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[OT] Episode II Rough Cut review over at AICN [spoilers-r-us]

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Vengeance Bunny
I love 'Ain't it Cool News'. The site could use a facelift, but I do love the little animated corner pick. HEE!

As for Episode 2....

I couldn't get the link to work the first time, but you can get to it from the main page. All I can say is....


You know, (and this will be a spoiler free bit of musings) I'm starting to get the feeling more and more that this is like Buffy. (Buffy haters - flee.)

You take an episode, all on it's own, and watching it, I'd say while some succeed wildly, others seem ... off. They only seem right when viewed in sequence, when you can see the larger picture. Ya ya, should be able to be enjoyed thoroughly on it's own. Yes, I've towed that part line before.

But you know what ... the payoff seems better, once you've seen the entire thing. I say 'trust in Joss' so much, the words sometimes loose meaning. I think I may have to add 'trust in Lucas'. He had a BIG vision, one that only plays out when it's all together, lying before you. Seen out of context, without the other pieces, it doesn't look like it's alright. Seen together, well, wow.

Now I'm downright excited about E2.


Ack! I can't get to it!


EDIT: I got to it! I got to it!




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Here's another site that outlines the movie. Whatchout for spoilers though. After reading the first review most of the things on this site seem to be accurate. I've got to say I am really looking forward to this movie!

I have been interested (again) since the new trailer a week or so ago.

I'm going to try and avoid even minor spoilers from now on until I see the movie.


What a nice review to start a Monday off. I'm in awe. I like his comments about what he was feeling when certain things came on the screen, and then how he felt afterwards. It reminded me of how my friends and I would review movies :)

2 Months to go, then we get to judge for ourselves.

Mearlus continues to hum the Imperial March...


Well, if Episode II is half as good as Harry's description makes it out to be, it should be awesome, right up there with Empire. I may even end up eating my words and going to see it in the theatre. :eek:

However, it's still a second-weeker for me. :D I've read Harry's reviews long enough to know that he tends to be a gusher. And this review really REALLY gushes with praise. I don't know how the man keeps from having a heart attack; every time a film comes out he's squeeling and hollering about it from the top of every mountain. ;)

Just to keep things in perspective, here is a link to his review of Episode I:


Here are some telling quotes from his review of Ep. I:

Concerning Jar Jar: "Mesa Luved Him!"

Concerning Anakin: "I really dug Anakin too."

Concerning Obi-Wan: "Ewan is like sooooo cool in this movie."

See, what did I tell you? Harry's a gusher. :D Granted, his Ep. I review is no where near as emotional and excited as this Ep. II review...which actually is part of the problem. I really can't take a person seriously who seems such a complete slave to his emotions like Harry seems to be.

So, all in all, this is good news, and makes me feel better about Episode II's prospects, although I'm still waiting for more reviews, including the opinions of my good friends here at the ENWorld message boards. :)
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First Post
Here are some telling quotes from his review of Ep. I:

Concerning Jar Jar: "Mesa Luved Him!"

Concerning Anakin: "I really dug Anakin too."

Concerning Obi-Wan: "Ewan is like sooooo cool in this movie."

Well, there you have it folks. Anyone who likes any of these three things is automatically discredited as a serious SW reveiwer, while the combination of all of them just screams LUCAS FANBOY. :D

I think I may have to add 'trust in Lucas'.

Ummmm.....NO. Lucas has to earn my respect back at this point, and it's going to be hard. As in there'd better be enough to make up for not only Whiney Teenage Anakin ("But I'm a powerful Jedi, I am! I AM I AM I AM!!!!!!!" *stomps feet*) in the trailers but for Jar Jar and Annoying Kid Anakin ("Weeeeee pod racing!!!!!!") of Ep. 1. :p

And once again, I'd like to invite anyone who's willing to join in on the opening week boycott....

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