your group.

OOC: Roll Initiative everyone! Everyone was surprised except Caius and Cruciger (poor Perception rolls there, guys).

Also, apologies for the absence...I'm now back from vacation and can respond regularly

Voidrunner's Codex

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