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Well technically by waiting a month they can buy the material, just need to subscribe for 1 month at a price less than any book and they can right?
For the 1 month fee you can get all back issues if dragon and get CB up to date. Not a bad deal if you can get it. (Stupid WOTC's inept computer people! :rant: )

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As was I said, I think one of the major reasons while the debut content wasn't allowed was because some people might not have access to the new debut content.

I think that changed quite a bit when we allowed assassin because it was D&Di only. I think since it was D&Di only was the difference in allowing that vs allowing the debut articles. You couldn't go out and buy a book for it.

Elec, have you had problems with WoTC passwords too? I'm glad I'm not the only one. Has it been fixed for you?


First Post
Well, I'm the aforementioned bfiggins. Minkahar's origins are pretty simple: I got excited about LEB, opened up the character builder, and looked through my options, looking for something new I haven't tried yet.
"Hmm, Kalashtar. They're big in Eberron, aren't they? Let's see what class works well with them...ah, they make great Ardents! Let's do that."
I never really gave a thought to approved sources or not, and so I missed the PHB3 ruling.

That being said, I'm in favor of allowing the debut material for the PHB3, and future materials. Wizards said it themselves (quoted in full earlier in this thread) - this is not playtest or preview material, these are pages directly from the book itself. My impression is that Wizards considers these classes/rules a bonus for D&DI subscribers, and that they encourage them to be used just the same as any other book.

It's true that there may be errors, and those errors may take a long time to fix...but that was even more true of earlier physical books. Double weapons, battleragers and the like.

For me, it's not really a big deal - it's true that I'm interested in playing a Kalashtar Ardent, but it took me all of ten minutes to re-spec him as a Warlord. I just think it's important that we understand the purpose of 'debut' material - is it playtest, or is it release?

Fortunately, this is a question that will resolve itself in a few weeks - as soon as we have the PHB3 in hand, we can check for ourselves to see if everything is exactly identical. It might be most productive for me to just roll a Warlord for a few weeks, then we can return to this discussion when we have some new evidence.

(Also, I don't remember if/how they noted the updates to the Monk and the Hybrid rules in the CB. I seem to remember them being clearly marked as Dragon playtest articles in the CB...a distinction which doesn't isn't there now.)

One final note: If possible, LEB should definitely provide a downloadable .dndcamp file which marks which books are used, and which aren't allowed yet. With that file, players with the Character Builder can just import the campaign, then build their character however they want, knowing that they won't accidentally use any disallowed sources.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Here's what will seal a YES from me:

Answer the following:
Is there at least a single case where material that has been inside of the character builder, and labeled as "debut", has ended up different than what was published in hardcover?

If the answer is NO, then I would agree to allow debut material. If it is a YES, then I would have to say that it should not be allowed.

Not possible to answer yet, the first "debut" content was the Psion. Prior to that everything released early was either Playtest (changed substantially) or Preview (Unchanged but levels 1-3 only) No debut content has yet made it into a printed book form so we can't answer your question until it is a mute point.

However, when (I'll say when not if becuase i trust that WOTC isn't lying to me) the debut content appears in PHB3 unchanged will that secure your vote for allowing the debut Dark Sun content which will start in march?


First Post
If WOTC shows that their supposedly unchanging DnDi sneak peak of debut content is perfectly the same as what is being released in hardback form, then i would definitely give my yes vote for all future debut content.

EDIT: Having never seen any of the darksun content, I would have to say that I would "probably" give my yes vote. I only say this because there have been things from Forgotten Realms (backgrounds) and Eberron (dragonmarks) that were disallowed in L4W because of setting elements. Barring that, I don't see any problems with Debut content. The only thing that now sparks my curiosity is this: Since there are NOT going to be any new classes (according to WOTC) coming out in the DarkSun Campaign Setting, what in the world is going to be featured in the debut material!? Guess we'll just have to wait for March to find out, lol.
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First Post
No new class? And what about the Templar, Preserver, Defiler, Gladiator? Maybe new race (Thri-kreen, Half-Giant), or maybe new Paragon path, or combat option (Gladiator could be a type of fighter like the Tempest).

Anyway, if we accept all debut, I suppose we will still have to wait 1 month, so everyone can speak about it and see if that fit the world.


First Post
Yeah it would still have to be 1 month after debut, with the Dark Sun material it is quite specific to Athas (at least if they're staying true to the setting). Defilers I can't really imagine fitting into Eberron, as well as the Preserver.


First Post
Neither Templar, as they are follower of Sorcerer King (who are themselves Defilers)... Gladiator could fit easily, half-giant too. Thri-kreen, I don't know.


First Post
Races can be argued back and forth, and I'm sure there's a place for all of them. Classes could end up being pretty world specific, but any flavor text can be tweaked to fit Eberron. I don't see why someone wouldn't be able to use the MECHANICS of a class if their character fits the setting well. I'm not really sure if they'll be adding builds to the classes to make them more world specific, but i do remember reading that there would be no new classes.

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