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Pathfinder 1E Richard Pett's The Blight Kickstarter

Is on! Here The Lost Lands: The Blight - Richard Pett's Crooked City

Published by Frog God Games, who have a proven KS record, and for their Lost Lands campaign setting. However this horror urban campaign area and adventure path can be easily dropped in in any game.

For those who are Paizo fans Pett is a familiar name, The Skinsaw Murders is one example of his dark genius! He is a Paizo fan favourite 😀

The booki is, get this, nine hundred pages long! Maybe More! Not cheap but "The base price for a single volume of The Blight for either rules-version in this Kickstarter is $135. Yes it's steep, but at an estimated 900 pages of campaign and adventure, including a full-adventure path and campaign materials equaling over 550,000 words, it's the equivalent of more than 3 Paizo adventure paths of material for less than the price of 1 -- along with the addition of the pdf for free"

Check it out if dark urban horror is your thing

Edit: oh available in Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry, not 5E this time sadly :(

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To whet your appetite here is part of the write up on the KS:

"It’s Clark Ashton Smith and China Miéville, Lovecraft and Dickens, Shelley and Carroll all in a festering brew of toil, tears, and injustice just screaming for heroes to clean up the streets (more likely to die—or worse—trying) or anti-heroes to clean up the streets (or at least a little corner in which to set up their own rackets). The Blight is a city that never sleeps but is never fully awake, living in the shadow of its own dark dream. An insane royalty, a corrupt judiciary, a decadent aristocracy, and a half-living proletariat all jumbled together amid a thousand thousand monsters…some of them not even of the human variety. The Blight is the canker sore on the western coast of Akados that the Kingdoms of Foere try to ignore but can never forget, refuse to directly address but always have to keep a wary eye on anyway. The Blight is the Lost Lands at its darkest and dirtiest for when your players want to get out of the wilds for a little R&R in “civilized” surroundings and make the mistake of thinking that they can do that in the Frog God Games setting. They’ll be happy to even make it back to Rappan Athuk alive… "

rich pett

First Post
We need Lord Flashheart along, especially with his handy canoe in his pocket - huzzah!

Thanks for your support you lovely folks, please shout and scream it from the rooftops in preparation...



I know that this was planned before the Borderlands kickstarter, but it still hurts just a bit not to see a 5E option. I wish they would have at least waited until they had the BackerKit info for Borderlands to see if a 5E option might be viable (even if it would be delayed after the others). It doubly hurts because this is more of the style of product that they are known for than a straight setting book, but they decided to use a setting book to determine their future 5E support. I'm just grumbling because I would like to back this and have it on my shelf. I really like the idea of the Lost Lands and the various components being built up for it and available. I just want it in the game format I prefer (which is admittedly selfish). Hopefully this will do well enough where they will consider a 5E version down the road.

Again, all that said, I know this was planned and they even mentioned it during the Borderlands kickstarter. I just had irrational hope that they might change their minds.

The product looks great though (and this is from someone with no history with Richard Pett or the Styes). I hope the kickstarter exceeds every expectation.

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