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Possible CRT setting changes


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Very well then Siani.. This is showing progress.. and we are pleased... and in agreement with your remarks thus far... Ye may consider that the Seal Of The Travelling already observes this function of resize to fit the domain, if you like.. that is already part of its function at any rate... as all of Us who know the Art.. already do.. As you have noticed.. wE also tended some of the other equipment involved... Guardianship of this domain has been part of Our charge ever since it came to hasbro... and will continue so be until the spheres shift three levels from now.. I see that thoughts on physical/spatial/temporal location of the Roads and accompanying domains are still under consideration, but also note they becomming less of a priority atm... This is acceptable. Attention everyone.. PLease do go ahead and work with all of Us on this...

Siani? Do consult Fatora concerning her suggestions she mentioned to me.. She has had an most interesting and potentially profitable proposition for all of Us.. and Most generous.. at that... This One must jet for now, but shall return with other thoughts and observances..

God and Goddess Bless and Namaste...


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All righty. Here's what I'm tinkering with at the moment.

The Tavern and all of Siani's holdings, and any patron home/business etc that wants it, is set on a large island..quite large..with a river running near the Tavern proper. The Garden is across the river, reached by a bridge. The river itself empties into a rather large bay/lagoon. The Arena takes up another, smaller island nearby. There are several of these smaller islands, deserted to start with, scattered around the larger one.

A person could board ship and sail directly to anywhere with a harbor...Waterdeep, Hardby, Absalom, etc. There would be no bumps, warp speed moves or any of that..just sail on to one's destination. The magics governing the place make this possible. Same for land based travel..there's a Caravanserai nearby to which caravans from anywhere can come without difficulty...from Silverymoon or Katheer or Blackmoor or what have you. Ditto flight or planar travel.

Obviously these are portal driven..anyone who is currently a patron automatically knows how to come and go. Anyone new was either directed by word of mouth or stumbled upon a portal to the place.

The Tavern itself will have its portals reactivated...portal keys set around the wainscotting of the place so travelers afoot can simply step through and enter. There will be a 'resizing' function to all of these so no character will be too big for the place...all will be sized to fit appropriately.

I'm still messing around with exactly how the Tavern itself will be laid out; it will undergo major rennovation during the movement. Mostly I'm trying to sort out how best to allow maximum participation in the setting while preserving a part of it for those who want something less...exotic as well. Tough line to walk. Ideas are still quite welcome.

A map of the archipelago will be done soon (thank goodness for CCPro 3!) as well as the layout of the Tavern itself, and its immediate surroundings. Space for a souk with its fountain will be there as well. The river and bay/lagoon will have some creatures of interest as residents, and the Garden will have some exotic although not necessarily harmless denizens too.

If you see me on site feel free to chat with me on it. You can also email me, or post here.



First Post
As an addendum to the previous post I made:

I haven't named the setting, that is the archipelago as of yet.

From an environmental standpoint, bearing in mind the entire place is being created by Siani, the area would most closely resemble Costa Rica...in that it would have a bit of just about every climate and terrain possible in a relatively small area. Very tall mountains...at least one great volcano, possibly called Mons Draconis, I don't know yet,...cloud forests, rain forests, jungles along its northern end, more arid conditions in the southern and so on. Different islands can also have different attributes.

It is likely to have at least some feel from the Arabian Nights around the Tavern itself. Siani is from that culture and is a touch homesick, but I don't want the entire thing to be desert so we get..this. So far.

The 'well' over the common room is possibly going to be open to the sky but capped with a huge crystalline dome. I am likely to increase headroom in the tavern to suit a hotter climate, and may also bring back a system of beams for the ceiling rather like rafters in some way. I may attach a tower/minaret to one wing, I don't know yet.

The Souk, or bazaar/marketplace, will probably remind some folk of the Emporium...it will have a very large tiered fountain as such places sometimes do and it will front the Tavern..or part of it, as well as be alongside or near the river too. Not set in stone yet. The Souk will be a separate room with its own Golem...Hakim or something perhaps, I don't know yet.

Plenty of space for patron owned shops, homes, even estates on other islands, that sort of thing.

These are the things I have in mind currently. If I can figure out how to reserve space for people who want a more 'sane' environment over the exotic but also give more freedom to the exotic folks, I'll be a happy camper.

Rules I know will happen as opposed to still fluid:

No fighting in the Tavern.

Animals enter at own risk...a 'rivering' is a constant possibility. Fleas are NOT appreciated.

No Gods or God Avatars are allowed.

Tieflings, Aasimar, Drow and Dragonborn are considered common citizenry for all purposes of the setting.

Tech is limited to clockwork type items.

Please don't go getting all hyper..the rules bits are still in extreme flux. Patience please, patience. I know its hard.

Thank you.

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Portals. At the moment I have them working like this...

Anyone who is a patron of the tavern knows it exists and generally where it is..the name of the place..thinking of that as one's destination triggers an appropriate portal for however one is arriving...in the harbor if by ship or swimming, in the souk or caravanserai if flying or riding...or even into the Tavern itself if on foot. That would be getting to the Tavern..it would be a function of the magic inherent to the place. Word of mouth can convey this 'trigger'.

From inside there are portal keys all around the walls...trigger one, decide where to go, and there you are. Doing this can cause interesting 'stumble in' effects as well, so people who've never been before can suddenly 'pop in' unexpectedly.

Still a Work In Progress. I'm not going to get deeply into the mechanics of it though..just about this far.

Other aspects of it are forthcoming as I get them developed to where I more or less like them.



First Post
General layout would have the harbor where the river empties into the bay. A wide road leads up past the Caravanserai and into The Souk.

From the Souk smaller roads, lanes and alleys radiate out between shops, homes, and stalls. In the center of the Souk is a very large fountain of tiers...all tiers have permanent purify water spells on them so people can get drinking and cooking water here. The lowest tier can be used for washing or wading. I don't know exactly what it looks like yet.

Overlooking the Souk on the uphill side is the Tavern proper; it is reached by a broad flight of stairs from the Souk proper. It still has four 'wings' as it were...but the entry and rear wings are shortened some and the side wings are lengthened and heightened...now having a flatter roof and a great crystalline dome which can open centered over it. The farthest part of the rear wing has a tall tower/minaret attached. The rear wing has the kitchen, Siani's office space, stairs to the cellars and pantries and the entry to her tower. The entry wing has a place for mucky shoes, cloak storage, weapons racks and so on. The other two wings consist of the patron areas...I haven't defined them more than that thus far and really this is still rather sketchy.

The river runs past one side of the Tavern and from the doors here a path leads to an ornate bridge over which the Garden is reached. The river has tiff in it...think of a frog on steroids with the head half the size of the body filled with razor sharp teeth and the feeding habits of pirhanna...not to mention the attitude of a shark. They are somewhat intelligent. Getting rivered can be dangerous.

The Garden is a sprawling place filled with pools, steams, paths, copses of trees, bushes, flowers and just a wild variety of plant life...not all of which is friendly. For all practical purposes the Garden occupies all of the bay area on its side of the river...it is a big place.

Visible from the Tavern and from the harbor is the looming shape of the Arena...a huge colliseum style structure with ancillary buildings that occupies an entire island on its own. There are portals to it from the Tavern and Souk...not to mention the Garden. It can seat effectively any number and is set such that no matter where one sits the view is the same as being ride down on the center side. Things that go on there cannot affect any other island..that's why it is where it is.

Other islands are scattered about, most uninhabited but some available to people who'd like to live nearby...asking Siani is all that is required.

Behind the Tavern the land climbs pretty steeply to some serious mountains...back there the terrain and climate changes with amazing swiftness. Going North around the island will bring one to jungles while going a bit uphill from there will find rain forests...cloud forests are higher up and there are small hidden valleys and plains scattered about. It snows during the Winter seasons in the higher reaches, sometimes even getting down to that Tavern level as a cooling drape that doesn't last long. Essentially just about every kind of climate and terrain can be found on this main, and rather large island somewhere. The Tavern and the buildings with it are but a small area of the land.

Abu al Shattya....Land of Dreams, or Land of Visions in common. Ah, it would be pronounced 'Ah-bow al Sahat-eee-ah', courtesy of Sabbah who helped explain this to me and gave me a ton of research to do, as well as translating for me. It is now the name of my own campaign world but here is used for this setting. :)

Land of Dreams or Visions..seems fitting since ISRP runs on our collective Dreams and Visions.

That being said..the largest mountain on the island is also a volcano and is named Mons Draconis, which is Latin. So the island isn't one cultural entity here in ISRP as far as naming, climate and similar things are concerned. It does have a good element of the Arabian Nights and Sinbad and that sort of stuff, but isn't confined to that.

As I said before, maps are forthcoming as I finalize the place and get things set down. Comments always welcome.

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First Post
Tentative CRT Setting Rules

Annnnd the thing most folk are concerned with; the Setting Rules...in the state they are currently in.

Firstly...the only 'commoners' in the Land of Visions at this point are those who work for or who have gained permission from Siani to live there...and the occasional 'stumbler' who just happens to come across an active portal and winds up there. This implies a number of things; race isn't so important here.

Second...this place isn't actually on a world...or is it? She's not telling anyone exactly what or where it is in that respect. If you aren't a 'stumbler' you get here because in some way you've been here before or someone has told you about it. On the whole, that makes the people who come here rather...different right off the bat.

So on with the rules as they are at the moment. THESE RULES ARE NOT IN USE YET!! The are TENTATIVE until I make them permanent changes.

1) No fighting outside of the Arena. A shove or two, a punch here and there, these are fine...see below. The Arena is for fighting, please take it there so that others do not have to participate or deal with your combat. It may be wildly cool and awesome to you, but that doesn't mean it is to everyone else. Violating this is room disruption, so please don't. IF THERE IS A HOST ON DUTY then at their discretion occasional food fights may take place...but they will cease at once when the host says they do. Only if there is a host on duty.

2) The Tavern automatically resizes anyone who enters to reasonably humanoid dimensions such that moving about the place does not interfere with anyone else. That is, no tails knocking things over, tripping people, no horns dragging on ceilings, no wings spread out from a folded position on the back. Note that THIS DOES NOT MAKE A CHARACTER INTO A HUMANOID...it only restricts their size to something reasonable for the Tavern interior. Wings, horns, tails..all can be openly shown..no restriction there; and you can intentionally nudge someone with said appendages..but they can't be impediments to navigation by virtue of size.

3) No modern characters here, sorry. This is still essentially a fantasy setting so please keep it that way. I'm considering allowing some steampunk like stuff but I haven't decided yet...that is still NOT HAPPENING NOW. So there won't be any time traveler with advanced weaponry popping in.

4) Firearms don't function outside the Arena and are limited to percussion cap type weapons. Ships with cannon find the cannon will not function within the boundaries of Abu Al Shattya..it is neutral ground and unless a Games Day is held and the Arena is flooded to accept ship to ship combat for the pleasure of the residents, your cannon will not function here. So no shelling the town, no shooting folk or firing weapons randomly about etc. THIS RULE IS STILL VERY TENTATIVE.

5) No Gods or God Avatars allowed here. They just aren't, so don't try, don't ask. This one isn't changing folks.

6) Animals are not to be played in the Tavern...if you have one and come into the Tavern you are very likely to be 'rivered' (as Qijdi terms it) and the river is no safe place to be swimming. Dashing in and doing animal things for very limited periods are acceptable and if you have a sentient animal character talk to me personally; I may make exceptions on a case by case basis. On my own judgment.

7) No child characters under the age of 12 allowed in the Tavern unescorted.

People entering the tavern with character types that are not allowed will be asked to change their character to suit the setting. This will include characters determined by the Magi to be in bad taste...rotting corpses, zombies and similar things are included in this. An IC attempt will be made to deal with situations that provide for such a resolution. Anyone insisting on staying after being asked or IC made to depart will then be in peril of crossing the line into OOC Disruption of the Setting and room. Remember, at no time does character concept, alignment, or personality justify a violation of the CoC.

Confrontation in the tavern is allowed to a point. In general, verbal confrontations are fine, baring steel is no big deal, and tossing a drink in someone’s face is okay. Actual fights are limited to a single blow such as a shove, drink to the face, punch, etc and then they must either end or be taken outside or stop right there. Fighting includes things like food fighting as well although this may be allowed under certain circumstances..see above. Take it to the Arena if it is going to get into weapons play or serious fighting of any sort. Barroom brawls are right out.

The Tavern is protected by various wards and dweomers. You cannot burn it down, it self repairs most things, and it gifts the staff with True Sight. It will also allow even non-magic users to toss people into the river. Being tossed into the river can be a tool for play, the usual usage, or a nudge to curb certain behavior. Staff isn’t going to allow certain things and they have tools to deal with it. Being tossed in the river or bathed by Beeg are two of these. Another would be Fang and Grip. That being said, you should not be thrown into the river for no good reason. If a dispute arises, logs will be checked to see what happened. We will hold our hosts accountable for their actions as much as we hold you accountable for yours.

That's it for the moment.

Comments more than welcome. As I say, still tentative. Qi Tacit Consentire.

Welcome to Abu Al Shattya.

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First Post

After a bit more thought and some off-board input I've tweaked rule 3; no steampunk, at least not at this time. I'm still considering the firearms aspect in rule 4.

1) No fighting outside of the Arena. A shove or two, a punch here and there, these are fine...see below. The Arena is for fighting, please take it there so that others do not have to participate or deal with your combat. It may be wildly cool and awesome to you, but that doesn't mean it is to everyone else. Violating this is room disruption, so please don't. IF THERE IS A HOST ON DUTY then at their discretion occasional food fights may take place...but they will cease at once when the host says they do. Only if there is a host on duty.

2) The Tavern automatically resizes anyone who enters to reasonably humanoid dimensions such that moving about the place does not interfere with anyone else. That is, no tails knocking things over, tripping people, no horns dragging on ceilings, no wings spread out from a folded position on the back. Note that THIS DOES NOT MAKE A CHARACTER INTO A HUMANOID...it only restricts their size to something reasonable for the Tavern interior. Wings, horns, tails..all can be openly shown..no restriction there; and you can intentionally nudge someone with said appendages..but they can't be impediments to navigation by virtue of size.

3) No modern characters here, sorry. This is still essentially a fantasy setting so please keep it that way. So there won't be any time travelers with advanced techy popping in; what exactly advanced tech might be is left to the judgment of the Magi.

4) Firearms don't function outside the Arena and are limited to percussion cap type weapons at best. Ships with cannon find the cannon will not function within the boundaries of Abu Al Shattya..it is neutral ground and unless a Games Day is held and the Arena is flooded to accept ship to ship combat for the pleasure of the residents, your cannon will not function here. So no shelling the town, no shooting folk or firing weapons randomly about etc. THIS RULE IS STILL VERY TENTATIVE.

5) No Gods or God Avatars allowed here. They just aren't, so don't try, don't ask. This one isn't changing folks.

6) Animals are not to be played in the Tavern...if you have one and come into the Tavern you are very likely to be 'rivered' (as Qijdi terms it) and the river is no safe place to be swimming. Dashing in and doing animal things for very limited periods are acceptable and if you have a sentient animal character talk to me personally; I may make exceptions on a case by case basis. On my own judgment.

7) No child characters under the age of 12 allowed in the Tavern unescorted.

People entering the tavern with character types that are not allowed will be asked to change their character to suit the setting. This will include characters determined by the Magi to be in bad taste...rotting corpses, zombies and similar things are included in this. An IC attempt will be made to deal with situations that provide for such a resolution. Anyone insisting on staying after being asked or IC made to depart will then be in peril of crossing the line into OOC Disruption of the Setting and room. Remember, at no time does character concept, alignment, or personality justify a violation of the CoC.

Confrontation in the tavern is allowed to a point. In general, verbal confrontations are fine, baring steel is no big deal, and tossing a drink in someone’s face is okay. Actual fights are limited to a single blow such as a shove, drink to the face, punch, etc and then they must either end or be taken outside or stop right there. Fighting includes things like food fighting as well although this may be allowed under certain circumstances..see above. Take it to the Arena if it is going to get into weapons play or serious fighting of any sort. Barroom brawls are right out.

The Tavern is protected by various wards and dweomers. You cannot burn it down, it self repairs most things, and it gifts the staff with True Sight. It will also allow even non-magic users to toss people into the river. Being tossed into the river can be a tool for play, the usual usage, or a nudge to curb certain behavior. Staff isn’t going to allow certain things and they have tools to deal with it. Being tossed in the river or bathed by Beeg are two of these. Another would be Fang and Grip. That being said, you should not be thrown into the river for no good reason. If a dispute arises, logs will be checked to see what happened. We will hold our hosts accountable for their actions as much as we hold you accountable for yours.

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First Post
Semi-Final New Tavern Setting Rules

Here are the semi-final new rules for the Tavern. They will not take effect until certain other changes are made to the chat. THEY ARE NOT YET IN EFFECT! Please abide by the current rules for a while longer.

1) No fighting outside of the Arena. A shove or two, a punch here and there,

these are fine...see below. The Arena is for fighting, please take it there so that

others do not have to participate or deal with your combat. It may be wildly cool

and awesome to you, but that doesn't mean it is to everyone else. Violating

this is room disruption, so please don't. IF THERE IS A HOST ON DUTY then

at their discretion occasional food fights may take place...but they will cease at

once when the host says they do. Only if there is a host on duty.

2) The Tavern automatically resizes anyone who enters to reasonably

humanoid dimensions such that moving about the place does not interfere with


HUMANOID...it only restricts their size to something reasonable for the Tavern

interior. Wings, horns, tails..all can be openly shown..no restriction there; and

you can intentionally nudge someone with said appendages..but they can't be

impediments to navigation by virtue of size.

3) No modern characters here, sorry. This is still essentially a fantasy setting

so please keep it that way. So there won't be any time travelers with advanced

techy popping in; what exactly advanced tech might be is left to the judgment of

the Magi.

4) Firearms do not function anywhere in Abu Al Shattya/the Land of Visions.

The only exception is in the Arena. On occasion, for official Games held in the

arena, it may be flooded to allow ship to ship combat where cannon might be

used (the audience being protected by walls of force). Remember, it is a

fantasy setting, not a science fantasy or science fiction setting.

5) No Gods or God Avatars allowed here. They just aren't, so don't try, don't

ask. This one isn't changing folks.

6) Animals are not to be played in the Tavern. Dashing in and doing animal

things for very limited periods is acceptable and if you have a sentient animal

character talk to me personally; I may make exceptions on a case by case

basis. On my own judgment.

7) No child characters under the age of 13 allowed in the Tavern unescorted.

People entering the tavern with character types that are not allowed will be

asked to change their character to suit the setting. This will include characters

determined by the Magi to be in bad taste...rotting corpses, zombies and

similar things are included in this. An IC attempt will be made to deal with

situations that provide for such a resolution. Anyone insisting on staying after

being asked or IC made to depart will then be in peril of crossing the line into

OOC Disruption of the Setting and room. Remember, at no time does

character concept, alignment, or personality justify a violation of the CoC.

Confrontation in the tavern is allowed to a point. In general, verbal

confrontations are fine, baring steel is no big deal, and tossing a drink in

someone’s face is okay. Actual fights are limited to a single blow such as a

shove, drink to the face, punch, etc and then they must either end or be taken

outside or stop right there. Fighting includes things like food fighting as well

although this may be allowed under certain circumstances..see above. Take it

to the Arena if it is going to get into weapons play or serious fighting of any

sort. Barroom brawls are right out.

The Tavern is protected by various wards and dweomers. You cannot burn it

down, it self repairs most things, and it gifts the staff with True Sight. It will also

allow even non-magic users to toss people into the river. Being tossed into the

river can be a tool for play, the usual usage, or a nudge to curb certain

behavior. Staff isn’t going to allow certain things and they have tools to deal

with it. Being tossed in the river or bathed by Beeg are two of these. Another

would be Fang and Grip. That being said, you should not be thrown into the

river for no good reason. If a dispute arises, logs will be checked to see what

happened. We will hold our hosts accountable for their actions as much as we

hold you accountable for yours.

Thank you for your patience.



First Post
Excellence has been achieved. It's nice to have a role-playing chatroom run by people who actually care about role-playing--and go to great lengths to support a rational, consistent setting. Many thanks, Siani & Co. :)


First Post
Update: I've managed to complete testbed maps for the Souq & Tavern complex, showing part of the Garden, as well as the Arena on its own island. I should have the final versions of them complete in a few days.

Room descriptions and general setting information will also be ready to go, along with the finalized version of the Abu Al Shattya setting rules.

Before I long I anticipate having everything on my end completed and standing by; after that it's a matter of timing and getting some other things seen to.

Just an FYI


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