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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen I Have!

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I really didn't like Hayden Christiansen very much...not sure if it was his acting or the lines...but he just didn't...didn't .... I'm not sure, but it didn't please me.

As for the rest of the movie, Amidala certainly isn't hard on the eyes, the action scenes were good, Jar-Jar was nearly completely gone, and Yoda. My GOD! Taht was the best fight scene I have seen in a LONG, LONG time.

Now it's question time...i'm not anywhere near a die-hard Star Wars fan so I need some clarification...
Is Senator Palpatine the Emperor from V and VI? Is Senator Palpatine Darth Sidious?

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hong said:

The problem seems to be that Eps 1-3 take place a short time ago (relative to Ep 4) in a galaxy far, far away, but the thrust of the storyline and the character archetypes need it to take place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Speaking of which, is it really true that Ep 3 will take place 20 years before Ep 4? An Evil Empire that lasts 20 years is pretty pathetic, if you ask me. The Qing dynasty lasted three centuries, and even the USSR lasted close to a century!

The short life of the Empire was established back in the first movie...Obi Wan made it clear the whle thing occured only a generation ago. Even the Star Wars novelization, where Palpatine was named, made that clear. The Empire was short-lived.

originally posted by Edena_of_Neith
And yes, the comparison between the Galactic Republic and Weimar Germany is overwhelming and obvious.
If you're going to compare the republic to Hitler's Germany then you shouldn't call it the Weimar Republic... Hitler's spectacular rise to power in Germany was greatly due to the disasterous economic state OF the Weimar Republic.

So basically what I'm saying is, Weimar was weak and REPLACED BY Hitler...easy misnaming i suppose.

Sorry... total history nerd, right here! :D


I was rather disappointed with AOTC, although I really enjoyed the novel even though I'm not normally a fan of R A Salvatore.

Thinking back, though, I think part of the problem for me was that I left the cinema feeling like I needed to know more. I think I would have been better off waiting for Episode III before I saw AOTC, just like I didn't see Empire Strikes Back until The Return of the Jedi was released.


Trevalon Moonleirion said:
originally posted by Edena_of_Neith

If you're going to compare the republic to Hitler's Germany then you shouldn't call it the Weimar Republic... Hitler's spectacular rise to power in Germany was greatly due to the disasterous economic state OF the Weimar Republic.
So basically what I'm saying is, Weimar was weak and REPLACED BY Hitler...easy misnaming i suppose.
Sorry... total history nerd, right here! :D

Similarly, much of the philosophy of the Empire is exactly the same as the theory of government espoused in Singapore. The Singapore government gets away with it because people are afraid of the chaos and disorder of the 1960s being repeated, plus it's hard to compete with the government in a single party state.

The only difference is that Yoda (or is that anti-Yoda?) is our Emperor!

Simon Magalis

First Post
hong said:

Asian (and especially Chinese) history is filled with empires that lasted centuries, usually becoming old, corrupt and decrepit before being swept from power. I'd have thought these would be better analogies to the Galactic Empire than Nazi Germany.

Actually, Nazi Germany is probably THE source of inspiration for the Empire. A Chancellor who uses political conflicts to cause himself to be give supreme authority, quickly builds a powerful army and secret police (and Hitler did indeed have Stormtroopers) and is quickly overthrown because it is simply too aggressive and evil to be allowed to exist. Compare the Emperor's arrival in Jedi to a Nazi rally in Nuremberg and you will see what I mean. Of course, there are other sources, Asian culture being one, but I think the Nazi regime is the primary inspiration for the Galatic Empire. Both are notoriously racist as well... I forgot that one.

Simon Magalis

First Post
Re: Theory that fits...

Chairman_Kaga said:
Palaptine is a clone...Darth Sidious is manipulating him. Hence why the Council cannot detect the Drak Side when it is 3 feet from them.

Darth Sidious is Jedi Master Sipherdias (sp?), the one who supposedly died years and years ago but yet ordered the clone army from Kamino...

After watching this three times already and waiting for show number 4, I've got the feeling that I am on to something here.

You may have a very good theory here! I have heard that Lucas is laughing at how everyone thinks its so obvious that Palpatine and Sidious are the same. Obviously the same actor plays them, but the clone thing.... hmmmm. I like it.

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