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[OT] Latest Episode of Angel (SPOILERS)


I'm really surprised no one's started a thread about this yet. Especially since it's been so long since the last episode. I just saw it yesterday. I'm a little confused about the Sajan guy though.






I know he wants revenge not on Angel but his son, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how that works out. However I kind of spaced out on the whole explanation of what he was by that little girl. (Who by the way was really creepy, shiver) I'm not sure wether Sajan is a unique being or one member of a race. Can anyone clear that up for me?

All in all the episode was pretty good. I seriously thought Wesly was dead at first. And when Angel when nuts on him! I really wasn't expecting that. I kind of thought Angel had calmed down since last season. Well as far as things go Angel seems to be a lot darker than Buffy ever was. Good stuff.
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First Post
From what I understood Sajan is a member of the race. Whether the race is Sajan or if that's just his name, I'm not sure. I sort of spaced out there to. It was a really weak scene. Personally, I didn't find the little girl that spooky.

The end was fantastic. I'm so glad Angel tried to kill Wes. Not cause I don't like Wes, but it woul;d have really cheapened the episode. It doesn't matter what Wes's intentions where or that he was fooled, Wes is responsible for Conner's disapearence.

It's so nice to have Angel back. Two more weeks for the New Buffy's. :(


I will say that the end of the 4-15 Angel episode shocked the crap out of me. My first thought was, "He's got a LOOOONG way to go."

It has created a situation where I am unsure HOW I should feel about the issue. Wesley had more love for Angel's son that I think Angel did himself; however, I understand Angel's anger, because it was that event that caused Conner to be lost to a Hell-dimension, being protected and raised by his greatest enemy.

I do not have children, and this alters my opinion somewhat from that of a parent. But then again, how many parents have children that smell like FOOD to them???

Bill Muench

First Post
That was one good episode.

Sahjann (I think that's how it is spelled - saw it somewhere) is apparently a member of a race - if you look carefully during the flashback scene in the White Room, you can see that the demons have different facial features. And as far as I can tell, Sahjann is his personal name, not the name of the race.

Two things really stood out for me:
1. That Angel didn't hesitate when told to kill Lilah, even though she's human (barely :))
2. How totally Angel flipped out - spit flying, screaming, shaking, etc.

Can't wait for next week...


Iron Fist of Pelor
I'm not sure whether Li'l Miss Evil was saying Sajan was a single being or a race. However, I think you can trust her about as far as you can trust anyone else you meet at that law firm. She's either:
-Trapped in W&H and is nastily messing with their plans; or
-Is one of W&H's founding members -- one of the folks upstairs that you kinda hope you never meet.

And the ritual that she provided to Angel didn't exactly work as advertised. Well, okay, it worked *exactly* as advertised. Just not exactly how it was supposed to work.

In some ways, I suspect that W&H *wants* Sajan to be corporeal now, despite claiming that they were the ones that decorporealized him in the first place. If the firm didn't want him to be corporeal, why would the little girl have given Angel the ritual?

Unless she's a rebellious prisoner....

It was a great episode, and I can't wait to see how the season turns out!


Now that you mention it I really want to know more about the White Room girl and W&H's past activities. The little girl kind of reminds me of the computer girl from the Resident Evil movie. -"Your all going to die down here." :)
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First Post
I REALLY liked that episode. There were a lot of things going on. Here's how my mind is working through things:

The little girl in the White Room. I got the impression that the White Room really doesn't exist anywhere in the W&H building, and it probably doesn't exist in our dimention. She said "We/I (I can't remember if it was we or I) like trouble, but we/I don't like chaos." So, she likes to watch trouble happen, probably because it's entertaining, however, chaos is either dangerous or too hard to watch. She probably gave him the ritual just to keep the trouble going. Either that or she wants Sahjahn dead. (See below.)

Sahjahn wanted Conner out of the way because of a prophecy. Fine, except the whole becoming substantial thing is going to be his downfall. None of Angel's little gang could have harmed Sahjahn while he was incorporeal, but now they can at least touch him, which means they can potentially hurt him.

Potenially Spoling Rumor Ahead!!!
I heard that Conner was going to be making a reappearence in the show as a 22 year old. Combine that with a corporeal Sahjahn, and I think he engineered his own downfall.End PSR

As for Angel freaking out, I never really started watching Angel until the end of last season, so that was a much bigger slide backwards than I expected. It was very cool, though! :)


Florin said:
...None of Angel's little gang could have harmed Sahjahn while he was incorporeal, but now they can at least touch him, which means they can potentially hurt him.

The first thing I thought of, when Angel wiped Sahjan's blood off of the bumper of that truck, was the famous quote:

"If it bleeds... we can kill it."


Iron Fist of Pelor
Good call on Sajan engineering his own downfall!

I'm definitely expecting to see a grown-up Conner soon: I've been expecting it since we found out that Darla was pregnant. The show can support a baby for too long, and if they can't bear to kill Wesley, surely they can't bear to kill an infant.

I expect Fred to shine soon: she knows all about portals between dimensions, and she'll find a way into this new one. Hopefully she'll go crazy in the process -- even though she's a total cutie, it's fun to see the PCs suffer :).

I'm most curious, though, on how they're going to heal the rift between Wesley and Angel. I really hope that Wesley isn't planning on leaving the show.



First Post
The self fulfilling prophecy; it is the oldest story line in the book, but that is because it works so well. I really liked how they had sajaan rewrite the prophecy, that was completely unexpected. I just wonder why the talking hamburger told Wes about watching out for the earthquake, blood etc. Was that rigged by Sajaan as well?

I really liked the episode. This has been an awesome season for Angel, I wish Buffy still had decent story lines.

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