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Orthar, god of... er... many things.


Bront said:
Also, Uthur (Othar? text and title still different from lables) sorta fills in 2 rolls that are already filled with Halor and Gundar (The primal law and chaos gods that war, and supposedly tore enworld apart before it was placed on the Enworldphant).

I'm leaning towards a No, not because I don't like the concept, but because it clashes with the current deities.

I dodn´t notice that. If existing gods already fill the creation/entrpy niche, then Othar is already redundant.

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The man with the probe
Someone said:
I dodn´t notice that. If existing gods already fill the creation/entrpy niche, then Othar is already redundant.
Creation and chaos, and I think there is a destruction god.

If you want to combine all three intot he balance, and call it a fate god, that may work (That was my idea, will need to write it out completely, but the basic idea was that as a god of fate and balance, everything has a benging and an end, so fate, destruction, creation, and luck would probably the the domains.


I like the idea of a dualistic god, but agree that creation and destruction are a part of the cosmology already. Someone, will you be working on the Balance/Fate idea? Its a keen one and seems to fit well with where you were going on the third aspect.


The man with the probe
I'm going to officialy vote NO to this. If you rework it into a single aspected fate deity, I am likely to change my mind though.


Hmmm… I was going to follow KO´s advice and not add more to the collection of unvoted proposals, but I´ll post some fluff about that god, and see if you like it.

When something good happens, that´s good luck.
When something bad happens, that´s bad luck
When something totally unexpected happens, that´s Fate.

Orthar is Fate, the sovereign destiny, the many path of the future; not even other gods are above him. It´s an aloof being that rarely contacts with mortals or other deities.

Orthar is represented with many forms: a popular one is as a large spider with human head, spinning a chaotic web of many strands; when somebody is caught in an unexpected twist of fate, he´s said that “was caught in Othar´s web”. Also, when someone dies –specially if it was an unexpected death- it´s a popular saying that “Othar cut his string”. Other forms he´s associated with are women of varying age, or a halfling or gnome child; it´s common knowledge among adventurers that finding lone children frequently brings trouble.

Despite this frequent negative association with him, Othar isn´t a malevolent or mischievous god; only that´s he´s likely to be cursed when something bad hapens. His agenda isn´t know, and in fact it´s very probable that he hasn´t got one except maybe to defend the proper flow of events. This absolute neutrality and detachment makes him alike to a force of nature: if he´s a natural aspect, given form by believers, or a very powerful god, is a debate that´s not likely to be resolved soon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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