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[Recruitment, slots still open] Core D&D Survivor, Level 1-20

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Guilt Puppy

First Post
reapersaurus said:
If the challenges are primarily combats, than I'd offer to play my shield-bashing character, starting as a cleric, from level 1 and see how long I'd last.

Let me know if you want me to join.

You're more than welcome to play that character, provided he's built from PHB rules. Keep in mind that this isn't meant to be a smackdown exactly, and that I will make some encounters to test the party's weaknesses (although I'll cater to the party some as well... Rangers will get to use their favored enemy at times, for instance)... I hope for it to be more a competition in terms of clever gameplay than character creation, although character creation is certainly part of it. If you want to run the character in those conditions, then by all means go for it. (BTW, with your experience with smackdowns, and of course your storied wit, I'd also love to have you as a commentator... Let me know if you'd like to do that, if for whatever reason you choose not to play.)

Wippit: No to swapping out feats, mainly because I want to keep to the core rules as much as possible. If you want combat feats, maybe start out with a level or two of fighter?

Which reminds me, a couple of pre-emptive decisions:

- Despite the flat "by-level" system, you will still be rewarded XP. Each level will be enough to get you from half-way through your current level to half-way through your next level. This is to preserve the effect of multi-classing penalties, and to keep the effects of Item Creation feats cumulative. If multi-classing penalties may come up for them, alternates should include the order in which their class levels were taken, so that XP can be computed accordingly.

- For purposes of item creation (including feats, Craft skill, et cetera), you have one week before each challenge, including the first. Replacements will start with an appropriate number of weeks to their level (seven at seventh level, et cetera). Starting XP at first level is 500.

- Player characters are indeed free to attack other player characters, although due to the regular voting procedure this is highly unadvisable. It is probably not a viable strategy, and is only allowed to avoid confusion in ambiguous situations (ie one character getting caught in the radius of another's fireball)

Wippit: Consider yourself in. Everyone else, it's still dependent on posting character sheets (I'm cutting him slack because he was the first to respond, and because he's not in a position to submit one right away.)


Hey timothy - Ever seen Muppets? Could be two old men heckling from up in a box. *L*
I don't have time to join the game but I might be able to insert witty comments and insults occasionally. Especially if the PCs can hear them and be annoyed at that damned voice from above.. hehe.


First Post
Gregor, male half-orc druid

Gregor, male half-orc druid: HD 1d8; hp 9; Init +1; Spd 20; AC 15 (+3 armor, +2 shield); Melee scimitar +3 (1d6+3) or shillelagh +4 (1d10+1); Ranged halfspear +0 (1d6+3); SA Spells; SQ Darkvision, nature sense; AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +4; Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Animal Empathy (4 ranks/+3), Concentration (4/+5), Diplomacy (2/+1), Heal (4/+6), Intuit Direction (1/+3) Knowledge (nature) (1/+2), Spellcraft (4/+5); Scribe Scroll.

Spells-Prepared (3/2): 0 - flare, flare, flare 1 - entangle, shillelagh.

Possessions: 4d4 goodberries, hide armor, large wooden shield, scimitar, club, halfspears (5), tanglefoot bags (2), animal friendship scroll, cure light wounds scrolls (3), endure elements scrolls (2), calm animals scroll, faerie fire scroll, obscuring mist scroll, magic fang scroll, 143 gp.

Languages: Common, Orc, Sylvan. Experience: 492

Rudy, wolf animal companion: CR 1; Medium-size animal; HD 2d8+4; hp13; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 50 ft.; AC 14; Atk +3 melee(1d6+1, bite); SA Trip; SQ Scent; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref+5, Will +1; Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Skills and Feats:Hide +3, Listen +6, Move Silently +4,Spot +4, Wilderness Lore +1 (+4 on Wilderness Lorechecks when tracking by scent); Weapon Finesse (bite).

Physical description: 29 years old. 6'4". 240 lbs. Grey-brown skin. Buzz-cut black hair. Visible scars on all exposed flesh.

Background: Gregor hates humans. Really hates 'em, and for good reason. He grew up in a frontier town, bastard son of a tough-as-nails farm widow. When she passed away, the other townfolk sold him to passing slavers.

The slavers brought him to a larger city and threw him into the arena with various wild animals. Although untrained, he proved resilient, and subdued a number of different predators. The guards wouldn't let him kill them (good animals being worth more than slaves in those parts), but Gregor silently communicated with each one before being hauled away.

One day they pitted him against a strong old wolf. With a single look in the creature's eye, Gregor changed the rules of the game. He and the wolf turned on the watching guards. The wolf pulled them down and Gregor pounded them with a makeshift club. Shouts and shrieks from the pens made it clear that other animals were also breaking free. When the dust cleared, the slavers lay dead. The half-orc and the wolf limped into the woods, free and proud.

Gregor has learned a few more tricks since then. He's going back into the arena, but he's going on his own terms. He's feels a sense of comradery with the other contestants, and he never takes his eyes off the guards.

Edit: Added background and physical description, two more scrolls
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Wippit Guud

First Post
Strakert Stoneskin
Dwarven Fighter 1
HD: 1d10+4 (14 hp)
Speed: 20
Init: +1
AC: 17
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 4'5" Weight: 210 lbs
Age: 55

STR 16 (+3)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 18 (+4)
INT 10 (--)
WIS 9 (-1)
CHA 6 (-2)

Fort: +6
Reflex: +1
Will: -1

Base Attack +1
Melee +4
Ranged +2

Halberd +4 melee or
Heavy Crossbow +2 ranged
Halberd 1d10+3, x3 or
Heavy Crossbow 1d10, 19-20/x2

Skills (8 points):
Climb +4, Jump +4, Listen +0(1 rank), Spot +1

Special Abilites:
Darkvision 60 ft, stonecuning, +2 save vs poison and spells, +1 attack vs goblinoids and orcs, +4 dodge vs giants, +2 appraise on exotic items, +2 craft (stone or metal).

Expertise, Improved Trip

Banded Mail
Heavy Crossbow
10 Bolts
2 Daggers

Grappling Hook
Steel Mirror
4 days rations
Silk rope
3 Sacks
3 Waterskins
1 1/2 gallon ale
Potion of CLW

6 gp, 3 sp, 8 cp
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First Post
Jemal said:
Hey timothy - Ever seen Muppets? Could be two old men heckling from up in a box. *L*
I don't have time to join the game but I might be able to insert witty comments and insults occasionally. Especially if the PCs can hear them and be annoyed at that damned voice from above.. hehe.

HAHAHA, LOL! I can see up us there right?

"You call that fighting? My old Grandma could do THAT, heck even Eric's grandma!

Can we be sarcastic??

Pretty please?


"You call that fighting? My old Grandma could do THAT, heck even Eric's grandma!

"Yeah, but the two old biddies could kick your rear, too!"
aww.. hahahahahaha

"You call that a fireball? I've got a chill, turn up the heat!"

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Wippit/Gru: You guys are in.

Jemal: If you want the commentator spot, you've got it. Heckling is perfect: Fits the very-lethal-but-all-in-good-fun theme.

Voidrunner's Codex

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