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Media [Podcast] The Imp and Ogre - A Podcast about Adventures


This week on the podcast we discuss Death Frost Doom v.2, a Lamentations of the Flame Princess adventure by James Edward Raggi IV and Zak S.

Explore a truly weird and deadly dungeon. This module rewards and punishes the curious in equal measure. Thematically rich, the adventure had the players delve into the long abandoned temple of a mad death cult and muck about in all their deranged leavings. Ultimately, what we enjoyed the most about this adventure was how it was possible for it to set the tone for a whole campaign, as the PCs can, depending on their actions, unleash tides of undead into the surrounding countryside and free an ancient and malevolent undead general. Lots to recommend, definitely worth checking out.

You can find us in most of the usual places (itunes, google play, spotify, etc). We also upload to youtube if that is more your thing (it's just the audio after first few episodes). Our main feed can be found at Podbean.

Thanks for the interest and I hope you check us out.
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This week on the podcast we discuss Blood in the Chocolate, a Lamentations of the Flame Princess adventure by Kiel Chenier.

Another LotFP adventure this week. Charlie and the Chocolate factory takes a nightmarish turn in this module. There's just something irresistible about Lucia de Castillo's chocolate confections and people just can seem to get enough! The PC's are hired by rival chocolatiers to infiltrate her factory and discover the secrets to her success. Essentially this is a location based, heist adventure. In exploring the factory, the PC's discover the vile magics and debauched secrets that permeate the factory. If the cards fall right, they might even supplant Lucia, gaining dominance over the twisted creatures that run the production line, and becoming wealthy beyond their wildest dreams! Of course, they are more likely to be caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar and end up the subjects of cruel experiments to perfect these delectable treats. Dark even by LotFP standards, this adventure has a lot of interesting encounters, but might not be to everyone's taste.

You can find us in most of the usual places (itunes, google play, spotify, etc). We also upload to youtube if that is more your thing (it's just the audio after first few episodes). Our main feed can be found at Podbean.

Thanks for the interest and I hope you check us out.
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This week on the podcast we discuss Tower of the Stargazer, the final of our mini Lamentations of the Flame Princess trilogy, an adventure by James Edward Raggi IV .

A long abandoned wizard's tower standing alone in the wilderness provides the siren's call to the PCs in this location based dungeon crawl. Easily dropped into any campaign, the module provide a tidy, self-contained exploration experience. Perhaps a little light on the combat for parties of a more violent persuasion, the module provides lots of fun encounters. One of the more interesting ones revolves around the discovery that the wizard still inhabits his tower, but has unfortunately run afoul of a spell gone wrong. The situation presents an excellent non-combat encounter that, depending on how it plays out, can drastically alter the outcome of the delve. Full of deadly traps and all the general weirdness you would expect from a LotFP , this module has a lot to recommend, and if you're looking to instill a little paranoia into your party, you can't go wrong with an adventure where you can die before you even enter the dungeon.

As always, you can find us in most of the usual places (itunes, google play, spotify, etc). We also upload to youtube if that is more your thing (it's just the audio after first few episodes). Our main feed can be found at Podbean.

Thanks for the interest and I hope you check us out.


This week on the podcast we discuss Mad God's Key, by Jason Bulmahn.

Another excellent adventure out of the old Dungeon magazine (#114), this adventure has the PCs getting caught up in a caper. What originally seems like a standard smash-and-grab turns out to be much more. The PCs slowly peel back layers of deceptions to stumble upon a plot by the Cult of Vecna, ultimately culminating in them fighting their way through an undead filled dungeon to confront the priest behind he scheme. One of the more enjoyable aspect is that the culmination of the adventure leaves more questions than it answers and provides an excellent hook to branch off into a full-fledged campaign. With a number a neat encounters and a well plotted out investigation process, this adventure has a lot to recommend. Have a listen for the full discussion.

As always, you can find us in most of the usual places (itunes, google play, spotify, etc). We also upload to youtube if that is more your thing (it's just the audio after first few episodes). Our main feed can be found at Podbean.

Thanks for the interest and I hope you check us out.


This week on the podcast we discuss The City that Dripped Blood, a 5e compatible adventure by Steve Winter.

More of a mini city setting than a true adventure, this module presents an ancient city on the wane. Once a prosperous trade hub, Temelpa is a shadow of its former glory and now plods in the grip of the vile Skelzis, vampiric, inter-dimensional bird people. Ambushed while guarding a caravan, the PCs end up trapped in the city and have the opportunity to get involved in overthrowing the bloodthirsty overlords. The module presents an interesting premise, but would require a fair bit of prep work on the part of the DM to make it run smoothly. There is a great adventure to be pulled out of this, but it might not be worth the effort. Have a listen for the full rundown.

As always, you can find us in most of the usual places (itunes, google play, spotify, etc). We also upload to youtube if that is more your thing (it's just the audio after first few episodes). Our main feed can be found at Podbean.

Thanks for the interest and I hope you check us out.


This week on the podcast we discuss The Created, a 2e Ravenloft adventure by Bruce Nesmith.

Brave the mists of Ravenloft to save a town from the depredations of a mad woodcarver's creations! A dark twist on the Pinocchio fable, this adventure has the PCs visiting a town at the moment of its transformation into a domain of Ravenloft. It pits our intrepid adventurers against a veritable army of body snatching, murderous marionettes, which results in the PCs finding themselves trapped in the bodies of dolls. Stripped of their most powerful abilities, the party must find a way to recover their bodies and take down the nascent domain's new master. With plenty of creepy atmosphere and memorable encounters, this adventure has plenty to recommend. Have a listen for our full discussion.

As always, you can find us in most of the usual places (itunes, google play, spotify, etc). We also upload to youtube if that is more your thing (it's just the audio after first few episodes). Our main feed can be found at Podbean.

Thanks for the interest and I hope you check us out.


This week on the podcast we discuss Return to White Plume Mountain, a 2e D&D adventure by Bruce Cordell.

Revisit the original fun-house dungeon deep in the bowels of White Plume Mountain. This adventure takes the classic location and breathes new life into it, with a compelling plot and conflicting factions all vying for the PC's loyalty. Turns out that the original owner of the facility left magical imprints of his personality behind and in his absence, a number have become activated, filling the dungeon with multiple copies all believing that they are the one true Master. Navigating these personalities, while all the while trying to avoiding becoming mentally infected themselves, provides the main challenge to the PCs and it all culminates in a memorable twist, as they attempt to eliminate these parasitic minds before they spread beyond the confines of the mountain. Have a listen for the full breakdown.

As always, you can find us in most of the usual places (itunes, google play, spotify, etc). We also upload to youtube if that is more your thing (it's just the audio after first few episodes). Our main feed can be found at Podbean.

Thanks for the interest and I hope you check us out.


This week on the podcast we discuss a pair of 5e D&D one-shot adventures Outlaws of the Iron Route by Will Doyle, and The Mystery at Dreary's Well by Lucas Cockerham .

A couple of solid short adventures this week. Outlaws of the Iron Route is a D&D encounters adventure that has the PCs tracking down and hopefully eliminating the leaders of a pair of bandit groups that have been terrorizing the local merchant caravans. It has the PCs dealing with a shady private prison and then infiltrating a bandit summit to try to do as much damage as possible before they are discovered. Pretty ambitious for a single sitting, but has some solid encounters throughout. The Mystery at Dreary's Well has the PCs investigating the disappearance to a gem stolen in transit. In doing so, they discover that the theft was not an isolated incident and eventually stumble upon some of the secrets hidden in the no so sleepy town. This adventure provides a fair bit of freedom to the party and definitely makes for a solid kick off to any campaign. Have a listen for our full breakdown.

As always, you can find us in most of the usual places (itunes, google play, spotify, etc). We also upload to youtube if that is more your thing (it's just the audio after first few episodes). Our main feed can be found at Podbean.

Thanks for the interest and I hope you check us out.


This week on the podcast we discuss Voyage of the Golden Dragon, a 3e Eberron adventure by Nicholas Logue.

Take to the skies in this high flying adventure. In this module, the PCs are passengers/hired muscle during the maiden voyage of the worlds largest airship. Basically structured as a series of mini adventures, over the course of their voyage, the PCs will thwart sabotages, hijackings and airborne assaults. They can also become embroiled in various onboard intrigues that will expose them to a number of the prominent factions that populate the rich Eberron setting. With a number of exciting combat encounters and engaging social interactions, this adventure has a lot to recommend. Have a listen for our complete discussion.

As always, you can find us in most of the usual places (itunes, google play, spotify, etc). We also upload to youtube if that is more your thing (it's just the audio after first few episodes). Our main feed can be found at Podbean.

Thanks for the interest and I hope you check us out.


This week on the podcast we discuss Dead in Thay, a 5e D&D adventure by Scott Fitzgerald Gray.

Delve into the twisted laboratories of the dreaded Thayan Red wizards. Brave their ooze intelligence R&D division and monster breeding facilities. Free powerful abominations and unleash their vengeance upon their Thayan tormentors. Cunning and brave PCs will overcome the various challenges that face them, disrupt lich's plot to achieve Godhood and smash or purloin a fistful of phylacteries for good measure. Though the module provides a number of interesting encounters, it is still a mega-dungeon and as such does contain less exciting filler fights and rooms. That being said, even if this style of adventure doesn't suit your tastes, the dungeon's modular design would make it pretty easy to re-purpose the more interesting sections as stand alone elements in your own campaign. Have a listen for our more detailed discussion.

As always, you can find us in most of the usual places (itunes, google play, spotify, etc). We also upload to youtube if that is more your thing (it's just the audio after first few episodes). Our main feed can be found at Podbean.

Thanks for the interest and I hope you check us out.
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