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[OT, Star Wars] 3 new reviews for Episode II - AotC


I have to admit, I don't quite understand the opening week boycott thing either. I have a feeling a lot of people who'd like to see it won't see it the first week anyway due to work/schedule conflicts, avoidance of long lines, and sold out shows. Now waiting till it was out on DVD or cable, that'd be impressive....

Just out of curiosity, what exactly is 'opening week'? If one were to boycott the opening week, would (s)he have to wait until May 20th (Monday after opening weekend, which really isn't much of a wait at all), May 23rd (Thursday, exactly one week after AotC opens), or perhaps later (the following Sunday or Monday)?
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So everyone who doesn't mindlessly follow you in your childish little boycott is a drone, huh?

It always amazes me that the folks that go on and on the most about being open minded and individualistic are usually the least so.


*Eric hands Rinn a chill pill*

Take that, friend, you'll feel better in the morning.

I can see where those who thought Ep I was so bad that it was offensive to them might want to "send a message" with the boycott. But those of us who didn't think it was attrocious probably won't care to do so. That doesn't make anyone a drone. :)


First Post
Spot on there Joshua Dyal.

Actually, not buying episode 1 material and merchandise might be a better boycott. You may be missing out on a lot! Not long to go now.


First Post
You can't distract me with your sexy Evil Universe Goatee, Eric Noah... (ok, you can, but not here your grandmother will find out :))

Ok...I can see that my point is being completely missed. You are NOT a drone for seeing Ep 2 on opening week if you are excited and hyped about doing so. Think of it like this. You vote independent in the Presidential election KNOWING it ain't gonna do jack b/c there's a sea of people out there who are gonna vote Republicrat. BUT you do it anyway b/c you're dissatisfied and it makes your protest, however small, legit. However, if you vote Republicrat (ie go the 1st week) JUST TO GO WITH THE FLOW EVEN THOUGH YOU FEEL OTHERWISE b/c you feel your vote ($) won't matter, THEN YOU ARE A DRONE.

My OPINION is that Ep 1 sucked copious amounts of things I can't say on this board. Therefore I am not seeing it opening week (7 days from 16/May) since that is the time where Lucas would get the biggest cut of the boxoffice profits (after opening week his cut drops down, standard proceedure for most movies these days). If you loved Ep 1, by all means go see it 16/May. However if you have the same OPINION as me then don't.


First Post
Rinndalir said:
/me wishes this were Nutkinland so he could post a real flame

If you want to be a drone, go right ahead. No, Mr. Lucas won't miss my $7, or the $7 of my RL friends who are also boycotting opening week, or the money of any of my internet friends who are either joining me or doing this independently of me. I don't EXPECT it to. That's not the point - the REAL POINT is the only vote I have as a consumer is my $, and I'm going to use it regardless of whether anyone notices or cares.

I'd like to invite anyone who feels the same to join me.

AMEN BROTHER! I'm behind you 100 percent. I will not see the film on opening week and I'm thinking about waiting for it to come out on video before seeing it. Ep. I sucked whale and, like you said in a previous post, the only way to vote is with your wallet. Does it make a big difference? Nope. Do I care that it doens't make a big difference? Nope. Do I care that I did everything I could to "protest" the sucking of Ep. I so that, in my own mind at least, I can feel at peace with my ideals? Hell yes.
It's the only thing you CAN do.

Rock. Get it on.

Okay, guys, have you really thought this through?

The only way to protest Ep 1 is by not seeing Ep 1, and it's too late for that. Do you know what's going to happen if people don't see Ep 2? Lucas is going to say, "Hmm, people don't like Ep 2 as much. Obviously, I did something right with Ep 1."

If you want to see Ep 2, see Ep 2. If you don't, don't. But don't pretend that you're sending a message about Ep 1 by boycotting Ep 2, because that message is not going to get through, at least not with the meaning you intend.


First Post
Yeah Rinndalir, I empathize with the difficulty envolved in communicating the meaning behind the 'opening weekend' boycott.

But I'll be there alongside you and other boycotters that first week. I'll be our little microscopic club of defiance.

My plan is basically, to boycott the first weekend, hear the spoiler-free reviews from as many of the sources I trust.....then make the decision then. If I hear that it's got the same quality as Ep1, then I'll just borrow a friend's DVD and watch it. If I hear that it is surprisingly much better and worthy of the Star Wars franchise, then I'll break the boycott and go see it.

Yah, people make fun of our boycott because it seems pathetic. But I compare it too that scene in "Saving Private Ryan" when Tom Hank's character at the end has been shot (with the bullet that was Ep1) and is lying down on the bridge taking feeble shots at the oncoming tank with his pistol. Its like that except I fully know there's not going to be any fighter plane that bombs the tank at the last second.

Mouseferatu wrote:
Okay, guys, have you really thought this through?

The only way to protest Ep 1 is by not seeing Ep 1, and it's too late for that. Do you know what's going to happen if people don't see Ep 2? Lucas is going to say, "Hmm, people don't like Ep 2 as much. Obviously, I did something right with Ep 1."

If you want to see Ep 2, see Ep 2. If you don't, don't. But don't pretend that you're sending a message about Ep 1 by boycotting Ep 2, because that message is not going to get through, at least not with the meaning you intend.

Actually, that went through my brain for a few moments too. But I do think it would be percieved like that. I think the message would be clear (if one was ever noticed -- or taken to heart).

If anything, let's say Ep2 is awesome, but the first opening weekend ticket sales are only three quarters that of Ep1. Possible perceptions would be more along the lines of "Hmm, guesss they were still mad at Ep1."

Now, IF....the following weeks still showed ticket sales being lower than Ep1, then THAT may very well be percieved as "Hmmm...I guess the way I did Ep.1 was better".

If Ep2 starts off slower than Ep1 and then gradually gets better after the following weeks, then the perception might be, "Well, in the beginning its obvious they were still mad at Ep1, but they finally came around and seem to be happy with what I did on Ep2."

And y'know....I hope Ep2 is good. I'm not anti-Lucas. I do hate Ep1, but I know creators can have slumps. Yeah, its too bad it had to be a slump that effected one of the largest pop culture properties but oh well. Nothing truly bad happened in the large scheme of things. I hope its good.....but I'll still boycott that first week.

Rinndalir wrote:
However, if you vote Republicrat (ie go the 1st week) JUST TO GO WITH THE FLOW EVEN THOUGH YOU FEEL OTHERWISE b/c you feel your vote ($) won't matter, THEN YOU ARE A DRONE.

Agreed. Go the first week if you're a fan of Ep1 and can't wait to see Ep2. Heck, go if you even hate Ep1 and think Ep2 will be better. But don't go if you hate Ep1 and have doubts that Ep2 will be any better. Its like me going to see "The Musketeer" even though I'm fully aware that its going to suck just because I like anything with rapiers in it. (Ok, that's not a fair comparison because as much as I dislike Ep1, its no where near as crappy as "The Musketeer".....but I just couldn't think of any other analogy at the moment)

-anyways, enjoy the summer.

p.s. "Spiderman" was awesome!

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