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Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords Reborn! IC



The Swallowtail Festival begins promptly, as scheduled, on the Autumnal Equinox. The square before the church quickly becomes crowded as locals and travelers arrive, and several merchant tents featuring food, clothes, local crafts, and souvenirs are there to meet them.

The turnout for the opening speeches is quite respectable, and the four keynote speakers each deliver short but well-received welcomes to the festival. Mayor Deverin's (Knowledge: nobility) friendly attitude and excitement prove contagious as she welcomes visitors to town and jokes about how even Larz Rovanky (Knowledge: local), the local tanner (and notorious workaholic) managed to tear himself away from the tannery to attend, much to everyone's amusement (except Larz's). Sheriff Belor Hemlock (Knowledge: local) brings the crowd down a bit with his dour mood, his reminder to be safe around the evening's bonfire, and his request for a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in the fire that claimed the town's previous church several years ago (Knowledge: history). The next speaker is scheduled to be local nobleman Lonjiku Kaijitsu, but a sudden illness has prevented him from attending the ceremony (Knowledge: nobility).

Sandpoint's own showman Cyrdak Drokkus (Knowledge: local) is more than up to the challenge of bringing the crowd's mood back up with his rousing anecdotes. He delivers a not-completely-irreverent recap of the long process the town went through to finance and construct the new cathedral. He throws in a bit of self­-promotion at the end, as is his wont, inviting everyone to stop by the Sandpoint Theater the following evening to check out his new production of "The Harpy's Curse," revealing that the lead role of Avisera the harpy queen will be played by none other than the famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda! (Knowledge: local) Finally, Father Zantus (Knowledge: religion) steps up to give a short speech thanking everyone for coming before declaring the Swallowtail Festival underway.

OOC: Welcome to my Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path! You may begin character introductions or describe how your characters might have already met. You may also describe how you came to Sandpoint. The assumption is that all of your characters have been in Sandpoint for at least the last 24 hours, perhaps longer (this decision is up to you based on your character background). My next post will include details for the first event in the Swallowtail Festival, the sack race.

You'll notice I've already posted a few interesting tidbits in the post above. Rather than give you all of my guidelines at once, I will introduce them incrementally as we play. Whenever I do so, I will make certain to update post #1 with the newly introduced guideline. The first thing you might notice is that there are several Knowledge skills indicated in parentheses and italics above.

GM Post Notes
  • Knowledge Checks: Whenever I include a Knowledge skill in parentheses and italics in a post, it is a cue that a Knowledge check might be rolled to gain more information. It is not required, and often I will obscure useful Knowledge checks by including purely RP Knowledge checks around it. When you do choose to roll a Knowledge check, please indicate clearly for which piece of information you are making the check. If you feel like the information is something your character ought to know, invoke the "Simple is (almost) always better" guideline, and I will provide you with the information. However, if something absolutely requires a check, I will denote it by tagging it in red.
  • NPC Attitude: Since it is usually simple enough to determine someone's outward disposition through verbal and non-verbal cues, an NPC's apparent initial attitude will be represented in different colors of text. Red=Hostile. Dark Orange=Unfriendly Gold=Indifferent. Green=Friendly. Cyan=Helpful. See Diplomacy for more information on changing an NPC's attitude. Certain NPC attitudes may not be apparent for various reasons. In such cases, a Sense Motive check or roleplaying may help you discern such an NPC's attitude. Such NPCs will generally use violet-colored text. It is important to note that apparent attitude is not necessarily the true attitude of an NPC. Some NPCs may feign friendliness or indifference for various reasons. Before encountering such NPCs, I will typically roll Sense Motive checks in secret for the PCs after about a minute of in-game interaction has occurred, although PCs are welcome to pro-actively roll Sense Motive checks if they have reason to be suspicious (this allows PCs to use Hero Points or other active bonuses to Sense Motive). If you are colorblind, let me know, and I will be certain to add a letter at the beginning of NPC dialog indicating their attitude.
  • Minor NPCs: Minor NPCs will generally be given no name, and appear only once or twice during an adventure. Instead of names, I usually (but not always) refer to them using descriptive nouns. This is because they are not truly important to the story itself, and this it is fairly obvious to heroic PCs. Rather they help establish atmosphere and offer opportunities for player-narrated RP. They are, in general, Indifferent in attitude and their alignment and race is randomly determined based on the community where they reside (e.g. a minor NPC from a CN community with 7% gnomes will be CN has a 7% chance of a being a gnome). However, I am a sneaky GM, not above planting a well-disguised villain or nemesis among the rubes. I will roll Perception and/or Sense Motive checks for PCs secretly in such cases to see if the PCs notice something amiss. (Be sure to include your Perception and Sense Motive modifiers in your character's mini-block.)

Player Posting Guidelines
  • Please wrap OOC comments in OOC or SBLOCK tags. Also feel free to link to the OOC thread.
  • Dice rolls can be linked from whatever site you prefer. The honor system is in effect.
  • Please include your Perception and Sense Motive scores in your miniblocks with each post.

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Guest 11456

Thrindar: Dwarf Cleric of Sarenrae

The caravan that Thindar had taken to get to Sandpoint from Nybor had arrived early the previous day, but the dwarf had not traveled well and was quite tired. He had rented a room at a local inn and then slept the rest of the day. Then he had awoken at dinner time and went tavern hopping for a while. Finally he had retired to his room early and slept through the night. He had awoken at daybreak, as was his custom, to commune with Sarenrae before taking on the day. He had left most of his equipment in his room. He was excited about attending the Swallowtail Festival and was looking forward to seeing the new cathedral. He was especially looking forward to speaking with others about their faiths and what had brought them to this most auspicious occasion. After a quick breakfast he had headed to the site of the opening. He wished to arrive early so that he could get closer to the front. His height sometimes made it difficult for him to see clearly.

As the speeches are presented he pays careful attention to each. The ones by Sheriff Belor Hemlock and Father Zantus cause him to try to recall any useful knowledge from his experiences.

[sblock=Rolls]Previous church Knowledge: History check (1d20+6=8)
Father Zantus Knowledge: Religion check (1d20+6=25)[/sblock][sblock=Thrindar Mini Stats]Thrindar
Def: 14 FF Def: 10
HP: 12/12 DR: +5/armor
CMB: +2 CMD: 14
CDCB: +4 CAB: +0 MCB0: +3

Fort: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +5
Perception: +3 Sense Motive: +3
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Channel Energy: 4/4
Orisons: Create Water, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Fire Bolt: 6/6
Rebuke Death: 6/6[/sblock]
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Nuko Wrag, half-orc wizard

Nuko Wrag had once visited Sandpoint before, years ago; his parents made the trip to purchase supplies which had not been available in their hometown of Rogan. Among those supplies were a treatise on magic. As they'd hoped, Nuko was soon hooked, and back in Rogan he apprenticed himself to the local hedge wizard Luno.

Nuko looks back on this sadly, as Rogan has recently been devastated by incursions of giants. If I am to fight a giant, I must learn stronger magic than Luno could teach.

In the meantime, he took in the sights and sounds of Sandpoint since his arrival yesterday.

Though he's not wearing armor, Nuko carries his greataxe with him at all times, and his greenish flesh is scarred and tattooed, giving him a somewhat intimidating appearance. However, most of the locals seem friendly, and he tries to reciprocate.

Seeing the nosy dwarven priest he met at the tavern last night he nods in greeting.

Finally the prepared speeches are over. "Let's go swallow some tails!" he exclaims, getting into the spirit of the festival.

[sblock=knowledge rolls]
knowledge (local) rolls:
25 vs Larz Rovanky
15 vs Belor Hemlock
21 vs Cyrdak Drokkus
26 vs Allishanda


Thrindar doesn't recall anything useful about the history of the church. However, he does note that Father Zantus is a cleric of Desna, chaotic good goddess of dreams, stars, travelers and luck. He also notes that the newly-built open-air cathedral itself seems to house separate naves, each devoted to a different deity: he notes a nave facing south for Abadar and Erastil, a nave for to facing west for Gozreh and Shelyn, and a nave facing east for Desna and Sarenrae. Thrindar recalls a conversion with local religious folk he spoke with upon arrival, describing Father Zantus as very open about matters of faith; the priest has slipped into the role of advisor for worshipers of other gods of Sandpoint with ease.

Nuko remembers from his previous visit that Lars Rovanky runs Sandpoint's tannery, situated at the edge of town, with ruthless efficiency. He expects perfection from his workers and his products, and as a result often works long hours on his own during the stretches when he's temporarily fired the help. His leather and fur goods are of high quality, enough so that locals generally don't mind the extra wait for custom orders while Larz fusses with getting things perfect. Nuko recalls that Sheriff Hemlock has a reputation as a just Sheriff, but that not everyone holds him in his esteem with regards to his competence as a peace officer. Nuko also knows that Cydrak Drokkus is the proprietor of one of the most impressive theaters on this side of Varisia--it certainly competes with the playhouses of Magnimar, a fact that Cyrdak takes great pride in, since he was forced to flee that city for mysterious reasons. The Sandpoint Theater often showcases local talent, but it's the three weekend shows that locals generally look forward to. Cyrdak uses his contacts in Magnimar to great extent, ensuring that the most exciting new productions in the big city are available here as well. Allishanda is one of the famed divas of Magnimar's theaters, known for her acting and operatic performance, easily one of the best the City of Monuments has ever known. Given the reputation of Cydrak's theater, it is not entirely surprising she would tour her.

A nearby woman giggles when Nuko speaks of swallowing tails. "Oh, you silly man," she laughs, "it's not meant to be taken literal like. It's a celebration of Desna and the swallowtail butterfly what represents her! Say, that's quite a big axe you've got there, fella. Are you with the Garrison? Or are you one of Sheriff's deputies what's here for the Festival? My name's Anca, what's yours?"

It is at this point that Mayor Deverin steps up to announce that the first game shall begin. But first, one of the local tavern owners, a young woman of obvious Tien heritage (Knowledge: local) steps up to remind her that all food and drink is free while the Festival is on, and that includes her own joint, the Rusty Dragon, where she promises delicious samples of her spicy eel seaweed wraps and free ale. Mayor Deverin thanks the woman, whom she refers to as Miss Kaijitsu, for the announcement, and then gets back to business. She enthusiastically points out that the sack racers are getting ready and that there are still plenty of sacks to go around. She says the race will begin promptly as soon as the noon bell rings, which appears to be five minutes from now.
OOC: To participate in the sack race, roll a Strength check, a Dexterity check, or, if you are trained in it, an Acrobatics check.
[sblock=NPC Attitude]"Hello, my name Anca, and my attitude is Indifferent."
Since it is usually fair enough to determine someone's outward disposition, their initial attitude will be represented in different colors of text. Red=Hostile. Dark Orange=Unfriendly Gold=Indifferent. Green=Friendly. Cyan=Helpful. See Diplomacy for more information on changing an NPC's attitude. Certain NPCs may conceal their attitude with a high Bluff score or by other means. In such cases, you will be required to roleplay the old-fashioned way. Such NPCs will generally use violet-colored text. If you are colorblind, let me know, and I will be certain to add a letter at the beginning of NPC dialog indicating their attitude.[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Kelvyn emerges from the Fatman's Feedbag, ducking his head and turning his massive shoulders slightly from force of long habit as he exits. Though it's been a year or more since he's been in his native land, his body remembers living in a tent as though it were only yesterday that he left. He turns slightly and nods at Jubrayl; the Szarni wouldn't be coming out to the festival until a little later.

The big Keleshite makes his way through town with confidence. At first, he'd found it somewhat difficult to find his way, but now that he's been here a couple of weeks he has the lay of the land firmly in hand. He nods with easy familiarity to Larz Rovanky, and claps Cyrdak on the back as he passes - the showman is just about to go on.

Kelvyn's eyes narrow somewhat as he notes the big half-orc roaming the crowds with his great axe, but he holds his peace for now. He carefully avoids the knot of people around Sheriff Hemlock; though he's spoken to the man a couple of times since he came to Sandpoint, his recent experiences with the law make him leery.

When the call comes for the first game, Kelvyn makes his way over to the sack race. He casts an appreciative eye over Miss Kaijitsu; he's seen her around Sandpoint a few times and finds something about her to be very attractive. He takes up a sack and steps in confidently, ready to start the race.​

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Knowledge (Local) (1d20+5=25) (I made some assumptions of familiarity with the locals I thought Kelvyn might have rubbed shoulders with since he came to town, and rolled the knowledge check for anything beyond casual familiarity - hope that's the way you intended it to be used ;)).
Strength Check (Sack Race) (1d20+4=12)[/sblock]
[SIZE=+1]Kelvyn Damonder[/SIZE]
HP: 15/15, Speed: 20' Perception: +0

Defense: 14, Critical Defense: +08, Armor DR: 5/Magic or Large, CMD: 19
Fort: +3, Reflex: +3, Will: +0

Weapon in Hand: None

Abilities: Str 19, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10

Condition: None



For the past couple of days Jamir had hung around at the few taverns in the small town, listening and drinking with the locals as they talked about and prepared for the festival. With all of the travelers in Sandpoint for the Autumn Equinox, he felt lost in the crowd. It was comfortable feeling as he was used to it in Magnimar.

Without any idea how he was going to find a way to Korvosa without walking the whole way, he was procrastinating on dealing with the situation and simply enjoying things. He decided that the free food and drink was right up his alley. He had no prospects for gaining more coin at the moment, and was not yet resigning himself to start looking to charm and old biddy to support him.

He was not interested in participating in the sack race, but instead followed Miss Kaijitsu's offer and sought out the Rusty Dragon. He had heard a bit about her establishment and approached her on the way. He removed his hat and made a flourishing bow with a incorrigible grin on his neatly trimmed bearded face.

"Miss Kaijitsu, your pardon milady. I just wanted to say that tis kind of you to offer the pleasure of sampling your fine ale. And And you are also a fine looking woman too, I might add."

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Jamir is a Bard and can try nearly every Knowledge check
Knowledge Nobility (Mayor Deverin) (1d20+3=10)
Knowledge Local (Larz Rovanky) (1d20+6=11)
Knowledge Local (Sheriff Belor Hemlock) (1d20+6=22)
Knowledge History (Church Fire) (1d20+3=13)
Knowledge Nobility (Lonjiku Kaijitsu) (1d20+3=12)
Knowledge Local (Cyrdak Drokkus) (1d20+6=13)
Knowledge Local (Magnimarian diva Allishanda) (1d20+6=18)
Knowledge Religion (Father Zantus) (1d20+3=11)
Knowledge Local (Miss Kaijitsu) (1d20+6=16)
[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: None

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 2/2

Weapon in Hand: Shortbow[/sblock]


A nearby woman giggles when Nuko speaks of swallowing tails. "Oh, you silly man," she laughs, "it's not meant to be taken literal like. It's a celebration of Desna and the swallowtail butterfly what represents her! Say, that's quite a big axe you've got there, fella. Are you with the Garrison? Or are you one of Sheriff's deputies what's here for the Festival? My name's Anca, what's yours?"

"Butterfly? Oh. That's ... um ... also good. I'm Nuko, pleased to meet you. Thanks, I get that a lot about the axe." He shows off the fine workmanship. "It's good looking I know but I assure you it's really good for killing people too. Ah ... Where I come from, you never know when you might have to defend yourself or those around you. Monsters and bandits are getting bolder. Well, I'm getting into the sack. You want to come?"

Nuko tries to win the sack race, but he's unused to jumping around in a sack.
OOC: Roll = 5


Guest 11456

Thrindar: Dwarf Cleric of Sarenrae

Seeing the sack race lining up, Thrindar decides he will give it a try.

[sblock=Roll]Strength check (1d20+2=21)[/sblock][sblock=Thrindar Mini Stats]Thrindar
Def: 14 FF Def: 10
HP: 12/12 DR: +5/armor
CMB: +2 CMD: 14
CDCB: +4 CAB: +0 MCB0: +3

Fort: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +5
Perception: +3 Sense Motive: +3
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Channel Energy: 4/4
Orisons: Create Water, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Fire Bolt: 6/6
Rebuke Death: 6/6[/sblock]
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OOC: Incidentally, for immersion purposes, you can imagine a good number of the people of Sandpoint have accents similar to the English Norfolk dialect, which makes them a bit quaint and rural-sounding. I cannot promise to get the idioms right, but it is more the spirit of the concept of a rural form of Common with a heavy emphasis on Varisian pronunciation. In fact, were I running this as a more realistic game, Common would only be a trade tongue or lingua franca used by traders, merchants, and diplomats; all the commoners would speak Varisian alone. But for story purposes we are assuming everyone can speak Common and that Varisian is more a dialect than distinct language.

You will see by the end of this post that it would be handy if your characters decide to join together for a meal for one reason or another. Try to find a natural way to roleplay it and designate a leader if possible; by default the leader would be Jamir if you neglect to designate a leader. If your characters do not associate now, there will be time to handle it later, but the sooner your characters become friends or at least decide to associate with each other, the easier it will be for me and everyone involved since I will not have to track four separate character actions.

No problem at all with your assumptions, [MENTION=29558]Mowgli[/MENTION]. You played it perfectly for a game with more of a narrative focus. Since I'm not sure which item you were rolling Knowledge: local on, I divided up your roll into bits of info on several things. On the opposite side of the spectrum is [MENTION=88649]perrinmiller[/MENTION]. There is nothing wrong with rolling for each and every check if you really want to, but I am likely to merely summarize results in such a case as I did below.

Kelvyn recalls Larz Rovanky's reputation as a workaholic and a truly unbearable employer, although he does make quality goods. Of Sheriff Hemlock, he knows the man is appreciated by the town for his commitment to law, order, and justice, but is blamed for not solving an unusual string of murders related to what locals call "The Late Unpleasantness." Apparently, over 20 people were killed in the incident before the matter was solved (Knowledge: history for Kelvyn and anyone with whom he shares the information). On another note, he has heard stories of Cyrdrak being involved in a scandalous affair with another townsperson, although he doesn't know whom. Finally, he has heard that Ameiko Kaijitsu is a young retired adventurer and the daughter of the venerable Longjiku Kaijistu, one the town nobles, although she does not seem to be much in her father's favor. She purchased the Rusty Dragon with the money from her adventures a few years back and has been there ever since.

OOC: I rolled Jamir's Diplomacy check to see if Ameiko's attitude changed and got a 7: no change.
Information being Jamir's stock and trade, he has gathered bits and pieces of virtually everything the others have learned. He is particularly familiar with Sheriff Hemlock and unlike Thrindar has learned that several years ago, the "Old Church" as the locals call it was burned down in a terrible accident that wholly consumed the church itself as well as several nearby buildings before being brought under control by the town's fire fighters (mostly volunteers). The church's head priest and his daughter were killed in the accident and Father Zantus, an acolyte at the time, barely survived; apparently he bears burn scars all over his back. As a result the relatively young priest of Desna became the leading religious figure in town. To honor the deceased, the erection of a new, grander cathedral of stone was authorized by the mayor and town nobles, funded largely by the nobles themselves. It has been several years in the making, with additional masons from Magnimar being hired to help speed along its construction.

Miss Kaijitsu is pleasant with Jamir and thanks him for the compliment, but excuses herself politely, saying she must get back to attending her kitchen.

OOC: As with perrinmiller, I rolled Nuko's Diplomacy with Anca and got a 6: no change.
Anca seems to find Nuko's stumbling words a little cute, and she giggles at him. She mentions not having to worry much about bandits, although sometimes folks say there are goblins on the outskirts of town, but she has never seen one. But she soon looses interest in the conversation. She declines to join him in the sack race and wanders over to talk with a young dandy.

The sack race is good fun by all. Everyone lines up on west side of the Cathedreal with the top of the steps being the starting line and the eastern nave being the finishing line. About 20 participants have gathered. Mayor Deverin "judges" the race by lining herself up at the finishing line, and local fisher monger, Turch Sterglus volunteers to bang extra bells in the Cathedral when the town clock strikes Twelve so as to give everyone plenty of notice to start. When the bell rings, everyone takes off! Nuko is one of the first to fall behind, accidentally punching a hole in his sack with his leg and getting it a bit stuck. He stumbles next to a pair of young girls who have fallen over, chortling to themselves, which becomes all the merrier when Nuko falls next to them. A halfling, a grocer by the look of him, suffers a similar fate not far from them. Kelvyn manages to finish in 8th place, crossing the line after several have already done so. Thrindar however, puts up a marvelous performance, racing neck-and-neck with a quite nimble woman who bears the tattoo of a dark-skinned woman (clearly not Varisian) with a tattoo of an open-palmed hand surrounded by a circle on her back (tattoo - Knowledge: religion, nationality of woman - Knowledge: geography). At the last moment, she pulls a few inches ahead of Thrindar, who takes second place. Mayor Deverin cries out, "And our winner is... Sabyl Sorn! Congratulations!" The crowd gathered to watch the race cheers and many rush up to congratulate Sabyl on her victory. She seems a gracious and humble winner, thanking the mayor for hosting the event, Father Zantus for allowing use of the cathedral, and congratulating Thrindar on providing a good challenge.

"And who is this runner up?" Mayor Deverin asks Thrindar as he catches his breath with the others. "It seems a welcome visitor to our town has proved himself a match for even our agile Sabyl. Tell us your name and profession, friend dwarf," she says loudly, as much to Thrindar as to the crowd.
OOC: Thrindar receives a +1 circumstance bonus on all social interaction checks with the people of Sandpoint for the next 24 hours due to his performance in the sack race.

After introducing Thrindar to the crowd (assuming he identifies himself), Mayor Deverin says the next game will be in one hour, a test of strength for the mightiest of Sandpoint's people. In the meantime she recommends everyone mingle and try out the local cuisine. There are several taverns, inns, and shops that are giving away free food:
  • The White Deer is a recently rebuilt inn with a tavern and dining room across the way from the Cathedral. The new White Deer is a grand affair, three stories tall with a stone first floor and wooden upper floors.
  • A particular favorite of patrons of the Sandpoint Theater, Cracktooth's Tavern is always full after the latest show at the nearby playhouse lets out. A large stage gives actors, singers, and anyone else the opportunity to show their stuff.
  • The smells issuing from the bakery known as Sandpoint Savories fight against the salty tang of the sea every morning except on Sunday.
  • Olmur, the halfling who fell halfway across the sack race, is giving away free blackberries, red grapes, and red wine at the Grocer's Hall.
  • One of Sandpoint's most popular taverns, especially among fishermen and gamblers, the Hagfish is also Sandpoint's best bet for a good old-fashioned seafood meal.
  • Turch is giving away seared lamprey and ale at Valdemar's Fishmarket.
  • The Sandpoint Market is filled with local farmers and fishers giving away samples of wine, beer, raw fruits and vegetables, seafood, and even a few local delicacies such as sushi (made by a family of Tien farmers who claim it is a local favorite in their homeland).
  • The Rusty Dragon, a large structure, is notable for the impressive (and quite rusty) iron dragon that looms on the building's roof doubling as a lightning rod and decoration. Owned and operated by the lovely and popular Ameiko Kaijitsu, the Rusty Dragon is not only one of the town's most popular eateries (made so, in large part, by the spicy and exotic Tienese-style food served here), but also a great place to meet visitors from out of town, since most newcomers to Sandpoint come upon this southside inn first.
  • While Sandpoint's taverns offer a wide variety of spirits, they all proudly serve the mead, ale, and rum brewed at the Two Knight Brewery, which is giving away samples of its wares directly today.
  • If the Hagfish is Sandpoint's most popular tavern, Fatman's Feedbag is its most notorious.

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