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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
GM: Posted on behalf of Respen, as per our Facebook Messenger conversation:

~ Stepping into the unknown, swimming way past the buoys. Ah well. To live? To die? To live. ~

Respen swoons, dizzy at Dame Clare’s bite. His heart races. Although the blood loss is minimal, he is nevertheless relieved when she restores his health. He still tastes a trickle of blood in his mouth, salty and unsettling. Her advances are completely unfamiliar. Aesthetics aside, Respen finally realizes that his curiosity has landed in a twisted sort of pickle juice, and for a moment, his eyes betray him. Fear. An emotion nearly foreign to him, the unfortunate side effect of his impetuous, even pathological curiosity. In his eyes, for a moment, she can see genuine fear and uncertainty for the first time.

And surprise. She sees genuine, confused surprise. Dame Clare’s turning of his words catches him wholly off-guard. Has she misunderstood him, or is she testing his resolve? Coming back to his senses, he replies to her, “So now you wish to bind me, and call it loyalty? That is simply trading domination for slavery? Your Grace, with all due respect, deities don’t demand that kind of fealty, reasonable ones anyway. And though you are akin to Eilistraee-extraordinary and captivating, and a little attractively broken (with due respect to your sister), you are not a deity. Yet. ”

He shakes his head and pauses briefly, contemplating ways out of this that will not involve permanent regret or death. He smiles for a moment, still curious about what happens next, despite now palpably fearful. He looks at her, shakes off his fear, and continues sharply, quickly such that his fear doesn’t show. He take control of the conversation, steering it the way he would want Dame Clare to intend it, not necessarily what she wants. He feels as if there is no return now; if he is to die or give his soul away, he will surrender neither his curiosity nor sense of adventure.

“Fine, you could end me. Does it make you feel more at ease hearing me say it out loud? You want to see what I am made of? How far I will go? You want to see if I mean what I say? Right then. ” He places his hand on the orb, and the other atop it, and looks at Dame Clare, as if waiting for her hands in kind. For a fleeting moment, he contemplates grabbing the orb and running for his life, and immediately thinks better of it. He chuckles mischievously in spite of himself.

“Your Grace, you should place your hands here. On top, of course.” His sense of humor being all that’s left to propel him, he tries to inject a little into his current situation. He remains stubbornly resolved. He thinks for several moments before speaking in the elven tongue in his native dialect.

An oath to Dame Clare:

I will bring no harm to your named family in priority: Nelvandra and child, and then Ky, and then you, in that order.

I pledge to always tell the truth to you unless doing so places Nel or child, Ky, or you yourself, innocents, or allies at risk or compromises my integrity.

I pledge that I will freely speak truth to your power…to counsel you honestly…and to use my best judgment in both respects.

I pledge to assist you where the merits say I should, and to offer truthful reasons where they do not.

I pledge to always give you the opportunity to change my mind by reason and kindness.

I pledge fealty in exact manner and proportion to that which you pledge to me, insomuch as either of us have it within our power.

I pledge to not abuse that fealty by placing you in the middle of situations of my making.

I pledge to ask for your help when I need it, which you are free to give or not give, as long as you pledge the same in kind.

I pledge to save you from yourself by balancing your rules and cravings with balance and creativity."

Respen pauses a moment and continues:

"...As long as you do not upset the balance, and you allow me my personal freedom, you need not to force me to your will. I’ll help you where the merits say I should, and I will listen to you before I speak.”

After waiting a moment, he discards the dramatically noble moment with more humor, rather tickled that the pledges sound like human wedding vows. ~ How quaint. ~ “Now, since we appear to be wed, shall I assume we are wed? Does that create a problem for you and Nel? I hope not, as treacherous as you say she can be. I shall be nervous returning to her. ”

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Respen Swears Fealty To Dame Clare!

Respen said:
"...Fine, you could end me. Does it make you feel more at ease hearing me say it out loud?"

Clare giggles with glee, "Not at all my dear. I'm not trying to humiliate you, and I don't want you to feel as if you have to grovel. We're friends now, you and I. Now it's time we got to know each other. This oath will be the foundation upon which we build further."

Respen said:
"...Your Grace, you should place your hands here. On top, of course."

Dame Clare smiles, and says, "You're the one swearing the oath, my dear."

Respen said:
"...I will bring no harm to your named family in priority: Nelvandra and child, and then Ky, and then you, in that order."

Dame Clare chuckles at Respen, "The order does not matter; as far as The Orb is concerned, you have sworn never to harm any of us. You cannot pick and choose when you will keep a vow. You have sworn to do no harm, to Nel, nor to her children, nor to Ky, nor to me. I am impressed. In return, I hereby vow that I shall never physically harm you, nor those you truly love."

The Orb flashes, and red lightning bolts spew forth from it, striking both Clare and Respen. "DO NO HARM," the cryptic voice of The Orb echoes throughout the chamber.

Respen said:
"...I pledge to always tell the truth to you unless doing so places Nel or child, Ky, or you yourself, innocents, or allies at risk or compromises my integrity."

Dame Clare says, "When you swear by The Orb, you abide by its laws, not your own, legalistic maneuverings; you have sworn to always tell me the truth, and to always be truthful to Nel and Ky also. I commend you for that. Telling the truth NEVER compromises one's integrity. And telling lies is always riskier than being honest. Still, your loyalty to your comrades is admirable. Therefore, I hereby vow to always speak truthfully, both to you, and to your friends."

The Orb flashes, and red lightning bolts spew forth from it, striking both Clare and Respen. "TRUTH IN ALL THINGS," the cryptic voice of The Orb echoes once more.

Respen said:
"...I pledge that I will freely speak truth to your power…to counsel you honestly…and to use my best judgment in both respects."

Dame Clare replies, "The part about truth-telling is redundant. But offering to counsel me honestly is very gracious of you. Therefore, I hereby vow to give you counsel as well, in earnest, whenever you ask it of me."

The Orb flashes, and red lightning bolts spew forth from it, striking both Clare and Respen. "MUTUAL ADVICE AND COUNSEL," the cryptic voice of The Orb echoes once more.

Respen said:
"...I pledge to assist you where the merits say I should, and to offer truthful reasons where they do not."

Dame Clare chuckles, "The Merits? Who are they? What you mean is your own conscience. And I cannot fault you for that. But at least have the courage to say it. You pledge to assist me as long as you can do so with a clear conscience, and without moral ambiguity. Is this your pledge? If it is, say, 'YES, THIS IS MY SOLEMN PLEDGE.' Otherwise remain silent on this matter."

GM: I'm gonna go with my gut, and answer for you, to speed things along.

Respen remains silent.

GM: If you would actually like to make that pledge, instead of remaining silent, let me know, and I will correct this post.

Respen said:
"...I pledge to always give you the opportunity to change my mind by reason and kindness."

Dame Clare smiles wickedly at Respen, and says, "How sweet of you. But that is not a vow. I have that opportunity anyway."

Respen said:
"...I pledge fealty in exact manner and proportion to that which you pledge to me, insomuch as either of us have it within our power."

Dame Clare gasps in surprise, and blinks with disbelief; a wicked grin spreads across her face, as she gleefully replies, "Oh my goodness, you are so generous, my dear. Very well. I accept your pledge of fealty. And I pledge here and now, by the words of my lips, and the true desire of my heart, to become your mentor in the Ways of the Mystic Web, accepting all duties and responsibilities that this station entails; by your own words, you have agreed to reciprocate in kind, and I now accept you as my apprentice. Know now that this bond, between teacher and student, is sacred, and supersedes any other oath, with the sole exception of the Oath of Matrimony."

The orb flashes, and red lightning bolts spew forth from it, striking both Clare and Respen. "MASTER AND APPRENTICE, NOW AND FOREVERMORE!" the cryptic voice of the orb echoes once more, more loudly than all previous times.

Respen said:
"...I pledge to not abuse that fealty by placing you in the middle of situations of my making. ...I pledge to ask for your help when I need it, which you are free to give or not give, as long as you pledge the same in kind. ...I pledge to save you from yourself by balancing your rules and cravings with balance and creativity "

Dame Clare cackles gleefully, "Now you're babbling my dear. These pledges are meaningless, in the face of what has gone before."

Respen said:
"......As long as you do not upset the balance, and you allow me my personal freedom, you need not to force me to your will. I’ll help you where the merits say I should, and I will listen to you before I speak."

Dame Clare is now rolling with laughter, "Balance? What are you, a Modron? Personal freedom? Merits? Ha ha ha, get ready, my dear. I am going to give you what you deserve: DISCIPLINE. And as my apprentice, you would do well, indeed, to listen to me before you speak. It will keep you out of trouble."

Dame Clare waves her hand over The Orb, and utters a command word in an unknown tongue. "Ith, bethra, nom!"

This time, BLUE lightning erupts from The Orb, striking both Clare and Respen. The Orb's voice booms at both of them: "These things you swear to each other! DO NO HARM! TRUTH IN ALL THINGS! MUTUAL ADVICE AND COUNSEL! MASTER AND APPRENTICE! Be both of thee now bound, each by their very soul, to the completion of this bond!"

Wisps of blue energy leave Respen's body, while wisps of red energy leave Clare's; both shudder involuntarily as The Orb consumes the energy!

Dame Clare has spent 2,500 xp. pts.
Respen has spent 2,500 xp pts.

RESPEN: If this would cause you to lose a level, then do not adjust your xp; instead, you will have a -2,500 point deficit at the next xp award session.

Respen said:
"...Now, since we appear to be wed, shall I assume we are wed? Does that create a problem for you and Nel? I hope not, as treacherous as you say she can be. I shall be nervous returning to her."

Dame Clare smiles at Respen, and says, "We are bound as teacher and student, not man and wife. Still, you are correct about how jealous Nel can be..."

Dame Clare waves her hand, and continues: "I wish that all scars were gone from sweet Respen's body."

Dame Clare has cast Wish.
Dame Clare has spent 5,000 xp. pts.

Respen, you feel the scars from Clare's bite, as well as those from her whip, leave your body. The scars you got in your youth from various mishaps disappear as well. Your flesh is now perfect, and unbroken.

Side Effect: Respen's Charisma score increases permanently by 2 pts. This is counted as an Advancement Bonus, rather than enhancement, because it was an unintended side effect.

Dame Clare whistles, "Wow, you clean up pretty well. You're quite handsome now, without the scars."

RESPEN: You are now pledged as Dame Clare's apprentice! What do you do?
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Aust Thale

Respen's Curiosity, Regret, and Exhultation

~ The path is as it is. I shall walk it. I wonder what Dame Clare wants of me that she would put me, a stranger, in such a position? ~

"Your Grace, I wish to take a moment and check on Nelvandra. Truthfully, I need a moment. I came to you to ask questions and submit myself willingly to help you.
I didn't expect that you would apprentice me. It is an honor to be sure, but I am perplexed. I have bedded your sister, you have taken my blood, and you have apprenticed me.
I sense that you wish me to do something for you. Surely you don't simply want me as an errand boy?

Respen is rejuvenated from Dame Clare's powerful spell. It isn't until Respen is back in Nel's quarters later, looking in her mirror, does he fully comprehend the spell Dame Clare cast to heal him. He had witnessed his uncle Auror cast less powerful magic, but there were limitations to it. And Auror had expressly not left more than a simple spellbook or two in Respen's care, as both the quantity and complexity of some of the spellbooks made them dangerous in Respen's hands. Respen winced. Hopefully Auror, if he could somehow see Respen now in Auror's afterlife, he wouldn't think less of him for Respen's handling of this encounter. Laramon too, though he had barely met him. With Auror's letter, Laramon had opened his library to him, agreed to apprentice him in lieu of Delbin Archanus, and help supply him and his mates. His mates! Where did they go? He hoped beyond hope they were safe, or if not safe, safely adventuring away from these machinations.

Ham-handed. Naïve. Presumptuous. Respen simultaneously felt all three. Dame Clare had twisted his words, and she clearly had a better plan for keeping him than he had for getting away. She had literally beaten him, dominated and mesmerized his mind, forced him physically to share himself with another, and forced her to do the same. Now he was her apprentice. He genuinely hoped that she might be of or similar to the Dark Maiden, Eilistraee, from the tales of the dark elves that Auror had Respen research as "elective study" during his studies in Auror's library.

Dame Clare's library. The promise of exotic magical research, discovering more about these "true vampires", and digging into darker corners of spellcasting. Respen rationalized those, less as good reasons, but definitely acceptable tradeoffs of being Dame Clare's apprentice. He would own the opportunity. Perhaps Laramon and Delbin would understand; perhaps they wouldn't; Respen hoped they would.

This arrangement would also allow Respen to look after Nelvandra without being unnecessarily dominated to do so, and perhaps Ky as well. With the risks Dame Clare was taking with Margull, if what she said about true vampires and...regular vampires, he didn't want Nel, Ky, or himself to be in the way. And without Dame Clare's protection, he would likely be their best chance. He had not meant to create the hazard. He had to own that also. Were it not for Respen, Dame Clare would not be chasing these books, nor putting their lives in danger. Respen winced again, and let the moment pass. Not the wisest choices, but choices nonetheless. He would march on.

And he would keep working on Dame Clare. Perhaps he could soften her over time, or at least get her to abandon this Margull thing.
But this whole 'discipline' thing Dame Clare mentioned? He smiled.

~ Yeah, right. Good luck with that, your Grace. ~

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
A note on NPC names: Clare's sister started out as "Nelvranda," but I have noticed that I have somehow been spelling it incorrectly, typing "Nelvandra" instead; I think because, on an instinctual level, Nelvandra is easier to say. Therefore, I am ruling that Nel's name is now OFFICIALLY "Nelvandra," from this point forward. I am not going to bother going back to previous posts and making the change. But I am leaving this note here, to establish a written record of my decision.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Clare's Grim Reminder

Respen said:
"...It is an honor to be sure, but I am perplexed. [...] I sense that you wish me to do something for you. Surely you don't simply want me as an errand boy?"

Dame Clare says, "You are too concerned with prestige, and position, my dear. Let me put your mind at ease. You have access to knowledge that I need. And hopefully, through this process of getting to know one another, I have persuaded you to make use of that access, on my behalf, and to provide me with that knowledge. You will find that I am not ungrateful. Despite what you think about my morals, motives, and methods, I am not a fiend, and I am not bent on causing you harm or grief. In fact, I would think that my counter-oaths should have demonstrated that quite clearly. I'm willing to give, in return for what I receive from you. But I am also slow to trust, hence, my use of The Orb for the swearing of your oath. Oaths sworn on The Orb carry dire consequences for those who break them, even if that person is The Orb's owner. The Orb of Errinder is the ultimate expression of Law Through Knowledge, and of Knowledge Through Law. Ask Delbin Arcanus about it when next you see him."

Respen said:
Were it not for Respen, Dame Clare would not be chasing these books, nor putting their lives in danger. Respen winced again, and let the moment pass.

Dame Clare says, "Feeling a bit overwhelmed and lost are we? Don't worry---although it is well within my capabilities---I am not reading your mind. I don't need to, in order to know that you blame your own recklessness for your current situation. But you should take comfort in this fact: When I first became aware that the circles were being tampered with, my first thought was to simply hunt down the trespassers and feast upon their lifeblood. But you captured my curiosity, and charmed me with your naivete', and impressed me with your abilities and connections; in essence my dear, you saved all of your friends' lives. You would do well to remember that. Without you, they'd be just another group of dead adventurers who poked around where they shouldn't have. You getting separated from your friends was the best thing that could have happened to them."

Aust Thale

Dame Clare says, "You are too concerned with prestige, and position, my dear. Let me put your mind at ease. You have access to knowledge that I need. And hopefully, through this process of getting to know one another, I have persuaded you to make use of that access, on my behalf, and to provide me with that knowledge. You will find that I am not ungrateful. Despite what you think about my morals, motives, and methods, I am not a fiend, and I am not bent on causing you harm or grief. In fact, I would think that my counter-oaths should have demonstrated that quite clearly. I'm willing to give, in return for what I receive from you. But I am also slow to trust, hence, my use of The Orb for the swearing of your oath. Oaths sworn on The Orb carry dire consequences for those who break them, even if that person is The Orb's owner. The Orb of Errinder is the ultimate expression of Law Through Knowledge, and of Knowledge Through Law. Ask Delbin Arcanus about it when next you see him."

Dame Clare says, "Feeling a bit overwhelmed and lost are we? Don't worry---although it is well within my capabilities---I am not reading your mind. I don't need to, in order to know that you blame your own recklessness for your current situation. But you should take comfort in this fact: When I first became aware that the circles were being tampered with, my first thought was to simply hunt down the trespassers and feast upon their lifeblood. But you captured my curiosity, and charmed me with your naivete', and impressed me with your abilities and connections; in essence my dear, you saved all of your friends' lives. You would do well to remember that. Without you, they'd be just another group of dead adventurers who poked around where they shouldn't have. You getting separated from your friends was the best thing that could have happened to them."

"Good enough, your Grace. I appreciate your candor, not to mention not simply killing me. I prefer to be the hunter, not the hunted."

Respen collects his wits about him, and continues, "I have a few various additional questions, and before I retire, I'd like to ask you. A few are mundane; the others, less so."
" Would you object to my researching in your library? I'm a bit of bookworm, despite my hunting background. And your library is...well, you could leave me here for days, and I wouldn't come up for air."
" Do you happen to have a tailor? I'd like (and can pay) for new clothes, perhaps something in a deep blue hue, and some oil for my leather."
" Do you have a spell that allows a person to magically copy a regular book whole-cloth? If you do, could I impose upon you to allow me several scrolls of it?"
" Nel is not going to be happy if she realizes that I am not the person you and Ky told her I was. I would rather not wake up with my throat slit, especially since I promised not to harm you."
" She needs a disguise if she is travelling with me, and I need her to accept the disguise without stubborn resistance. Can you have Ky gently remind Nel that is a good idea? "

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Clare Flaunts Her Power!

Respen said:
"... Would you object to my researching in your library?"

Dame Clare smiles, and says, "Not at all, my dear, but let's worry about that later. There are other matters that will soon require your undivided attention."

Respen said:
"...Do you happen to have a tailor? I'd like (and can pay) for new clothes, perhaps something in a deep blue hue, and some oil for my leather."

Dame Clare says, "Watch, and learn, sweetheart." Clare waves her hand, in the same manner as you saw her do when she brought you here... she is opening a portal!

Dame Clare has cast the Gate spell.
Dame Clare has spent 1,000 xp.

As the portal begins to form, Dame Clare calls out, seemingly to the air itself, saying, "Djinni, one of noble birth."

The portal snaps open, and there is a whoosh of air, and a massive, 10'2" tall, well-dressed, human-like being, appears next to where the portal formed. As soon as his feet touch the ground, the portal snaps shut.

The man is bald, with a long, red beard, and is dressed in fine silks, and leather slippers. He carries a massive Large-sized Greatsword slung onto his back with a leather strap. His eyes are a fascinating shade of violet, and glow brightly with ire, as he realizes what has transpired.

Dame Clare says, "I desire an immediate service, which shall be easy for you to accomplish. I want you to grant three wishes to my apprentice, which he must use within the next two and a half minutes, with the further stipulation that the first wish must be used to acquire a new wardrobe for himself. I regret having to summon you in this manner, but I am attempting to be expedient about the matter, Prince....?"

"Alorum of House Gelvar," the Djinni answers. "And you can only be Clare of the Dark Hand, of House Delzeen. I warn you now, Drow Witch, if you compel me to perform an evil deed, there will not be any place that you will be able to hide from my wrath, once my servitude has ended."

Dame Clare smiles wickedly at Prince Alorum, and taunts him, "Do you really think you have the power to face me?"

Alorum snorts in derision, "I am a Prince of the Emerald Realm. My wrath carries the weight of an army behind it, along with the power of my father, and his court. Not even one so great as you could stand against all of that."

Dame Clare chuckles, and says, "Ooooh, I like it when a man knows how to make a proper threat. It's very alluring. You are indeed nobody's fool, sweet prince. But don't worry, my apprentice is concerned with mundane matters, materialism and the like. He's a bit reckless and impulsive, perhaps even a little greedy, but he's not evil."

Dame Clare turns to Respen and commands him, "Your first wish should be something along the lines of, 'I wish for a highly fashionable, well-fitted, masterwork quality, luxurious wardrobe, appropriate for day-to-day wear in the Royal Court of Celene.' You may use the other two wishes to acquire any other items you might require for your trip, but be quick about it, for my control over the prince here is brief, and prolonged maintenance of the spell will cause me to become financially indebted to him."

RESPEN: The Ball's In Your Court! What Do You Do?
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Aust Thale

Respen's Recompense, A Faustian Bargain Indeed

~ Wish for the world, and it will be all you ever wish for ever again. ~

Something that this Uncle Auror said, when Respen asked him about 'wish' spells and djinns. Auror wouldn't discuss them at length. It was way beyond what Respen's capabilities were, but Respen had pressed the issue once, and Auror had made that statement forcefully, and Respen backed down. The meaning was philosophically clear then, but physically clear now. Those with the ability to grant wishes, especially under the kind of coercion that Dame Clare was accustomed to, would routinely offer nasty answers to both vague as well as dangerous wishes. For some, it was poetic justice; for others, it was arcane comedy. Either way, their twisted sense of humor provided much of Oerth protection, or at least a bandage, from wayward would-be gods, tyrants, and generals, whether intended or otherwise.

And now, Respen was faced with the same, as well as a uncomfortably short period of time to make his choices. He saw the smile on Dame Clare's face, the apprehensive coerced consternation on the djinn's.

"You will keep your oaths, Prince Alorum. Nothing I ask will compromise you. Thank you."

"Wish Number One: I wish for the magic item commonly known as a Portable Hole."
"Wish Number Two: I with for my staff, a magic staff, to be imbued with the additional magical ability that allows it to change from a magical staff to a magical longbow at my command at any time I choose."

"My last wish is unique, but it should not be outside your ability, nor should you have a qualm with it."

Respen thinks carefully, as much for himself as he does for the wish. His memories of Auror Taerwynel are complicated, deep, and layered. Given his new arcane apprenticeship, and the time between his first one with Auror, and this one, and especially in light of his reservations about Dame Clare, he contemplates his relationship with Auror. Respect. Frustration. Mild fear. Those closest to Auror included Respen's mother Caeryn, cousin Architael, Respen himself, and Tavon Bogd, Auror's major domo. Tavon was a regal and sanctimonious, but loyal elf entrusted with Auror's private tower. Most of Respen's clan moved around among encampments that had existed so long as to have stone structures in the larger ones. Auror maintained a tower at the farthest southwestern edge of their lands, in proximity to mountains and the southern plains that had the largest herds of dire boar. Auror travelled with the clan as they moved with the singularities. Tavon Bogd remained at the tower, watching over Auror's things. Tavon had not an arcane bone in his body. He was a druid and healer. And something of a knowledge guy. It was with Tavon that Auror could discern who really showed arcane promise, and who might fare better as an elven priest or scout.

After Auror's passing, it was Tavon who had managed his personal effects, library, and laboratory. Architael spent time there, certainly. However, it was in the care of Tavon. And all of Auror's effects were probably put away, in the same place, and exactly as he left them. Hopefully. It might even take years for Tavon to realize the smaller wardrobe wasn't there. And even longer to realize it was Respen had it. Ah well. A problem for another day. In the meantime....

"Dame Clare, about the wardrobe; I did not realize when I asked you about clothes that this was a possibility. So if you have no objections, your Grace, I shall amend that wish."

He turns back to Prince Alorum the Djinn, and continues, "Wish Number Three: I wish for the contents of the travel wardrobe of Auror Taerwynel of the Enllaves in Western Oerth, if indeed any contents still exist there."

"Your Grace, I think my previous mentor's effects might be a better intersection of your taste and mine. Regal enough, but functional. Plains elves aren't a particularly fashionable lot. Utility is more our preference. That said, I think we 'clean up' rather well. Thank you, Prince Alorum. One day, perhaps we shall meet again under less, commercial circumstances. I would most enjoy your royal acquaintance. Until then, then. Thank you for your provisions. Good day."

Respen smiles innocently and expectantly at Dame Clare and Prince Alorum, his hands behind his back, rocking gently back and forth from heel to toe.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Respen's Wishes, Granted By Prince Alorum!

Respen said:
"...You will keep your oaths, Prince Alorum. Nothing I ask will compromise you. Thank you. [...] Wish Number One: I wish for the magic item commonly known as a Portable Hole."

Prince Alorum is surprised at the utilitarian nature of the wish. He smiles, as he nods his head. "Done."

A Portable Hole appears at Respen's feet. It looks like a crumpled piece of black cloth.

Respen said:
"...Wish Number Two: I wish for my staff, a magic staff, to be imbued with the additional magical ability that allows it to change from a magical staff to a magical longbow at my command at any time I choose."

Prince Alorum says, "Easily done, lad. It's a pleasure to grant wishes that are practical in nature, rather than greedy ones."

Respen, before this point, your staff was a normal (non-magical, Masterwork) Quarterstaff, which had been enchanted to provide always-active spell effects.

It is now a +1 Quarterstaff while in staff form. It continues to provide its previous enchantments.

Upon speaking a command word (as a swift action) the staff can change its shape, to become a +2 Composite Longbow, set for whatever Strength score its wielder currently possesses. While the bow is held, it continues to provide its normal, always-active spell effects.

Upon speaking an additional command word (as a swift action) the bow can revert back to staff form.

Please note that if the command words cannot be spoken (if the wielder is in a zone of Silence, or underwater, or in some similar environment that prevents speech) then the staff cannot be made to change form.

Respen said:
"...Wish Number Three: I wish for the contents of the travel wardrobe of Auror Taerwynel of the Enllaves in Western Oerth, if indeed any contents still exist there."

Prince Alorum says, "For this wish, I shall require something of you; it need not be valuable or unique. I require something of yours, anything, which has sentimental value to you, and can readily be identified as belonging to you."

As per our LINE app discussion, Respen agrees, and provides Prince Alorum with his favorite, well-worn, yet well-kept, travelling cloak.

The cloak disappears, as Prince Alorum snaps his fingers. Simultaneously, a pile of clothes suddenly appears at Respen's feet, next to (not in) the crumpled Portable Hole.


Contents of the clothing pile:

Belt of Battle
Monocle of Perusal
Gloves of Storing
Black Regal Vestments (mundane) with red trim, fine leather boots.

As Respen tries on the clothes, Dame Clare whistles appreciatively.

Dame Clare taunts, "My, my, your uncle was a fancy dresser, indeed. And he also had a penchant for quality enchantments."

Respen said:
"...Thank you, Prince Alorum. One day, perhaps we shall meet again under less, commercial circumstances. I would most enjoy your royal acquaintance. Until then, then. Thank you for your provisions. Good day."

Without further conversation, Prince Alorum simply smiles, and nods at Respen. He disappears suddenly, as if he were never there to begin with. No flash, no poof, no clap of thunder. He is simply gone.

Dame Clare says, "Most excellent. It looks like you're now well-equipped for your journey. That's good. I can't have my apprentice running around, embarrassing me by looking foppish. Return to Nelvandra, and tell her to prepare. I shall teleport you both within the hour. If you desire further coupling, you'd best be quick about it. You have obligations to fulfill."

Respen: You're a wealthy, well-dressed Wizard now! What do you do?
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Aust Thale

On the road again...just can't wait to be on the road again...

~ Membership seems to have privileges...I certainly hope so. ~

Respen's demeanor with the djinn prince is wholly dignified and unpretentious, and before the djinn disappears, he makes mental note to address the prince properly whence he might see him again.
Afterwards, Respen gathers the items transported to Dame Clare's study, as well as the portable hole. His fear gives way to wonder and not the least bit of amazement. Not a month ago, he was travelling in an old threadbare cloak with barely anything to eat and drink. Now he will be comfortably dressed in familiar clothes with an impressive array of magic items and options.

He nods at Dame Clare at her suggestion that he make preparations, "As you wish, your Grace."

He takes his leave, and returns to Nelvandra's room. As he enters, he quietly places the clothes out in a chair near his gear, and the magic items among his others. He examines magical bow-staff, and then lays it down again. He re-packs his backpack, placing assorted survival and adventuring equipment that would fit into one of his large canvas and leather sacks outside of it, tying off the top of it. He places the portable hole atop a table and stores the equipment bag inside along with a 2nd masterwork quarterstaff, his spellbook, changes of clothes, and his bedroll and rations. He tests the hole to see that he can indeed reach in and remove the contents should he require it. He then packs his backpack with four (4) cases of parchment paper and ink, his pipe and tobacco, and his silver Holy Symbol.

He tends to his previous leather belt, already fashioned for scroll tubes, potions, and alchemical substances, such that it can be worn above the Belt of Battle. He places the three vials of carrion juice on his bandolier as well. He cleans up the quiver taken from the red orcs in Skorane, inspecting the forty (40) arrows. And he gathers his cloak and hat of disguise and other magic items, placing the monocle of perusal and portable hole in his backpack, his spell component pouch in his belt, and his new gloves of storing on his hands.

Setting all on a table and chair in one corner of the room, satisfied with his newfound lack of encumbrance, he turns his attention to Nelvandra, as she wakes from her nap and becomes alert. For a moment, he contemplates taking her, "coupling" with her, as Dame Clare put it. He watches as she rises to greet him. He realizes that whatever dominating influence that Dame Clare had exercised over the two of them, it really hadn't taken much to convince him to go to Nelvandra. Nelvandra is extraordinarily, even preternaturally, comely. She is vulnerable. She has a sense of humor. That he wanted her was without question. However, it was not really her choice at this point. He continues his work with his gear, and he helps her with hers. He innocently flirts with her, and he remains as close as she allows him to remain. However, he stays on his best behavior. Of his own free will, he will not take a woman without her entire faculties, and he wouldn't presume his own free will on her. Selfish though he might be, and not the least bit greedy and even vain, he was a stickler for individual free will. If and when she freed herself from Dame Clare's conditioning, Respen hoped she would make peace with their relationship, short and sordid though it might be. He hoped that she would remain open to something with him, at least a friendship. If a child had indeed resulted from this union, he or she would be better served with both of them as parents.

Either way, they had a mission to complete. After he is dressed and ready, he returns to Dame Clare.
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