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[Pathfinder] Scotley's Kingmaker IC continued.


Moving south again you find the air growing warmer as the sun advances into late afternoon. It is now perhaps 4 or 5 pm. You are struck by the richness of the land here. The forest is made of old growth trees and you see much game in the shadows. This land will prove quite valuable if you can secure it.

OOC: Let's have another tracking roll with a +1 this time as you are getting nearer the bandit's camp and they travel this ground more frequently. You can use favored enemy bonus as well.

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Deuce Traveler

"The land is plentiful here. I'm surprised the bandits don't try to settle in for a trading business. It would be just as profitable and they'd live longer. Then again, criminals aren't always the brightest sort," Rhote observes.


OOC: Track: 1d20+6=25 .

Pixie frowns but says nothing to Rhote. Evil-eyed bastard, you don't know what you're talkin' about... A short few minutes later she raises a hand to signal the party to halt and dismounts from her horse. She spends some time looking around, wanders away for a few moments, then comes back, a grim smile on her face. "I got 'em, dead to rights," she says as she climbs back into the saddle. "Should be lots easier to keep their trail from here on in, I think. Just follow me." She puts her knees into her horse and waves everyone on.

The bandit woman leads the party through the forest, confident now about where she is going. Those who are paying attention though can see that she is unhappy about something though. "When we find the 'em, if you see a woman wielding two axes, that's Kressle. She's one of the higher ups among the bandits round here, mostly because you don't want to mess with her; usually," she says, slowing her mount just a little. "But I plan on messing with her. Because we're all out here to put a stop to this banditry, this is going to be my only chance to face her gal to gal. And none of you are going to get in our way."
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The Prince begins double checking his equipment to make sure it everything is cinched tight. He scans the ground ahead of them to help pick out any signs. "How close are we to the camp do you think? Will they have anyone on lookout?"

OOC - Track
I'll use aid-another help spot any tracks that Pixie can follow.
Tracking (1d20+1=21)


You soon find a proper trail following a small creek. Their has been considerable foot and mounted traffic here and the ground is soft making the tracks easy to follow. The smell of a cook fire comes to your noses just at dusk and you know you are very close to the camp.

[sblock=Pixie]It is in a wooded area at the ford of the river ahead where the little creek meets the larger river. The bulk of the camp is across the ford. There hasn't been any rain for a few days so the river should be only about a foot deep at the ford. There are two raised platforms with guards on watch about 20' up in the trees. There could be up to 9 or 10 bandits in the area. At any given time it is unlikely that everyone is at the camp.[/sblock]


Pixie signals a halt as she scans the area for possible signs of an ambush. After raising a finger to her lips, he slowly dismounts, glancing at the others with the expectation they do they same. She ties up her horse, and draws her two axes. "We're real close," she whispers. "Kressle and her men should be just across the ford. Look up once in a while, 'cause there are a couple of platforms that should have guards posted on them. There might be as many as ten bandits camped out here, so don't hold back but to leave Kressle to me."

Once everyone is ready to go Pixie is eager to sneak up on the camp and attack. Gods help us if they think there is going to be any jawing here...


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"Do we want to try tricking them using the cloaks from the bandits we killed?" Kyria asks quietly. She opens her pack, showing several folded reams of cloth within. "I brought them, just in case."


"I doubt it will work," whispers Pixie. "He is wearing heavy armour," she adds pointing to Liam, and then to Rhote, "And he looks like a bad dream. Don't seem much like any bandit from around here. But whatever, do what you like."


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Kyria nods thoughtfully. "We could pretend to have them captive," she muses. "But that has risks of its own."

She looks at the Prince.

"What are your orders, your Grace?"


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"I don't think I'll pass for a bandit, but if anyone can disguise themselves as one of them you might be able to gain some surprise during the fight. Especially since the light is getting poor. They won't expect one of their own to turn on them.

It smells like they're having dinner, so now would be a fine time to strike while their guard is down. We'll get as close as we can, then rush them. If there is anyone in the towers we'll need to take them out. I'm not much for climbing."

Voidrunner's Codex

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