• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



First Post
A leaf of pale blue paper, pressed upon a thorn flutters in the breezes of the day.

When tomorrow is that far off distance
And evening stars circle overhead,
Into my arms gather you
To steal you into the warmth of bed,
Into my heart gather you
To let you know how much it meant.

Bhryn xxx

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First Post
For You

She'll stay here, for you
And just you.
When stars have gone and
Suns have died and all
Those little things have
Forgotten us and this world
And everything
She will stay here, for you.

She won't always get
The words right.
In fact, she'll mess up all
The things she wants to say
And look frustrated with herself
For being so useless with
Haunted always by
The inability to open up
So easily, so readily
But she will try, just for you.

She doesn't sing in tune
All the time.
But she sings because she
Loves the music and
She loves the lyrics that
Despite being made by someone
Else, have echoes of things
She wants, she needs, she feels
And loves.
So she'll miss a key or two, for you.

She isn't the average kind
Of girl you'd know.
She'd watch the sky and daydream
Or say whatever
Whenever it pops into her head
Without thought or cause
But only the deepest honesty.
She'll not wear dresses
Or makeup, or even come the day
When she'll not bite her nails
In nerves and worry.
But she's other things, to you.

She cracks a joke
When trying to be serious.
She finds humour in the simplest
Of things, the sweet joy
Of laughing and giving
Of that joy to other people.
She can be serious,
But prefers to see you smile
And smile back in turn.
So she will be the joker, for you.

She sleeps on her side
And a little on her front.
Her arms are splayed
And she has that eternal bad habit
Of cover-stealing,
Of waking suddenly to move
Her arms about you
In reassurance, in comfort
Of you being there, for her.
Just like she'll be there, for you.

She is far from perfect,
Perfectly imperfect
And all these things she does
She will do, just and only
For you.


First Post
That fading winter
where snow was falling
in patternless flakes;
it soaked my skin
to leave your memories.

When you left
I clung to pillows
for all the warmth there
you took with you
from my loving arms.

Aching in the heart;
for words I forgot
to say over and over.
Instead I am mute
with appreciation of you.

Open and close the door
and come rest yourself
with me again;
I shall give you dreams
and courage once more.

Despite the time
passing ever on;
when today will never
come to us again
live with me here.

This moment together
will never fade
like the tears of winter
on my hot skin, falling
as saltless tears.

Eyes turning to skies
where falling whispers
of angels come down
still cold, still waiting here
for you ever more.

B xxx


First Post
When you're ready, just let me know
And despite the pain, I'll let you go;
I'll close the door on the life we had
I'll forget the good, cherish the bad.
To lie again in that bed we shared
Is something that will never be dared,
Songs we sang, those things you said
I'll throw aside, pretend are dead.
I'll sleep all day and lie awake at night
And despise the early morning light.
Your number vanishes from my phone;
It doesn't matter if you are gone,
So when you call in desperate need
Your name is 'stranger', I'll pay no heed.
I'll blot away the love-lorn poem
You have no need of me, where you're going.
And so, when you're ready, you'll know
That I will never be ready to let you go.

B xxxx


First Post
A new note is pressed there lovingly.

There are creases on my bed and pillow with your name
And the soft echo outside are foosteps in soft rain,
The coffee stains are ring-a-ring of roses
On the low table and on the marble surfaces.
The coat-stand lonesome with just my jacket
And my ears are deaf without all your racket.
Your sibilant whisper of skin in the hissing shower
Is not there, and no scent of us inside my bower;
Just gaps where it was filled by someone I shared
A lifetime of emotions with, someone who dared
To get inside me. To bravely find me, and know who
I am. There are tear tracks I left for you.

There are stars in the night and the moon up high
And when the sun comes out, she'll sail on by
With skirts of clouds or sometimes none at all
Until she hides behind them again with the Fall.
Seasons coming and going like lovers kiss and part
The wintery ache of ice that frosts over my heart
And puts that lump in my throat or tear in my eye
To look at what you left me, to wonder why.
Tears I gather in a hand and wonder, just wonder
If somewhere in them you left me diamonds to plunder
And dreams I gave you, with my heart, with a kiss;
Because every day you're away, it's you that I miss.

B xxx


First Post
If you'll just take the time
From your schedule every day;
To throw a couple of kind words
In round-a-bout my way
And perhaps a smile when I am down
Perhaps a little kiss;
Perhaps inflate my let down dreams
With a single, simple wish.
If you took the time for me
Then never you would be lonely;
For love I'd make your dreams come true
And be, your one and only.

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