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Pathfinder 1E [Paizo] Paizo wants your opinions... Why?



I filled out the first page of the survey. Clicked submit.
One minute later, the second page came up.

I filled that out too and submitted it.
One minute later, the third page came up.

At this point, I quit out of the survey. I don't have 20 minutes to waste waiting for the survey to load.

[edit] I should mention that I have a cable modem. A one minute load time is, IMO unacceptable.

Last edited:

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First Post
this quesion asked :

How interested are you in seeing the following material in Dragon Magazine?

Roleplaying Product Reviews
Computer Game Reviews
Fantasy and Science Fiction Book Reviews
Fantasy and Science Fiction Movie Reviews
Other Game Reviews (board, card, etc.)
Nothing but D&D content in Dragon


It bothered me; See... i want all those things for D&D... i think D&D computer games, novels, minis should all be part of Dragon. D&D iis more than just sitting around the gaming table; it is primarily that and Dragon should cover primarily that; but there is more and I like it when Dragon covers more then just feats and functions. I just wish this quetion refered to this fact better. thanks, ill stop now.


D'karr said:
Maybe because what you spend your money on says more about you than a stated opinion.

except they didn't ask me what i purchased in total.

only a small portion and very biased.

most of my roleplaying money goes to OoP purchases.

that was no where in their survey.


First Post
Re: Survey

Tarek said:
I filled out the first page of the survey. Clicked submit.
One minute later, the second page came up.

I filled that out too and submitted it.
One minute later, the third page came up.

At this point, I quit out of the survey. I don't have 20 minutes to waste waiting for the survey to load.

[edit] I should mention that I have a cable modem. A one minute load time is, IMO unacceptable.


Argh! I'm getting the same behavior on a T1 line! What's the dill, pickle?


First Post
Dragon survey responsiveness

Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Tarek. The volume of response we've been getting on the Dragon survey (plus the traffic on the Star Wars Insider survey) were bogging down our database.

I have done some optimizations and it's running lickity-split now.

Robert Head

Tarek said:
I filled out the first page of the survey. Clicked submit.
One minute later, the second page came up.

I filled that out too and submitted it.
One minute later, the third page came up.

At this point, I quit out of the survey. I don't have 20 minutes to waste waiting for the survey to load.

[edit] I should mention that I have a cable modem. A one minute load time is, IMO unacceptable.



The tingling means it’s working!

IMO Dragon needs less rules crap. The Web is flooded with prestige classes, feats, skills, spells, and whatnot. Dragon, a paper magazine, is the worst possible place for such content since:

1. It can't be updated--once printed, it's done.
2. It's not convenient. Who wants to carry around multiple issues of bulky, fragile magazines just so they can reference cruddy quasi-official rules?
3. Rules geeks/crunch fiends are much better served by buying any of the hundreds of d20 products, or better yet, scouring the Web.

An issue of Dragon should not be a mini-splatbook. If Paizo wants to deal with such junk, they should put their new Webmaster to good use and create web articles, with access restricted to subscribers. Web articles can be instantly updated with errata fixes, 3.5 updates, etc.

Dragon should leave the crunch to the splatbooks. It should focus less on rules for the game, and more on the game itself: game design tips, news, editorials, and features. The best Dragon articles are the articles on world building, dungeon design, and game mastering. The worst are the unbalanced, context-less, ultimately useless crunch fests.

How cool would it be to see an in-depth article on the behind-the-scenes politics, business, and game design issues of 3.5? Or an update on current legislation that might affect games? Or real info on game sales/current state of the industry? Or an overview of what's happening with the main D&D settings? Or an analysis of WotC's strategy with "D&D Miniatures"? Or a feature article and interview with WotC's chief miniature sculptor?

As opposed to yet another batch of garbage feats, wacky weapons, and goofy spells that you'll probably never use.

Hopefully we'll see some changes.


PS: Paizo really, really needs to build a better site. With a searchable article archive. Gamers are web-savvy, Paizo--put Rob to good use and serve your customers!


Re: Dragon

Zaruthustran said:
Dragon should leave the crunch to the splatbooks.

I dunno. Would you consider the "Power Fantasy" article in #306 to be "crunchy"? I would, and I loved it. The best part was that it wasn't giving me new rules, but rather showing me new ways to use rules I already have. For me, that is the goal most supplemental material should strive for.

Zaruthustran said:
How cool would it be to see an in-depth article on the behind-the-scenes politics, business, and game design issues of 3.5? Or an update on current legislation that might affect games? Or real info on game sales/current state of the industry? Or an overview of what's happening with the main D&D settings? Or an analysis of WotC's strategy with "D&D Miniatures"? Or a feature article and interview with WotC's chief miniature sculptor?

I don't know how interested the populace at large is about industry-insider stuff like this. The main goal should be material that I can use in my game, even if it's just good advice. Industry news becomes obsolete within days or weeks, and is best left to sources like ENWorld and Gaming Report. And WotC has feature articles on its staff all the time.

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