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[OT] Am I the only one who is getting excited for Star Wars - Attack of the Clones


Wolfspider said:

Oh, I'll own up to it alright. I don't plan on seeing it at all. But my girlfriend is pressuring me into seeing it (which is strange in itself*), so that may factor in to my decision.

But I'll definitely let you know if I break down, whatever the reason.

* My girlfriend is not a huge fan of fantasy and science fiction, but she doesn't hate these genres either. In fact, she's starting to develop a taste for such things. However, she IS a huge fan of silly romances and boy bands. I can't help but think this love of hers has something to do with her desire to see Ep. II....

alright, wolffy, you've been beating your drum pretty consistently - so i have a pretty good feeling your gonna stick to your guns.

i just happen to think you're going to be the exception, not the rule.

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i just happen to think you're going to be the exception, not the rule.

And I very well may see it. The pull is certainly there. No matter how cynical I try to be about things, I guess I'm just too optimistic at heart. I always harbor this suspicion that the movie might actually be good, no matter what reservations I have.

I have no doubts, however, that the movie will make loads of money. That's a no brainer.


First Post
I'm going to go see the movie, probably during opening weekend as well.

I'm not really looking foward to Episode 2, its just another movie.

The movie I am excited about is Minority Report, since it is based off a Phillip K. Dick story.

But I'm not going to get my hopes up. If its a good movie then I will be pleasently surprised. However I am probably going to go in to the theater treating it the way I treat nearly every other film, its a fun thing to do on the weekend to relax a bit.


I'll go see it. But after the disappointment of Ep I, I refuse to believe the hype.

I'm much more excited about Spider-Man, anyway ;)


First Post
I'm going to see Resident Evil on opening weekend.

I'm going to see Spider Man on opening day.

I'm going to see Episode II . . . ehh when I get around to it.

Star Wars just doesn't give me the mature, adult drama quotient that I need from movies any more. . . . Or the zombies. . . . Unless you count the fans.

Michael Tree

First Post
I'm probably going to see it on opening day, but I'm not really hyped about it. Ep.I was a turkey, with only a few redeeming features (cool fight choreography, some good music, some stunning scenery, and Palpatine).

Judging by the trailers Ep.II probably won't be much better. The dialogue and acting is just too painfully bad, and much of the CGI is over the top and cheezy.

No doubt the lightsaber fight choreography will be spectacular, but that's really the only part of the movie I'm really looking forward to.

The movie I'm *truly* hyped to see is The Two Towers. LotR:FotR was an incredible movie, which by comparison really shows just how *bad* TPM was.

I stand by my earlier comparison: "Of course, if Lucas had done LotR, it would have been a poorly-acted, badly written piece of tripe filled with over the top, pointless special effects that aren't a tenth as effective as the subtle fx in the Jackson movie, Gollum would have been transformed into a vehicle for poop jokes and bad accents, and Boromir's character would have been removed in favor of a computer generated rabbit-man."


First Post
Michael Tree said:
I stand by my earlier comparison: "Of course, if Lucas had done LotR, it would have been a poorly-acted, badly written piece of tripe filled with over the top, pointless special effects that aren't a tenth as effective as the subtle fx in the Jackson movie, Gollum would have been transformed into a vehicle for poop jokes and bad accents, and Boromir's character would have been removed in favor of a computer generated rabbit-man."

Well, all I can say about this, is the poorly written doesn't apply, LoTR was pre-written so to speak. As for subtle fx in FoTR did you miss Galadriel making like a strobe light? The eye of sauron practically slamming itself into Frodo's forehead anytime the ring was on, and any other very unsubtle moments?

I loved FoTR, but the special effects were far from subtle.

As for Ep2. I get better feelings the more I see.

As for Ep1. I don't think it was that bad. I'd even say it's better than RoTJ. Though not as good as ANH or ESB. I said it once, I'll say it again, alot of the EP1 bashing is of the "Me too" sort.


First Post
You know, I find it funny that people are always saying that those of us who say we dont like Episode 1 are just jumping on the "Me too" train. Im sorry, the movie was bad. For a look at why it was bad, let us turn our sight to a bit of commentary from the Esteemed Monte Cooke: http://pub58.ezboard.com/fokayyourturnfrm15.showMessage?topicID=263.topic

Monte basically sums up a number of reasons why the movie was a let down, and there are several other very good reasons brought up in that thread.

Personally I think two things have happened that affect Mr. Lucas' movie making. One: He had his daughter. If you watched the A&E special on him, he states that just seconds after she was born his focus shifted from making movies to her. While this is in itself not a bad thing, it explains ALOT: Ewoks, Greedo shooting first, Episode 1.

But then even more then that someone somewhere brought up the point that you should make movies about what you know. Episodes 4-6 are about a story that George KNOWS. It is part of him and a labor of love. It shows. But what has George done since then? Lots of meetings apparently. Go watch Episode 1 again and count the number of scenes that are just groups of people meeting other groups of people and them all sitting around talking about it. For an action/adventure space fantasy movie Episode 1 sure had alot of Woody Allenesque talking head scenes.

Oh and for those of you who think that Star Wars 4-6 were just movies. Go back and watch the incredibly large number of movies and TV from the 80's and even 90's that reference Star Wars in some way. I think you'll be surprised how often it shows up. Will this happen with Episodes 1-3? Based on what we have so far, I think not.


As for Ep1. I don't think it was that bad. I'd even say it's better than RoTJ. Though not as good as ANH or ESB. I said it once, I'll say it again, alot of the EP1 bashing is of the "Me too" sort.

Look me up in 30 years, and we'll see exactly how well Episode I has stood the test of time (the only real test of whether a movie is "good" or not).

Will it be showing on American Movie Classics, or will it be the focus of an episode of Mystery Science Theatre 6000?

I know which of these scenarios I'm laying MY money on....

"Yippee!" :rolleyes:
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Registered User
Agreed wolfy

My money is on that reaction in 30 years:

Episode what???? We are talking about movies here, are you sure there is one called that way? Starwars? That's a trilogy.

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