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D&D 5E [RAVENLOFT] [5e] Death House OOC


Image by alexandre-deschaumes

The woods are quiet this night, and the air grows chill. Your fire sputters as a low mist gathers around the edges of your camp, growing closer as the night wears on. By morning, the fog hangs thick in the air, turning the trees around you into gray ghosts. Then you notice these aren’t the same trees that surrounded you the night before.

Death House is a short introductory adventure to the upcoming Curse of Strahd storyline to be released next month. Players will start at 1st level and will be 3rd level by adventure's end, at which time, assuming everyone is willing and I still have my wits about me, we'll roll seamlessly into Curse of Strahd.

For the moment this game is invitation only. Should any of those invitation be declined, I'll open up for recruiting.
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Girri, NG Variant Human Cleric (Knowledge) of Istus 1

NOTES TO SELF: Updated and condensed the background. Still mulling the decision whether to dump Abyssal and take Halfling. Per IG, updated bladed scarf to 1d4, finesse, reach. Still mulling whether to replace thieves' tools with healer's kit to reflect Vistari knowledge of herbs. Am now giving serious consideration to changing alignment to LG and re-drafting background to make her alignment and goals the product of a geas received as sentence for conviction for theft. Still considering substituting Trickery domain for Knowledge, but probably will not go this route; I want a good-aligned character, and Trickery fits that less well than Knowledge.


Deity: Istus
Goddess of fate and destiny​
Weaver's spindle with three strands​
HP: 8/8
AC: 15 (leather armor and shield)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30
Saves: Wisdom, Charisma
Languages: Abyssal (background), Elvish D, Dwarvish D
Passive Perception: +7

STR: 10
DEX: 14
CON: 10
INT: 12*
WIS: 16*
CHA: 14

*+1 from Variant Human, and Wisdom received an additional +1 boost from the Observant feat[/section]
Spell Save DC: 13
Spell attack modifier: +5
Cantrips (3): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
1st level (2/2): cure wounds, inflict wounds, protection from evil, sanctuary, command D, identify D
Divine Domain: Knowledge
Blessings of Knowledge:
Languages: Elvish, Dwarvish​
Proficiency: Arcana, Nature (double proficiency bonus in both)​

Bladed Scarf +4, 1d4+2, finesse, 10 ft reach
Dagger +4, 1d4+2, thrown
Dagger +2, 1d4, melée

Feat: Observant: Wisdom +1, can read lips, passive Perception +5, and passive Investigation +5

Background: Gypsy (Custom)
Feature: Palm Reader: You automatically know one significant event in an individual's history just from touching or seeing the life lines on their palm.
Skills: Insight, Sleight of Hand
Language: Abyssal -- might swap this out for something less grim, will wait a bit and think on it
Tool Proficiency: Thieves' tools -- might swap this out for herbalist kit, still mulling
I see omens in every event and action. Istus speaks, we must listen.​
Flattery is my preferred trick for getting what I want.​
Ideal: I am a free spirit -- no one tells me what to do.
Bond: TBD, depends on campaign
Flaw: I attract trouble.

Acrobatics 4 (race)
Animal Handling 3
Arcana 5 (knowledge)
Athletics 0
Deception 2
History 1
Insight 5 (background)
Intimidation 2
Investigation 1
Medicine 3
Nature 6 (knowledge)
Perception 3
Performance 2
Persuasion 4 (cleric)
Religion 3 (cleric)
Sleight of Hand 4 (background)
Stealth 2
Survival 3

Bladed scarf
Dagger, 2
Leather armor
Explorer's pack
Shield (a manhole cover trashcan lid scavenged from a junk heap)
Holy Symbol[/sblock]


[sblock=Description]Girri is twenty-eight and attractive, if hard-looking. Dark brown hair flows freely and frames blue eyes both quick and calculating--when not shrouded in a Shiver-induced fever. Girri dresses in layers of colorful scarves, beneath which she sports piecemeal leather armor. She's proud of her armor; it was hard work stealing it a piece at a time off drunk and wanton men. Girri has a quick smile and likes a joke, but guards herself against the overly inquisitive. Her humor and charm are defense mechanisms; despite a mirthful exterior, Girri is a cynic. The world has burned her one too many times, and she is slow to trust. Still, her heart is good. She's a thief, but then again thieving is necessary when you've no kin and no connections. Girri prefers to stay in the middle of the pack. She blends in better in the center of a crowd, where she isn't as open to attack from her vulnerable front and rear. Her freshly kicked drug addition and wintertime Consumption conspire to preclude good health; Girri is weak. Neither strong nor particularly hale, Girri is not well-suited to be a front-line fighter. She is, however, wise, sinuous, and crafty; Girri uses her daggers from a distance when possible, preferring to throw rather than stab. She also keeps a scarf woven through with secreted razors, which she uses as a reach weapon. Girri dabbles in prophecy and dreams, and some in herbs. The former she learned from Mother Crone, the latter comes from her Roma heritage. Girri's loyalty is hard-won but once given is unlikely to be retracted. She hasn't any friends, and so her loneliness makes her vulnerable[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Born in the haberdasherie district of Waterdeep to a mother of Vistari descent, Girri learned the city streets at an early age: the best pick-pocketing is done in the temple district on worship-day morning; warm bread for one's belly is obtained quicker by theft than by baking it oneself; men are fools for women; and trouble comes to those overly finicky about their next bed and meal. Likely Lamm, a Waterdhaven caravaner bartered for the sale of Girri from her indigent mother when Girri was eight. He wanted Girri for his Little Lamms, a crew of child pick-pockets, but Girri bit him and proved too recalcitrant to train. Lamm sold her to the stoop-backed Mother Crone of Bent Trace Futures, where Girri has served as shop girl for the last twenty years. Sweeping the floor, preparing the old Crone's gruel, polishing the seer's "reliquary" on display in the reading room, hawking for customers--until last autumn, these filled Girri's days. By saving the occasional tip dropped by a customer (gone unnoticed by the old lady) and honest street thieving, Girri bought her freedom from Mother Crone and, leaving the Futurities shop on Bent Trace, set off for the city docks in the middle district hoping to ply the tidbits of fate-telling she'd gleaned over the years.

Without a roof over her head, however, winter got the better of Girri. When Lamm chanced upon her one night in a dank hole-in-the-wall taproom, Girri had already fallen to Consumption. Lamm's promise that a little Shiver would warm her sounded good, so she paid with the small coins she had. True to his word, the Shiver made Girri feel warmer. The hard truth, however, was that the drug gave the girl a false sense of well-being. Cold, on the streets in the dead of winter, and down to her last three coppers, Girri took to overnighting in doorways and under dock pilings. When Lamm raised the price of dose of Shiver, Girri found herself without means to maintain her addiction, and so was forcibly retired from using. It was that or up her thieving game, and Magistrate Feek had let her off with a warning once already. Weakened by sickness and haggard to the bone by the price of her "freedom," Girri has a bone to pick with Lamm that may result in the villain's head in a sewer. [/sblock]
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You rock [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION]. Thanks for this.

Now, some questions: Ability score generation method? Variant Human ok? Feats and multiclassing permitted?
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I'm flexible. If someone wants cleric, I've got zero problem switching gear and going a different direction (or we could even multiple clerics, that'd be fun). I updated Girri to 5e last night simply because her artwork had been on my mind for the last couple of weeks. There are a few other ideas percolating in my head that could be plunked down on paper.
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Junker Wergil von Stahlmannlichkeit, level 1
STR 11 DEX 16 (+1 racial) CON 16 (+1 racial) INT 9 WIS 10 CHA 11
Saving Throws: Str(+2), Con(+5)
hp: 15/15
AC: 18
Passive Perception: 12

Hit Dice: 1d12 (max 1d12)
Initiative: +3
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Alignment: LE
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics +2, History +1, Perception +2, Persuasion +2, Survival +2

Age: 18 Sex: Male Size: Medium Speed: 30
Languages: Common, Draconic, Primordial

Whip +5, 1d4+3
Rapier +5, 1d8+3
Shortbow +5, 1d6+3

Traits: Vengeful, Unforgiving
Ideal: It is my duty to respect the authority of those above me, just as those below me must respect mine.
Flaw: By my words and actions, I often bring shame to my family.
Bond: I will face any challenge to win the approval of my family.[/sblock]

Human Feat: Shield Master (When using Attack action, bonus action to shove; add Shield AC to Dex saves only targeting me; use reaction to take no damage on Dex save 1/2 damage)
Rage (2/day): Enter as bonus action, Advantage on Strength checks and saves, Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
Unarmored Defence: AC 16 when unarmored, can add shield.

[sblock=Equipment]Fine clothes, dungeoneers pack, whip, rapier, shield, shortbow, quiver, 20x arrows, scroll of pedigree, signet ring, backpack, 10 gp left.[/sblock]

[sblock=Description & Background]Before you stands a young man with a haughty demeanour. Average in looks, his clothes are well made and look expensive but also practical and hard wearing, from his knee high crocodile skin boots to the matching skullcap. He carries a rapier sheathed on his left side, and a whip coiled on his right hip and seems both confident and keen in their use. In his left hand he carries a steel shield emblazoned with the sigil of House Stahlmannlichkeit, a silver sword on black and purple chequers (The phallic imagery is hardly subtle).



Wergil is the second son of Graf von Stahlmannlichkeit, the stern but just head of a long established noble house. His priviledged upbringing have sadly spoilt him, for he is young and thoughtless, uncaring of the plight of the great unwashed. He shows great interest in and skill at arms, but his tendency to lose his temper has hindered his tutors attempts to school him in the finesse of courtly combat. This temper has also resulted in several unseemly verbal arguments with his sister Heidi.

The last straw for the Graf came when Wergil slapped a priest of Tyr(TBD?) for failing to pay him sufficient deference. The Graf realised that Wergil needed to go out in the world, away from the protection of House Stahlmannlichkeit, and gain some maturity and control over his temper before he could occupy any formal position...[/sblock]
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Exciting! I am interested, but I admit I know absolutely nothing about Ravenloft. Like, zilch. Nada.

Perhaps a Paladin or Bard? Are there particular races that are prominent/absent?

Hopefully, not knowing anything about Ravenloft is perfectly acceptable, because I don't know anything about it, either. Well, other than there's mists. And a vampire. And maybe a castle? Or something.


There is nothing to know. Create your character as normal... As far as you know, this is everyday Forgotten Realms. The term Ravenloft will probably not even be spoken throughout this adventure.

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