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Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Shopping advice


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So in my current pathfinder campaign we're in town to do some shopping. Yay!

My 8th level Cavalier is in the Order of the Tome and has a shiny new ability to use any divine scroll. Only, I don't know the spell casting lists in Pathfinder and honestly don't have much interest in trying to absorb that amount of information. So does anyone have any advice of a bunch of useful 1-2nd level divine spells I might want to stock up on?

Also my saves need help, are there any hidden gems in the way of save boosting items in the pathfinder system?

Thank you geek hivemind. :D:cool::D

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Without knowing the rest of your groups composition it is difficult to give accurate advice. There is also the factor of what type of situations your DM likes to throw at your party. Personally, my group generally only uses scroll out of combat and only for spells that are nice to have when you need them, but the vast majority of the time no worth preparing.

With that in mind, here are a few spells that I would keep in mind:
Abundant Ammunition - Only if you have a party member who uses ranged ammo all the time. Combine with Magic Weapon for good measure.
Ant Haul - When you need to carry something/one for several hours and no one is strong enough.
Comprehend Languages - When you really need to understand what someone else is saying.
Endure Elements - It may never come up, but damn useful when it does.
Enhance Water - When you're tired of being sober... or need a bitter drink to hide that poison.
Hide from Undead - When you really, really don't want to deal with that wraith up ahead right now.
Obscuring Mist - One of the few in combat scrolls we deal with. For when it's time to GTFO.
Sanctify Corpse - Well damn... that wraith just killed Jimmy.
Keep Watch - When you casters cannot be on watch tonight.
Abstemiousness - Great if your out in the wilderness with no rations and no one has a decent survival check.
Decimoise Corpse - You've just killed someone very important, you don't have to time to hide yourself and/or the body and you know you can't fight your way out... At least they can't immediately prove that you just killed the crown prince.
Goodberry - Same reason you'd want Abstemiousness. CON: You have to find berries. PRO: Each one heals 1 HP to a max of 8.
Nature's Path - Great if you're traveling through the wilderness and you need to get somewhere in a hurry... and teleport is unavailable.
Pass without Trace - When you really can't afford to be followed.

Calm Emotions - Another in combat scroll. Nothing like telling a raging barbarian to stop it.
Make Whole - If you DM likes to break your toys, here is a band-aid.
Paralysis - This status sucks and you can hit up to 4 targets with a single use.
Lesser Restoration - Ability damage sucks. It's a shame it only deals with the temporary kind, but do you expect from 2nd lvl.
Share Language - "Better" than Comprehend Languages if you need to talk to one person long term.
Abeyance - Curses suck. This can help you survive long enough to get somewhere to remove it.
Insect Scouts - When you need intelligence on a location, but don't have anyone in the group who can safely sneak in.
Spider Climb - When Fly isn't available and you need to get up that tower/cliff/ect.
Wood Shape Not as good as it's older brother Stone Shape, but being able to destroy a ship, take out wooden support beams, or fashion a raft in secs can't be beat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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