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[PBP] The Port Opal Underground - OOC Thread


A suffusion of yellow
Kaufman the Snitch is sent!

Sorry boss - I know its taken a long while but my character Kaufman the Goblin Snitch is sent and I hope you like him:D

I promise I will post a lot more quickly in the actual game...

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Regarding Tonguez and Elves

Tonguez, I received your character. Good job, everything seems to be in order. :cool:

Now, onto the Elves and other Races.

I figure that the Pale Elves of this setting differ from the basic elves of other campaign worlds in more than their appearance, but also the way in which they physically and mentally develop. Instead of the basic, first-level elf being well over one-hundred years, I was thinking something more... acceptable on my end of things.

Pale Elves

Pale elves are carried in the womb for a period of approximately twelve months and are born with their eyes opening very quickly after. Their childhood typically lasts twelve to fifteen years in length until they start to physically and mentally develop into adults. During this time, they are schooled in the rudiments of the elven language and culture, as well as learning such elementry things like simple mathematics and the Imperial Tongue. Adolescence for elves lasts comparatively longer than that of a human, and while it varies on a biological level, Pale Elves are treated as adults at around the age of twenty-five. During this time, they are schooled in more specialized areas of study. While the route in which they take is partly of their choice, their performance on state run examinations has a great impact on the individual elf.

This test, simply called "The Exam" -- often derisively or reverantly by its "victims" -- it is a milestone in the young elf's life. Testing their skills in such things as memory, problem-solving, public speaking, mathematical prowess, as well as a myriad of natural sciences such as physics, geology, biology, chemistry/alchemy, and astronomy. Once the Exam is completed, students are streamed into fields that they show the greatest proficiency or into the field that they will do the most for the public good. Once schooling is completed, the learned elven pupil takes on a Mentor in the field that they've been streamed into... After a decade or so, the established young elf is assigned his or her first job by a committee of the State and the Mentor.

The Quick and Easy: Pale elves enter puberty at around the age of fourteen; this period lasts biologically until about the age of twenty, but they are not legally adults until they reach the age of twenty-five.


The Dwarves of Vanaria are a hardy bunch. Dwarven babies are born roughly ten months after conception and are born just as helpless as human newborns -- eyes closed, and what-not. Dwarves take on a decidedly Mentor-Pupil educational system at an early age, with the bulk of basic learning assumed to be covered by the child's mother. Mentors are traditionally relatives, but it is largely favoured that these relatives aren't too close to the family itself. Discipline, self-reliance and hard work are the three most valued characteristics in dwarven society and it is ingrained into the young minds of the typical dwarf at a young age. Dwarven childhood is fairly short, in all actuality, lasting only ten sparse years. It is adolescence that lasts comparatively longer, and lasts at least until the child has seen twenty years of life. Reaching the age of adulthood is a joyous occasion and genearlly occurs around the age of twenty to twenty-two years of age depending on what profession the young dwarf has been brought into...

The Q & E: Dwarves have short childhoods, but a long period of puberty lasting about as long as their childhoods. Fostering a system of educational Mentorship, the dwarven individual does not become an adult until his or her Mentor decrees it, usually after a series of tests.


The gnomes of the island realm of Guelphia are quite progressive in the development of their children. Gestating for only about six months, gnomish newborns are less developed at birth than even human children are! The typical gnome's childhood lasts about quite long, about fourteen years in total. Unlike their dwarven "cousins," the gnomish adolescence is quite short, usually about four to five years in length. It is at the age of twenty-one that all gnomes are considered adults and are accorded the freedoms given by the Charter of the Great Sage in Guelphia City. Unlike other cultures, gnomish education isn't segregated along the lines of gender. Nearly all gnomes undergo "primary" schooling for ten years and an additional five years of "secondary" training in the student's chosen field -- as long as s/he can meet basic academic requirements. Upon completing their rigorous studies, gnomes are given the option to enter into a myriad of training guilds, colleges, and most significantly, the Academy of the Great Sage himself.

The Q & E: Gnomes have long childhoods of about fourteen years with relatively short periods of development into adults lasting only about four or five years. Gnomes are treated as adults at the age of twenty-one and are accorded freedoms as such... but only in Guelphia.

Humans and Halflings

Of all the other races, halflings are the most similar to humans in development and educational outlook. Like humans, the halfling length of time from conception to birth is nine months. Halflings develop along the same lines as humans: puberty at around age twelve, and adulthood roughly four or five years after that. The cultural similarities also extend in terms of education. Though both humans and halflings see to it that their children are taught the rudiments of halfling and "greater Vanarian" culture, training for their females typically ends shortly after that. While human and halfling men are considered adults at the age of sixteen, women aren't considered adults until they are eighteen or nineteen -- even though they can be married off as soon as they turn fourteen. With their greater contact with the gnomish culture, halflings are getting away from that practice and many families are engaging in a more egalitarian approach like their small friends. Humans, on the other hand...

The Q & E: Halflings and humans share the same development rates depsite the huge difference in physical appearance. Human and halfling men are generally given better education as a rule, but it really depends on social class at that point. The women of the two races are treated as lesser equals at best, and possessions at worst.

A Quick Word: Gobbos, Hobbos, and Bugbears

Goblins and their larger masters, the Hobgoblins, are comparable to orcs in their fast gestation, higher birthcount ("litters"), short childhood and adolescence. While goblins are treated badly regardless of their gender, therefore receiving little in the way of education; hobgoblins are quickly segregated by gender and each undergoes a different level of training. Males are pressed into martial service as soon as they can weild a weapon proficiently enough and females are given strict and proper traing as domestic servants and consorts. Though not treated as brutally as orcish women, hobgoblin females do have some status within the goblinoid lands -- mostly, however, they play down how badly they are treated do to ignorance of the way others are treated.

Bugbears, however are a different issue entirely. They share the same development rates as humans typically do, if a bit slower. They differ in the way that their culture is set up. Living in a tribal environment, there is no "system" of education as elves, gnomes, or even humans would define it. Children are raised by the tribe in an extended family and are taught how to survive in the windswept plains and badlands of the goblinoid territory. Dating back eons, it seems that hobgoblins were never quite able to completely subjugate the larger bugbears. Though the tribes are loyal to their Warlords, theirs is a service that is reciprocated with a lot of freedom.

Well, I think that's about it. In regards to gender (in)equality, I'm working on an assumption that it has something to do with the level of difference in the appearance of a male to a female. Elven, dwarven, and bugbear males and females look more similar to each other than do that of the gnomes, halflings, and humans; therefore, the culture is somewhat skewed toward a more egalitarian treatment of the sexes for the former group, rather than the latter. This difference can be overcome, as has been shown by the progressive nature of the gnomish culture, but the going can be difficult -- especially when the Askaran cultural arrogance is introduced into the mix.

Well, I hope that was informative -- if not passably entertaining. :cool:

- Rep.
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First Post
My apologies for not posting on the 19th, I wasn't able to access EN World after I got home from my classes... I'll try to have a reply up for today after I get home from today's classes -- I have an International Trade Midterm exam today, wish me luck!


First Post
He will be now, hehe. Thanks for the well-wishing, Krug, I think I did well!

Before I go any further, I'm wondering this: "Is everyone fairly familiar with the way our banks work?" I ask this because this is how I want gnomish banking to work out... Imperial banks don't lend money, they merely store and protect it for a fee. Therefore, it's only good for people with a certain amount of wealth to store it in a bank... People who make 20 silver pieces a month obviously won't be able to pay the monthly fee of 50 silver pieces a month; so, those people have to take the risk of storing their money places that are less secure.

I can explain it further, but I'm wondering if what I've written so far in the IC thread is enough... It might not matter to your characters at all, but I thought I'd offer just in case.

Inquiring minds and all that, :cool:

- Rep.
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First Post
My apologies for not being able to post anything up in the past few days. It appears that I've caught a bad strain of something and I was bed-ridden since Friday. Looking at the monitor still makes me a bit dizzy, but I think I should be a bit better tomorrow (well, at least in a few hours since "tomorrow" is in a few minutes from when I'm posting)... Don't worry, I've not forgotten to keep my promises! :)

- Rep.

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