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D&D 5E Out of the Abyss IC

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Start of Round 1

Brinn 28
Ally Kuo-toa 19
Solace 17
Kamael 10
Enemy Warrior Kuo-toa 8
Raza 7
Kago 5
Plooploopeen's Warrior Kuo-toa 5
Ce'rek 4
Enemy Kuo-toa 2

A flash of light, brilliant in the saturnine dark, streaked from Kago beneath the dock toward the enemy warrior kuo-toa. The bolt of magical energy splashed harmlessly against a small boulder beside the warrior. Kago found himself the fixture of multiple sets of eyes, all of which were luminescent in the dark as the remnant of the bolt withered from sight.

OOC: No one is surprised. Action is to Brinn, [MENTION=6799753]lowkey13[/MENTION].

Brinn moved forward until he could make out crab-Raza standing directly in front of him.

Slowly, stealthily, the ally kuo-toa flunkies creep out from underneath the dock and swim across the water to the next dock to the south, where they lie in wait. The pair of ally kuo-toa who'd been behind Kago and Brinn similarly edge out from under the wharf and, skirting the lake shore, ensconce themselves in position a bit closer to the totem (but remain hidden under the dock and behind a nearby reed hut). Their approach seems unnoticed by the creatures surrounding the totem. Kago and Ce'rek, however, can see in the dark and note where the two kuo-toa flunkies closest to them are, and watch the pair ready two nets. Brinn could not see the friendly kuo-toa, but he could hear them; they were somewhere close at hand, still in the water, probably.

OOC: Kamael's turn, [MENTION=33284]Yavathol[/MENTION]. I will do an update of the Excel map this evening when I'm home. For now, folks can look at the Google Drawing map if they need an idea where things stand. From his present position hiding behind the hut, Kamael does not have line of sight to the two ally kuo-toa in P11 and Q11. He could probably see them if he stepped forward a bit, though. I'm going to DM fiat that Solace acts on Initiative 4, with Ce'rek. I will post an action for her. (this is how we'll roll until KS returns to the game)

N8 moved to I11
O8 moved to J11
V8 moved to P11
V9 moved to Q11



Kamael mentally offered a quick prayer to Mystra, somewhat queasy about desecrating any shrine, even one to an evil chthonian entity. As soon as Kago cast his spell, Kamael gathered his focus and with but a gesture and softly muttered eldritch syllable, a roaring conflagration instantly sprung up at the nearest corner of the shrine. The dry shrine rapidly caught fire, and the light spread out to illuminate the nearby region.

Flinching as though a lightning bolt from the heavens was imminent, Kamael shrank back behind the hut and listened to the ensuing ruckus.
Action: Cast Create Bonfire on N16, any creature in/entering/ending turn must Dex save DC 14 or 1d8 fire damage.
Move: Z13

[sblock=status]Kamael hp 22/22
AC 15
Inspiration no, Tides of Chaos yes, Concentrating: Create Bonfire
Slots 3/4 3/3
SP: 3/4
HD: 4/4

Kamael lit the altar up like Christmas with a create bonfire spell, then shrank backward further behind the reed hut. The enemy kuo-toa immediately start flipping out and scurrying around the totem, rather like ants whose nest had been disturbed. They appeared to be completely distracted. Except the enemy warrior kuo-toa. He fixed Kamael's reed hut with an intent-filled stare. Skirting crab-Raza but otherwise ignoring her, the enemy warrior kuo-toa gave her a wide berth and advanced toward the reed hut. Just when it seemed he would continue on toward the hut (Kamael's hiding place), however, he stopped and craned his neck and spotted several of you. Quick as a whip, the warrior cast a spell.

OOC: Enemy warrior kuo-toa: Move to U15 (via P16 >> Q16 >> R16 >> S16 >> T16), cast a spell requiring Brinn ( [MENTION=6799753]lowkey13[/MENTION] ), Kago ( [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION], I will roll for you if no roll is supplied due to the scout trip), and the ally warrior kuo-toa to make a Charisma saving throw DC 12. Those who fail the Charisma saving throw suffer -2 to any attack rolls or saving throws for the next minute.


Google Drawing Map update.

Raza's turn, [MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION].

Voidrunner's Codex

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