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D&D 5E (Rogues Gallery) The Village

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Quickleaf (wood elf rogue 1)

“Quickleaf” Eolais eth’Huran
Wood Elf / 1st-level Rogue / CG


[SBLOCK=Meditation on the Party]
Torban Pruitt. Human braggadocio of the first class. I approve.
Willow. If I can't make her laugh, I'll only feel the guilt of what I unleashed on her clan all the moreso.
Vintar Dardelion.
Lal Qalandar.
Dynan. Beware a stylish drow. He's likely to upstage me with the ladies.
Niimyr. Seems like the kind of drow I'd enjoy sharing an ale with (after checking the ale for poison first).
Ka'Lysh "Harb" Lorreak.
Dandin Applesbane. We are two peas in a pod.
Thorn. I wonder how many jokes about her horns I can safely get away with?

[SBLOCK=Background, Roleplaying, and Appearance]
Born to the heathen Shiasee wild elves of the Deep Wilds, Quickleaf spent his youth absorbing his people’s superstitions and traditions. Like all Shiasee, he knew that humans built roofed houses because they were afraid of the rain gods, orcs were descended from lustful gluttonous swine, and drow had chalky skin because they didn’t have enough elfwine in their diet. Raised among the “Deep Wilds Seekers”, rangers guarding the borders of the forest, he helped perpetuate the myth of wild elven savagery to deter human fools. When he was tasked with protecting the Emerald Eye, a sacred totem of the clan said to be a gateway to the elven ancestors, Quickleaf instead opted to demonstrate his bow tricks to some passing “generous” human merchants. The arboreal shrine where the Emerald Eye was kept was attacked by unknown assailants who stole the totem. For dereliction of his duty, Quickleaf was exiled from his clan until he could make ammends to the elven ancestors. He traveled to the north, in search of the Forbidden Barrows where it was believed the ancestors of his clan were buried…

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality Trait: Smarmy with a dark sense of humor.
Bond: Regain his clan’s good graces.
Ideal: Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it.
Flaw: Superstitious. Believes a great many things about the world which are not quite true.

Gender: male
Age: 125 years
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair: wine red
Eyes: umbral green[/SBLOCK]

Str 16 (+3) climbing and traversing the rugged Deep Wilds honed his muscles
Dex 16 (+3) bow practice, light fingers, and a steady step in the trees above
Con 11 (+0) no more resilient than your average elf
Int 8 (-1) a quick wit sorely outweighed by a superstitious mind
Wis 14 (+2) used to guarding the borders of the woods and savvy enough to watch for betrayal
Cha 12 (+1) ingratiatingly charming, but only just so, easily veering into accidental offense

_: 4D6.HIGH(3) = [4, 1, 2, 6] = 12
4D6.HIGH(3) = [2, 1, 6, 6] = 14
4D6.HIGH(3) = [1, 6, 2, 3] = 11
4D6.HIGH(3) = [5, 5, 3, 1] = 13
4D6.HIGH(3) = [6, 4, 4, 6] = 16
4D6.HIGH(3) = [5, 2, 1, 1] = 8

HP 8
AC 14 (leather 11 + dex 3)
Prof Bonus +2
Init +3

Speed: 35 ft.
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft. passive Perception 14
Languages: Common, Elvish, Orc, Thieves’ Cant

Feature – Wanderer: You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.

+2 Dex, +1 Wis
Fey Ancestry: Immune to sleep magic, and advantage on saves vs. being charmed.
Mask of the Wild: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
Trance: Don’t need sleep, instead meditate 4 hours per day to get benefits of long rest.

*Expertise (Deception, Stealth): Double proficiency bonus in expertise skills.
Sneak Attack (1/turn): Deal +1d6 damage to a creature you hit with a Finesse or ranged weapon when you have advantage OR if the target has another conscious enemy (such as a PC) within 5 feet of it and you don’t have disadvantage.

Armor: Light
Weapons: All Simple, hand crossbow, rapier, longsword, shortsword, longbow, shortbow
Tools: Thieves’ tools, flute
Saves: Dexterity +5, Intelligence +1

Acrobatics +5
Athletics +5 (background)
Deception +5*
Perception +4 (race)
Stealth +7*
Sleight of Hand +5
Survival +4 (background)

Longbow, +5, 1d8+3, range 150/600
Longsword, +5, 1d8+3, versatile (1d10+3)
Dagger, +5, 1d4+3, range 20/60, offhand (1d4)

EQUIPMENT (52 / 80 lbs comfortably carry / 240 lbs max carry)
Starting Wealth Rogue: 4d4 x 10: 4D4 = [4, 4, 1, 1] = 100 gp

Backpack (5 lbs)
Bedroll (7 lbs) & Blanket (3 lbs)
Bottle of Elfwine, common (2 lbs, worth 2 sp)
Flute (1 lb)
Leather Armor (10 lbs)
Longsword (3 lbs), Longbow (2 lbs), Dagger (1 lb)
Quiver with 20 arrows (2 lbs)
Rations: Acorns, Grasshoppers, and Mulberries (4 lbs, for 2 days)
Sylvan Ginger (1 lb, worth 1 gp)
Tinderbox (1 lb)
Traveler’s Clothes (4 lbs)
Waterskin (5 lbs)
Whetstone (1 lb)
Trinket: a fan that, when unfolded, shows a sleeping cat
Trinket: a 10" long bright yellow feather
Pouch with 9 silver pieces (1 lb)[/SBLOCK]
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Charwoman Gene

Torban Pruitt
Human Fighter 1
Folk Hero AL CG
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 7 Wis 16 Cha 12
Eldest son of the Pruitt clan, Torban is a big deal in his village, something he knows all too well, as he believes he is a much bigger fish than he is. From fighting of deadly wolves at 6 years old, to hunting the legendary Black Stag, he is the closest the village has to a hero. There are even some songs about him. He considers himself to be above all of the rest of the village, deserving the best, and always talking about how the village isn’t enough, and he needs more action.
He’s Brave and strong, yes, but he is not really bright enough to use his gifts to their fullest. He’s a big deal in his village, sure, but he’s also the richest and handsomest eligible male for miles around.
When the rumors about the undead started up, he was gravely insulted by the barber’s sending a request for help from the sovereign. He thinks that he, with his local friends could take this on. He eventually got used to the idea of strangers coming in, but he is insistent he go on the mission to show these outsiders what the village can do.
[sblock=”Appearance & Personality”]
Traits: Torban is filled with bravado, and often loves to hear himself speak.
He is very unaware of his limitations
Ideal: The greatest good is to Protect the weak and unfortunate.
Bond: Torban is a loyal and devoted member of his family.
Flaw: He is a big fish in a little pond who thinks he'd be a bigger fish in a bigger pond.

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?531856-(Recruiting)-(5E)-The-Village/page6#ixzz4bUjgqlGs

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Fair
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 260 lbs.
Age: 19
A tall, strapping youth, his body shaped by years of foresting, Torbin is an impressive physical specimen. His good looks have all the local girls swooning, and he gives off an aura of vitality and strength.
Str 18 (+4) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (3)
Int 7 (-2) Wis 16 (+3) Cha 12 (+1)

Acrobatics +2
Animal Handling +5
Arcana -2
Athletics +6
Deception +1
History -2
Insight +3
Intimidation +1
Investigation -2
Medicine -2
Nature -2
Perception +3
Performance +1
Persuasion +3
Religion -2
Sleight of Hand +2
Stealth +2
Survival +5

Armor: All Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Woodcarver’s Tools , Vehicles (land)
Languages: Common, Orcish

Init: +2
AC: 16
HP: 13
Hit Dice: 1d10
Speed 30
Size Medium
Passive perception 13
STR +6 DEX +2 CON +5 INT -2 WIS +3 CHA +1
Halberd +6 / 1d10+4 slashing
Halberd +6 / 1d4+4 bludgeoning *bonus
Morningstar +6 / 1d8+4 piercing
Handaxe +2 / 1d8+2 slashing light, thrown 20/60

Class: Fighter
Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting
Reroll 1s and 2s with two handed weapons..
Second Wind
On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. (1d10+1) Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Background (Folk Hero) Feature : Rustic Hospitality
Since you come from the ranks of the common folk, you fit in among them with ease. You can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate among other commoners, unless you have show n yourself to be a danger to them. They will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives for you.

Feat: Polearm Master
--When you take the Attack action and attack with only a glaive, halberd, or quarterstaff, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite end of the weapon. The weapon’s damage die for this attack is a d4, and the attack deals bludgeoning damage.
--While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, or quarterstaff, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter your reach.

Two handaxes
Mess kit,
10 torches
10 days of rations
50 feet of hempen rope
Woodcarver’s tools
Iron pot
Set of common clothes
Belt pouch
Money:10 gp
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Willow, Wood Elf Druid


"Willow's stringy black hair hangs down over her ghostly white face, obscuring what most would call her best feature: her pale blue eyes. She is quite healthy, though those concerned may think she looks underweight, even for an elf. Her clothes are unkempt and often dusty from the road. A small snake appears at home wrapped around the crooked quarterstaff she holds in her wiry fingers.

Those who once knew Willow would say she was beautiful, vibrant, and full of life. She learned the ways of the druid while acting as a scout for the druid circle. At any time should cound be found travelling through the treetops, her raven hair flowing easily behind her, and the sparkle in her pale blue eyes a shining glimmer of hope that all is right in the world.

But those days are gone now, and Willow lives a lone drifter, unkempt and dusty from the road. Her once beautiful hair now hangs in a tangled mass, covering her gaunt face. Her eyes still shine the purest blue beneath the miserable creature she has become, but the sparkle of hope for which they were known has long since faded.

As a scout, she should have seen it. She should have been able to warn them, but the necromancer's magic was too strong, too vile. His hoards of undead stormed the grove, destroying everything--and everyone. Those few that survived fled, leaving the others to their fate. She will never forgive herself that she ran.

She returned to the grove some days later, her and a few others. Together they collected what was left of the fallen and destroyed the lingering undead, both old and newly created from the bodies of her friends and family. Ritual after ritual was performed, sending their orphaned souls home, and then Willow left without a word."
[SBLOCK=Willow (Wood Elf Druid 1)]
Name: Willow
Sex: Female
Race: Wood Elf
Class/Level: Druid 1
Alignment: Neutral
Faction: --
Size: Medium (4' 9", 97 lbs.)
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Elf)
Init: +3
Speed: 35ft
Passive Perception: 15
Languages Common, Elf, Druidic, Sylvan

Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 13 (+1), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 8 (-1)

AC: 16 (Leather, +3 Dex, +2 shield)
HP: 9 (1d8 +1 con)
Saves: Intelligence +3, Wisdon +5

Melee: Quarterstaff +2 Attack, 1d6 Piercing
Melee: Quarterstaff (Shillelagh) +5 Attack, 1d6+3 Piercing
Spell Attack: +5 (WIS)
Spell Save DC: 13

Spell Save DC: 13
Spell Slots: 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Slots Used: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Spells Prepared: (4)
  • Cantrips: Shillelagh, Poison Spray
  • 1st Level: Cure Wounds (*), Entangle, Ice Knife (*), Healing Word (*)
(*) can be cast at higher levels

1 Race, 2 Druid, 2 background; Proficient skills in bold
Mod Attribute Name of Skill
+5 (dex) Acrobatics
+3 (wis) Animal Handling
+1 (int) Arcana
+0 (str) Athletics
-1 (cha) Deception
+1 (int) History
+5 (wis) Insight
-1 (cha) Intimidation
+1 (int) Investigation
+5 (wis) Medicine
+1 (int) Nature
+5 (wis) Perception
-1 (cha) Performance
-1 (cha) Persuasion
+1 (int) Religion
+3 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+3 (dex) Stealth
+5 (wis) Survival

Keen Senses: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, magic cannot put you to sleep
Trance: do not sleep but meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day
Mask of the Wild: hide when lightly obscured by foilate, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, etc.
Languages: Common, Elf

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument
Origin: Forester
Feature (Wanderer): You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, always recalling the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five others each day, provided that the land offers berries, small, game, water, and so forth.
Languages (one]: Sylvan

Traits: "I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won't save you from a hungry owlbear."
Traits: "I once ran twenty-five miles without stopping to warn my clan of an approaching undead horde. I'd do it again if I had to."
Ideal: "Nature. The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization."
Bond: "I will bring terrible wrath downon t he evildoers who destroyed my homeland."
Flaw: "I hate to admit it and I will hate myself for it, but I'll run and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough."

- Druidic: You know the secret language of druids. You can speak the language and use it to leave hidden messages. You and others who know Druidic automaticall spot such a message. Others can spot the message with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, but can't decipher it without magic.
Proficiencies: Light & meduim armor, shields (druids will not wear armor or use shields made of metal) club, dagger, dart, javelin, mace, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, sling, spear, Herbalism kit

Combat Gear:
Explorer's pack
Leather armor
Wooden Shield

Other Gear: Herbalism kit, Double-piped flute, Pet snake (non-combatant)

Carrying Capacity: 150 lbs
Push/Drag/Lift: 300 lbs

Starting Gold: 10 gp

River Song

Vintar Dardelion
Human / 1st-level Cleric (Knowledge) / N

Born into Meviiran, Vintar was a fat lazy child. He hated exertion and like to read so shirked as much as he could to get the time to study that he really craved. Despite the thrashings from his father he kept finding ways to get to the books in the church and spend hours studying history and anything else that came to mind. He eventually hatched his cunning plan of becoming an understudy to the drunken priest and writing his sermons for him and ensuring that his perpetual state of inebriation guaranteed the priest NEVER realised he had never agrees to take Vintar on. Life was great now for the young man, until his God called his bluff.

Background: Sage
Alignment: Neutral
Personality Trait: I’m used to helping out those who aren’t as smart as I am, and patiently explain everything to others.
Bond: I work to preserve the church.
Ideal: Knowledge: The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge
Flaw: I speak without really thinking through my words, invariably insulting others

Gender: male
Age: 19 years
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown

Str 8 (-1)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 10 (+0)
Int 16 (+3)
Wis 18 (+4)
Cha 9 (-4)

HP 8
AC 16/18 (Scale 14 + dex 2 +shield 2)
Prof Bonus +2
Init +2

Speed: 30 ft.
Senses: passive Perception 16
Languages: Common, Elvish, Orc, Dwarvish, Celestial, Draconic

BACKGROUND: Cloistered Scholar
Feature – Library Access:

RACE: Human
+1 Dex, +1 Wis
Feat: Magic Initiate – Wizard
DC 13
Cantrips: Ray of Frost, Shocking Grasp,
Level 1: Expeditious Retreat

CLASS: Cleric 1
Domain – Expertise in Arcana and History: Double proficiency bonus in expertise skills.
Domain – Two extra languages

Armor: Light, Medium, Shield
Weapons: All Simple
Saves: Wis +6, Cha +1

Arcana +7
History +7
Insight +6
Medicine +6
Nature +5
Perception +4
Religion +5

Light XBow, +4, 1d8+2, range 80/320
Wizard Attack +5
Cleric Attack +6
Dagger, +4, 1d4+2, range 20/60

Cleric Spells
Cantrips: Spare the Dying, Light, Guidance
1st Level: Identify, Guiding Bolt, Command, Healing Word, Cure Wounds, Protection from Evil and Good
DC: 14

Expolrers Pack
Scale Armour
Light Crossbow with 20 bolts
Holy Symbol - Amulet
Pouch with 10 silver pieces
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Dusty Dragon
I might find small mistakes but this is done

Lal Qalandar, of the Purple Lands

Background: Hermit
Level: 1
XP: 0
Race: Human (Standard)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
dervish 1.jpg
[Sblock=rolls]Stat rolls (unmodified) : 4D6.HIGH(3) = [3, 1, 6, 3] = 12
4D6.HIGH(3) = [3, 5, 1, 5] = 13
4D6.HIGH(3) = [1, 1, 4, 2] = 7
4D6.HIGH(3) = [1, 1, 2, 4] = 7
4D6.HIGH(3) = [5, 2, 6, 5] = 16
4D6.HIGH(3) = [1, 4, 5, 3] = 12
[sblock=character sheet] Abilities:
Str: 17 (+3), Dex: 13 (+1), Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 8 (-1), Wis: 13 (+1), Cha: 8 (-1)

AC: 13 (barbarian unarmored defense)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30
HP: 14 (12+2)
Hit Dice: 1d12
Proficiency Bonus: 2
Passive Perception: 13

Great axe: +5 to hit, 1d12+3 damage (when raging: 1d12+5)
Hand axe: +5 to hit, 1d6+3 damage (when raging: 1d6+5 if in melee)
Javelins: +5 to hit, 1d6 +3 damage

SAVES (* = proficiency)
* Strength +5
Dexterity: +1
* Constitution: +4
Intelligence: -1
Wisdom: +1
Charisma: -1

SKILLS (*=proficiency)
Acrobatics: +1
Animal Handling: +1
Arcana: -1
*Athletics: +5
Deception: -1
History: -1
Insight: +1
Intimidation: -1
Investigation: -1
*Medicine: +3
Nature: -1
*Perception: +3
Performance: -1
Persuasion: -1
*Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +1
Stealth: +1
Survival: +1

Tools: herbalist's kit (hermit)
Language: Common, Yellow City Trade Tongue, Parbati, a bit of Lamarakhi
Weapons: simple, martial
Armor: light, medium, shields

Barbarian Features:
Unarmored defense
Ability Score Improvement: +1 to all (Human)

Hermit feature: Discovery: One with the Universe

None at this time[/sblock]

[Sblock=Equipment]Common clothes
Winter blanket (large, old pelt)
Great Axe (long hafted Tabar)
hand axe 2X
Javelin 4X
Herbalist kit
Prayer beads, engraved (his "notes")
Beggar's bowl
Mess kit (includes small tea pot)
tinder box
Rations X 10
50 feet of rope
Diary with 7 pages missing
Sack, 2
Chalk (2 pieces)
A brick of tea of the third quality
Bottle of cheap wine

MONEY: 1 gp, 8 sp, 6 cp[/sblock]

[Sblock=Background] Lal Qalandar is from a far away land, across the sea from the Sovereign Lands. Following harsh disappointments in early life, Lal retreated from the day to day world and entered a long period of meditation and fasting with a group of ascetics, leaving everything behind, even his name (Lal Qalandar means "Ruby-colored wandering holy man" - a title he eventually acquired after his red robes and lifestyle).

One day, Lal, following an intense session of meditation, suddenly perceived his deep connection to the Universe. All was interconnected. Himself, that ant roaming on his meager piece of bread, his dead relatives and long lost love, his fellow monks, that rock over there, were all one with the universe. Individuality was but an illusion.

Lal Qalander suddenly felt that the austere practices of his fellows were stifling. He was meant to live in the Universe, to fully embrace it. He wanted to preach. He wanted to help others - was that not the Universe healing itself? He also wanted to fight injustice - was that not the Universe purifying itself? Lal abandoned the group of monk and started a life of wandering - sustaining himself through petty jobs, preaching, helping the less fortunate, protecting travelers from brigands and living on the road. He took upon himself the mantle of the Dervishe - the mendicant wanderer. Through his trials and tribulation he found that his connection to the Universe deepened, and that in times of great danger he could reach a sort of spiritual ecstasy, able to wade in battle without fear, easily warding off blows and dealing terrible ones in return.

On a sea voyage, a freak storm blew the ship he was on far away, and he and a few survivors reached the Sovereign Lands, to the astonishment of everyone. Lal Qalandar's lifestyle and teaching soon became problematic however, upsetting some of the local clergy. When word came of troubles far north, he was sent as part of the "rescue" party as a way to get rid of him. Lal cheerfully accepted the order. [/sblock]

[sblock=appearance & Personality]Height: 5'6"
Weight 190 lbs
Hair: black and waivy
Eyes: dark brown
Skin: brown
Age: 37

Lal Qalandar is somewhat short but wide shouldered and barrel chested and moves confidently. He has an easy smile and friendly disposition. His skin is a dark brown, tanned by his homeland's fierce sun. He has long, dark luxurious hair that is barely tamed by a peculiar hat, and his face is bearded. He wears crimson robes, old but sturdy boots, and the pelt of some large animal to keep himself warm. He also wears a long necklace of wooden prayer beads. Beside his long hafted axe (which he calls a "tabar"), he always caries with him an ornate wooden begging bowl, which he uses to collect alms.

Life of Seclusion: Lal retreated from society following a plague that killed most of his village
Personality trait: Lal believes that the universe is one, and that all that happens is interconected
Ideal: Self knowledge: if you know yourself, you know the universe
Bond: I entered seclusion because I loved someone I couldn't have
Flaw: I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy[/sblock]
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For Dynan, life was very different than for his brother. His mother, the matron of his house, wanted him to go to the Warrior Academy, as his older brother was already training to be a wizard. When he was tested, he was found above average in every subject. Strength, dexterity, intelligence, charisma. Not the best in any one, but well above average in all. In fact, it seemed there was little he could not do if he put his mind to it.

It was found out that his mother's consort, the house weapon master at the time, was having an affair with one of her sisters. She, of course, had the two executed, and forbade everyone in the house from ever speaking her consort's name, or having anything to do with them. When Dynan brought up the fact that he would have to train at the Warrior's academy, where her consort had been one of the top students, she flew into a rage and refused to allow him to go, forcing him, apparently against his will, into the wizarding academy.

And of course he excelled. He learned quickly, barely needing to work hard to memorize complex spells and understanding the complexities of the Weave. He proved very quickly to be the top of his class, and his elders even wondered if, in a few centuries, this boy would one day become the archmage of the city.

And through his entire first century of life, though his entire time at the Academy, one thing remained constant.

Dynan was bored.

The reality was that it was not his mother's idea to get him to go to the wizard academy, but his. He not only subtly revealed the affair between his mother's consort and her sister, but was actually the one, through more subtle manipulations, encouraged his mother's consort to start the affair in the first place. All so he could go to the wizarding academy instead. Not because he really wanted to, but he had learned a long time ago that, because of his natural ability with just about everything, the only real challenge was getting other people to do things for you, and he wanted to see if he could manipulate his own mother.

He thought that in the Academy, he'd finally be challenged, but that wasn't the case. Too many of the other drow were boring, stupid idiots compared to him. His teachers were old fashioned and lacked creativity. Drow culture was stagnating.

So while at the Academy, he would go out, in disguise, and prowl the city, finding entertainment, which usually meant conning some poor sap out of his inheritance, and then slipping away, changing disguise, and walking off, no one the wiser.

When he graduated from the Academy, he had grown tired of life in the Drow city. It was just so...boring. And there really wasn't much profit to be made as a Drow male. No, he would be much better served somewhere else. Another Drow city? No, surely not. And the other denizens of the Underdark were just so...boring. Perhaps he could find his brother, who had recently reappeared after a long hiatus from the city. Maybe he would have an idea of where to find some fun.[/sblock]

Str 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 13 (+1)
Int 14 (+2) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 14 (+2)

Animal Handling
Sleight of Hand

Armor: Mage Armor
Weapons: Rapiers, Short Swords, Hand Crossbows, Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows
Tools: Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit
Languages: Common, Elvish
Senses: Superior Darkvision (120 ft), Blindsight 60 ft (from bat, when using their senses)

Init: +3
AC: 13 (16 with Mage Armor)
HP: 7
Hit Dice: 1d6
Speed 30
Size Medium
Passive perception 13
STR +1 DEX +3 CON +1 INT +4 WIS +3 CHA +2

Hand Crossbow: +5/1d6+3
Rapier: +5/1d8+3


Dancing Lights
Minor Illusion

1st level (Bold spells are currently prepared):

Detect Magic
Disguise Self
Find Familiar (Bat)
Mage Armor
Magic Missiles
Unseen Servant

Trance: No need to sleep, just a 4 hour trance
Fey Ancestry: Advantage agasint being charmed, cannot be put to sleep
Sunlight Sensitivity: disadvantage on everything in direct sunlight that requires sight.

Arcane Recovery (recover 1 level 1 spell slot at short rest)
Spellcasting Focus (Wand made of silver and etched with runes)
Ritual Casting

Background (Charlatan) Feature:

Favorite Scheme: I put on new identities like clothes.

Feature: You have created a second identity that includes documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. Additionally, you can forge documents including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy.

Personality Traits:
Flattery is my preferred trick for getting what I want.
Sarcasm and insults are my weapons of choice

Independence: I am a free spirit – No one tells me what to do. (Chaotic)

I come from a noble family, and on day I’ll reclaim my lands and title from those who stole them from me.

I’m convinced that no one could ever fool me the way I fool others.

Hand Crossbow 75
20 Bolts 1
Bolt Case 1
Wand 10
Explorer’s Pack 10
Set of fine clothes
Disguise kit
Deck of marked cards
Belt pouch

Money: 3gp

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the magical equivalent to the number zero

drow criminal warlock 1

[sblock=Basic Information]
Name: Niimyr
Sex: Male
Race (subrace): elf (dark elf)
Class/Level: warlock 1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid (elf)
Speed: 30ft.
Init: +3
Prof. Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 12 (Superior Darkvision 120ft; Sunlight Sensitivity)

AC: 14
Maximum HP: 9
Current HP: 9
Saves: Wisdom +2, Charisma +5

Melee: Rapier +5 (1d8+3 piercing; finesse)
Ranged: Dagger +5 (1d4+3 piercing; finesse, light, thrown 20/60)
Spell: Eldritch Blast +5 (1d10 force; 120 feet, more rays at higher levels)

Str 8 (-1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 13 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 16 (+3)
[/sblock][sblock=Features and proficiencies]
Ability scores: Dexterity +2, Charisma +1
Speed: 30 ft.
Superior Darkvision: 120 ft.
Sunlight Sensitivity: Disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Keen Senses: Proficiency in Perception
Fey Ancestry: Advantages on saving throws against being charmed, and magic cannot put you to sleep.
Drow Magic: Dancing Lights cantrip. At 3rd level, Faerie Fire 1/day. At 5th level, Darkness 1/day. Charisma is spellcasting ability for these spells.
Drow Weapon Training: Proficient with rapiers, shortswords and hand crossbows.
Trance: Meditate 4 hours instead of sleeping 8 hours.
Languages: Common, Elvish

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion (replaces Deception), Stealth
Tool Proficiencies: Thieves' Tools, Gaming set: dice
Criminal Contact: You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as your liaison to a network of other criminals. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you.


Armor Proficiencies: Light armor
Weapons Proficiencies: Simple weapons
Tools Proficiencies: none
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Intimidation
Pact Magic: Can cast spells
Otherworldly Patron: Archfey
- Fey Presence: As an action, you can cause each creature in a 10-foot cube originating from you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. The creatures that fail their saving throws are all charmed or frightened by you (your choice) until the end of your next turn. 1/short or long rest.
- Expanded spell list: Choose from expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell.

SKILLS (Proficient in bold)
+3 (dex) Acrobatics
+0 (wis) Animal Handling
+1 (int) Arcana
-1 (str) Athletics
+5 (cha) Deception
+1 (int) History
+0 (wis) Insight
+5 (cha) Intimidation
+1 (int) Investigation
+0 (wis) Medicine
+1 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception
+3 (cha) Performance
+5 (cha) Persuasion
+1 (int) Religion
+3 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+5 (dex) Stealth
+0 (wis) Survival
Cantrips known:
. Dancing Lights (racial)
. Eldritch Blast
. Minor Illusion

Spells known:
. Charm Person
. Sleep

Spell slots: 1; level 1st; DC 13
leather armor

arcane focus: wand
thieves' tools
candle x15
mirror, steel
oil, flask x2
rations x10
signet ring

5 gp
4 sp
5 cp
[/sblock][sblock=Appearance & bio]
[sblock]This, but paler.
Nymiir X'ssynethu.jpg[/sblock]
Like most of his kin, Niimyr has a slender and graceful physique and his flawless face is hauntingly beautiful. Apart from four long braids, his white hair is clipped short, revealing his pointed ears and giving the dark elf a distinct appearance.
Nymiir usually dresses in black and silver hues, highlighting his complexion and the silvery gleam in his hair. The smile on his face has been described as devilishly alluring or insanely scary, depending on the onlooker and the situation.

Personality Traits: Lies and flattery are my preferred tricks for getting what I want. I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong.
Ideal: Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. Down with the drow matriarchy!
Bond: A powerful fey creature holds my fate in its hands, granting me power but surely asking a steep price eventually.
Flaw: I'm convinced that no one could ever fool me the way I fool others. Also, I have an irrational fear of rats and butterflies.

Born into a typical drow noble family, Niimyr grew up in a ruthless, dangerous world of betrayal and murder. Being a mere male and thus never able to reach any truly important positions of power, the best way to achieve some influence was magic, and thus, like so many before him, Niimyr went to wizardry academy.

But he enjoyed the prestige of his heritage and being an aspiring mage too much. Many were the days that Niimyr got away with minor offenses in the local taverns or bragged to a group of commonborn friends about his prowess on the fields of magic, dueling and romance, while avoiding any hard work. For quite a while, his family and teacher indulged him, until eventually a miscast spell cost two fellow students their life; students who came from a noble family with far more power and influence.

Niimyr was thrown out of the academy, the thieving and fencing venture he had started in school and had been tolerated thus far was forcefully disbanded, many of its common members incarcerated. But worse, Niimyr would have to face his tyranical mother for being a failure, reflecting poorly on the family and causing embarressment and diplomatic disaster; in contrast, his brother Dynan excelled as an apprentice wizard!

Staying would certainly mean the death of Niimyr, so the roguish young drow fled the city with two friends. Into the dangerous underground world they went, at first seeking a path to another drow city but eventually getting lost and hoping just to find any sort of civilisation.

Perhaps they passed a circle of ancient monoliths, or unknowingly stepped through a portal created by subterranean fungi once every full moon; how they ended up in the Feywild, none of them knew, but nonetheless they found themselves in a place where colors were painfully brighter, darkness was infinitely deeper, and creatures were strange and very deadly. And a haunting melody followed their steps for days.

It was only when one of his companions was ripped apart, exploding in a bloody mess of various body parts across the cavern, that they noticed they were followed by... something. A smiling, horned figure with hooves for feet, his hands bloody and his eyes feral, looked upon the dark elves as if watching ants dance in circles.

Hyrsam the Savage, Prince of Fools, had come.

Instead of killing them, Hyrsam led the drow to a place where his followers were feasting, dancing and making merry music. Confused, Niimyr and his companion followed their instructions, eager to avert being murdered by the powerful fey. They ate, they drank, they danced, they sung, and somewhere along the line, they started dreaming, for there was no other way they could explain the memories. They dreamed of blood, screams, sex, pain; killing, loving, drinking, laughing, hurting, and killing.

When Niimyr woke up, his head hurt. He opened his eyes and found himself alone in a dark alley just outside his family's estate. He reeked of sweat and garbage, and his naked arms and torso were covered in blood red tattoos of odd vines and creatures never seen before. Under his head, he found a curious book, elegant and with a small flower on the cover whose petals seemed to move and change color as if triggered by some event or atmosphere. Inside, pages upon pages with mystical markings, indecipherable but seeming to make words or images when looking past them.

And most significantly, Niimyr discovered he had magical power at his fingertips, without having to study any dusty tomes. A familiar melody resounded in his head, with the echo of Hyrsam's laughter, quickly followed by a soft little laugh from the young dark elf.

With his newfound power, Niimyr would rebuild his criminal organization, bigger and more importantly, with him too far away for any drow to find. He had heard about the naive and helpless peoples on the surface world, whose riches were invaluable down here.

If only he could find an excuse to lure his wizard brother into his plan....
[/sblock][sblock=spells cast]
Spell slots: 1 (level 1st)
Slots used since last short/long rest: 0
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Name: Ka'Lysh "Harb" Lorreak
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Paladin
Background: Soldier
Alignment: NG
Experience: 0

Appearance -
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light brown
Hieght: 5'6"
Weight: 180lbs

Thin and muscular Harbs face looks more like someone who forgot to shave for a week than one that has grown a beard. His blue eyes show a troubled man who has seen the horrors of war and his expression is most often plain but when he does show emotion he seems to do so with his whole body. His left cheek is slightly larger than the other, and his left eye stays slightly more closed, the reminder of an injury he suffered in battle that didn't properly heal.

Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 13 (+1)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

AC: 18
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30
HP: 12
Hit Dice: 1d10
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Strength: +2
Dexterity: +2
Constitution: +2
Intelligence: +1
*Wisdom: +3
*Charisma: +5

Acrobatics (DEX) +2
Animal Handling (WIS) +1
Arcana (INT) +1
*Athletics (STR) +4
Deception (CHA) +5
History (INT) +1
*Insight (WIS) +3
*Intimidation (CHA) +5
Investigation (INT) +1
*Medicine (WIS) +3
Nature (INT) +1
*Perception (WIS) +5
Performance (CHA) +3
Persuasion (CHA) +3
*Religion (INT) +3
Sleight of Hand (DEX) +2
Stealth (DEX) +2
Survival (WIS) +1
Passive Perception: +3

Languages: Common, Elf, Dwarf
Armor: All
Weapons: All
Tools: Vehicles (Land), Playing Cards


Race: Half Elf
Darkvision: Thanks to your elf blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim Conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in Darkness, only shades of gray.

Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Background: Soldier
Feature: Rank
[sblock] You have a military rank from your career as a soldier. Soldiers loyal to your former military organization still recognize your authority and influence, and they defer to you if they are of a lower rank. You can invoke your rank to exert influence over other soldiers and requisition simple equipment or horses for temporary use. You can also usually gain access to friendly military encampments and fortresses where your rank is recognized. [/sblock]
Class: Paladin
Divine Sense
The presence of strong evil registers on your senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly music in your ears. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such forces. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or Undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity
You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. When you finish a Long Rest, you regain all expended uses.
Lay on Hands
Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of Healing power that replenishes when you take a Long Rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to your paladin level x 5.
As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.
Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit points from your pool of Healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple Diseases and neutralize multiple Poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for each one.

Long Sword
OOC: Attack[roll] 1d20+4 [/roll] Damage [roll] 1d8+2 [/roll]

Shield (AC +2)
Javelin (x5)
Chain Mail (AC 16)
Holy Symbol
An insignia of rank
Section of unit banner he headed (The one that they were using when they were routed)
Deck of cards
Common clothes
Explorers pack
Belt pouch containing 9 gp


Personality Traits: Haunted by memories of war, Moral, cares little for Nobility

Ideals: Do good and help those that need it and want to but can’t help themselves

Bonds: I’ll never forget the lessons learned in a terrible loss suffered

Flaws: Blindly trusted and carried out orders and hates himself for it. Now has a hard time not second guessing the motives of others.

A promising young captain in the Dukes army {name} was expected by superiors to raise quickly through the commoner’s ranks. One of 3 favorites for a promotion he was to lead a small force to a border town that was under attack. They arrived and were greatly outmatched. The unit routed and he lost most of his men. Wounded, laying there bleeding out as the enemy razed the village, unspeakable things done to women and children, old men put to the sword. He awoke in a church being tended to with the few other survivors.
He later heard rumors that command felt the village was of no importance and that it needed to be lost in order to have just cause for war with a neighbor in order that the Duke could take some valuable lands from a rival.
When he was well he was given removed from the army and his sacrifice was complete. He stayed at the church and prayed, studied, tried to forget his anger, his shame, to hide from his failure to save those people despite the odds. In his effort to hide he started going by the simple name "Harb".
One day screams came from outside the church. His new home was being attacked. It seems the war they had wanted had found him in his new home. He had not removed his sword from it’s scabbard since that crushing defeat, but he did then, he would not stand by while these people died pawns of some noble. And fight he did, and as he struck his enemies down his sword began to glow and the words of Pelor filled his mind as he protected the people.
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Dandin Applesbane
Lightfoot Halfling / 1st-level Bard / CN



Dandin grew up on the streets. He got caught stealing once. Once. After that he was far more careful and learned to rely more on his wits and his natural charisma. Eventually, he caught the eye of one of the local merchants who brought him in as an apprentice. Over the ensuing 5 years he learned much of the business world and more importantly, how to wheel and deal with the best of them. Eventually he earned enough to set himself up with a cart, a mule and a small load of supplies. Bidding his mentor goodbye he set off towards his destiny.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality Trait: Haggles tirelessly, Always trying to figure out what makes people tick.
Bond: The Bazaar where I learned my trade is the most important place in the world for me.
Ideal: In it for the freedom to do what he pleases, and make some coin on the side.
Flaw: I'm never satisfied with what I have. I always want more.

Gender: male
Age: 25 years
Height: 2' 10"
Weight: 38 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Str 8 (-1)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 14 (+2)

_: 4D6.HIGH(3) = [5, 3, 6, 1] = 14
4D6.HIGH(3) = [4, 5, 4, 5] = 14
4D6.HIGH(3) = [6, 3, 2, 3] = 12
4D6.HIGH(3) = [4, 1, 4, 5] = 13
4D6.HIGH(3) = [3, 4, 4, 6] = 14
4D6.HIGH(3) = [1, 4, 2, 2] = 8

HP 9
AC 14 (leather 11 + dex 3)
Prof Bonus +2
Init +3

Speed: 25 ft.

BACKGROUND: Guild Artisan(Merchant var.)
Skill Prof: Insight, Persuasion
Languages: (+2)
Feature: Guild Membership

RACE: Lightfoot Halfling
+2 Dex, +1 Cha
Speed 25 ft.
Lucky: Reroll 1's on Attack, Abil check, Save throws. Must keep second result.
Brave: Adv. on saves vs. frightened.
Halfling Nimbleness: Move through the space of any creature that is larger than self.
Languages: Common, Halfling
Naturally Stealthy: May attempt to hide even when obscured only by a creature that is at least 1 size cat. larger than self.

CLASS: Bard 1
Hit Dice: 1d8
Saves: Dex, Cha
Skills: (3)
Cantrips Known: (2)
Spells Known: (4)
Spell Slots: 1st (2)
Save DC: 12
Spell Attack Mod: +4
Ritual Casting
Focus (Musical Instrument)
Bardic Inspiration (1d6, 0/2 used)

Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Hand xbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords
Tools: Flute, Dulcimer, Lyre


Languages: Common, Halfling, Elvish, Dwarvish

Minor Illusion
Viscious Mockery
1st Level slots used
Comprehend Languages
Detect Magic
Faerie Fire

Rapier +5, 1d8+3(P), Finesse

EQUIPMENT ( 21.5/ 40 lbs comfortably carry / 120 lbs max carry)
Coinage: Gold (12), Silver (7), Copper (8)
(Starting Equipment as Class +Background)
Sling (60 bullets)
Leather Armor
Traveler's Clothes

Cart: (Mule pulled)
Set of fine clothes, Bottle of Ink, Ink pen, lamp, flask of oil (2), Sheets of paper(5), Case (map/scroll)(2), Vial of perfume, sealing wax, soap, Bedroll, Blanket (2)
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