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Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords Reborn! IC

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=ooc-footprints in the graveyard]Were the prints of the medium creature hooved, bare with toes or booted?[/sblock]
Dr. Jekyll stands thinking, his hand on his chin, as he recalls a note.

The prints were booted.
"Dr Jekyll here," The man raises and waves his chin rubbing hand, "It appears that, according to my memory that the long shanks individual was booted, so i must wonder if it is a human or other civil being,"

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"Dr Jekyll here," The man raises and waves his chin rubbing hand, "It appears that, according to my memory that the long shanks individual was booted, so i must wonder if it is a human or other civil being,"

"I will examine these tracks you found after our meeting. If they are roughly human sized that may rule out a few possibilities.

"Goblins generally live short, violent lives, so it's unusual for a single goblin to achieve any real measure of notoriety, but when one does, it's well earned. Currently, six goblins in the region enjoy the status of 'hero.' Only a few of them might be potentially considered a 'longshanks,' assuming of course that it is a larger-than-normal goblin.

"Big Gugmut is an unusually muscular and tall goblin from Mosswood who, it is said, had a hobgoblin for a mother and a wild boar for a father. I don't know so much about the wild boar part, although it doesn't rule out the possibility of a lycanthrope of some kind.

"Rendwattle Gutwad is the obese chieftain of the Brinestump goblins, a corpulent monster who, it is said, never leaves his throne. I only mention him because his enormity might lead him to leave larger than normal boot-prints if he did indeed decide to venture out."

Shalelu lowers her head for a moment before speaking again, this time a semblance of rage unbecoming to an elf painting her face, "And then there's Bruthazmus, an infamous bugbear ranger who lives in northern Nettlewood and often visits the five tribes to trade things he's stolen from caravans for alcohol, news, or magic arrows. This monster has a particular hatred of elves, and we have fought on several occasions. To date, neither of us has managed to get the upper hand on the other, but I vow here and now before the gods of elf and man that I won't be the first to fall in our private war. If he is the one leading them, I shall be there to confront him.

"Unfortunately, I must admit I know little about the people of Sandpoint as well as the humans and demi-humans around these parts. I have sworn to defend them with my life, but I confess it is more out of a commitment to eradicating goblins than simple goodwill and training at arms. My point is this: if the 'longshanks' leader is not a goblin, I likely know little about this person."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
" I am indeed thinking it is not a goblin, and that it is the size of human, Elf, Hobgoblin or . . .Bugbear." Responds the Doctor. His far away gaze of thoughtfulness is focused back at the unexpected outrage of the Elvin warrior, but he keeps his thoughts to himself.


Nuko says "I think it's someone who spent some time in Sandpoint. The goblins used a tunnel to get into town, which he somehow knew about. He also knew where the cemetery was, made a beeline for the grave he wanted, and then left. He knew which day the Swallowtail Festival would be, and chose to attack then. Desna's festival and he wanted a priest's body - may not be coincidence. I could even speculate that he knew about the fire that destroyed the old temple, and so the goblins went after the fireworks to use on the new one, but the fact is goblins just like fire so that's not much of a point.

Sherriff, that old fire was suspicious, was it not? Any possible suspects who may still be out for some temple torchin'?"
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"If the tracks are as large as you say, certainly not a low goblin," Shalelu nods in assent with Jekyll. "But if it is any manner of goblin that is a different matter altogether than if it is human or demi-human. If the former then Sandpoint has only an outer threat. But if the latter, then you have traitor in your midst, or perhaps even a conspiracy. I don't know much about this fire, but the prospect of a tunnel through which the goblins might have accessed the city worries me."

Shalelu turns to Belor to field the question about the fire.

"Five years ago, cousins. But there was not much suspicious about it. I would simply call it a tragedy. Father Ezakien and his daughter, Nualia, were loved by all. Father Ezakien was patient, kind, humble, generous. Nualia was delightful, considered by many the most beautiful child in town. The old chapel was made of wood, not stone, and to our best determination, it was most likely a candle left lit at night that somehow caught upon something else. The remains were... so scorched. All but ash. Such a death, it was not deserving to such as them."

A pained look comes upon Belor's face. Mayor Deverin lowers her head. Shalelu looks on with a furled brow, her expression grim.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Dr. Jekyll hangs his head in shame and sorrow for bringing up the disaster. He paces back and forth slowly deep in thought.

"The tunnel, we were in the search of until wee heard of the grave disruption. There was an interesting lady trying to deture us, maybe wee need to revisit her. A conspiracy and or a traitor is most disturbing. We do not know enough to act on this yet. Any ideas?" He looks to his fellow investigators for ideas with a pleading look, "I am out of those for now."


First Post
Evret clears his throat and speaks up, "If there is a tunnel there might be an official record of it somewhere here in city hall. It could be an old storm drain, part of a sewer, or other similar purpose. Perhaps a clerk can search for mention of something like that?

If it is an unofficial tunnel it could be something the goblins dug themselves. Are they any good at digging? It would take some effort and skill to emerge in a hidden location.

The longshanks collaborating with the goblins raised skeletons and left them in the crypt for us to stumble upon. However we believe they used a magic cloak to do it so we don't believe they were able to animate the dead on their own. Maybe there is a ritual that requires the use of a priests bones. If there is a magical expert in town we could consult with them as well.

We also have the cloak itself so if we can locate a hunting dog we might be able to get it to follow the scent."



[indent=6.5]"Perhaps I can assist in the matter of the records," Mayor Deverin says, speaking for the first time. "I know the layout of Sandpoint quite well. My family helped found this town decades ago, and my family has a distinguished history of serving in Sandpoint's highest office. During my tenure, I have come to know the records of the city better than any, and I can say with certainty that there is no pre-existing sewer system, drainage pipe, or other such tunnel beneath the town. If such a thing exists, it has most likely been dug out fairly recently. Either that or someone has kept it hidden for some nefarious purpose."

The Mayor pauses to consider her next words before continuing, "Do not take this as an implication of guilt, but I would not put it past the Scarnetti family to have such a tunnel. Although their family is as old as mine, their history is shady. Still, I can look into the old records and see if there is something I might have overlooked. And if you wish to purchase a bloodhound then I believe Daverin Hosk at the Goblin Squash Stables breeds dogs as well as horses.

"As for magical rituals, Father Zantus at the Sandpoint Cathedral might be able to help you there. I also hear the cartographer at The Way North, a gnome named Veznutt, knows a bit of spellwork. And then there's Madame Mvashti, a Varisian crone as old as the town itself. She still tells fortunes to those who wish it and knows quite a bit about magic from what I hear. There are other dabblers of course, but those are probably your best sources."

[sblock=Sense Motive DC 20]By her tone of voice and composure, you believe Mayor Deverin might hold a personal grudge against the Scarnetti family.[/sblock][/indent]
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Sense motive: 1D20 = [20] = 20
The Doctor could guess easily that there would be friction between the lawful minded Mayor and her family and the possible criminal element.

"Madam Mayer, what do you know about Miss Shayliss Vinder*?" Though he is not the best judge of people, he does know that politicians are usually hiding something.

Sense motive: 1D20 = [9] = 9

Note * Shaylis Vinder introduced here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...rn!-IC/page7&p=6561144&viewfull=1#post6561144

He continues his thoughtful slow pacing.

[sblock=something on the doctor's mind]
"Hmmmm", says the alchemist as he hands over the 7 silver. "meet you back at the table, my friend." He pauses to act like he is looking around with a 120 degree arc so as not to lose sight of the skull headed vial. He wanders over to the area of the vial, then when he sees Jaimen turn he will do his best to quickly and sneakily grab and hide the vial on his person, then return to his table. He is in luck as his table guest turns soon enough to return to the table. He will examine it later, but for now, he will tslk more to his guest to get a better feel o him. Maybe he will want to gamble on the tug of war game finals later on.

ooc: will post more on this later

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