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OOC: Tales From The Old Bald One-Eyed Salty Red Dog Tavern!


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Hurricane Rita is bearing down on us wit' a quickness as I speak (type), and no matter where the storm hits up or down the coast, I will without a doubt be sans electricity for a few days, so don't count on anything from me during that time. My workplace is closing down for Thursday and Friday, so I'll be home battening down the hatches in preparation. I'll post as soon as I can after the storm.

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Gray Shade

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Lazlow update

That's odd that you do that LogicsFate. I usually do the same thing. :cool:

This may help, though (it's GOOD news! :D ): I talked to Lazlow a couple hours ago. The hurricane is supposed to hit him Saturday (tomorrow) morning, but it's been downgraded to Category 3 (of 5) so its a lot weaker than it was yesterday (when it fluxuated between 4 and 5) and it's also going in a better direction so that what hits him will be a lot weaker than what they were predicting yesterday, so that's all good too. He and his family are all battened down tight, and ready to bear it out, although the latest reports sound like the worst thing in his area will be the flooding (some estimates are at freaking 25 inches!). I'll pass along more as I hear it.

Gray Shade

First Post
Another Lazlow Update

I spoke with Lazlow just a little while ago. All's well. The hurricane turned hard east just a bit before landfall and ended up missing his house pretty much altogether--they had some high winds last night and lost power for about 4 hours, but that's it. Oh, an old fence was blown down in the neighborhood. The area below the tree in his front yard wasn't even wet--so much for the 25 inches of rain "they" predicted! He said he's going to try to get back online today or tomorrow, but at latest it should be Monday when we see him again. So that's good! :)


First Post
Howdy folks! Thanks for the well-wishing. It must've worked, because we got barely a drizzle 'round my place, although the winds were of 'tropical storm' strength (enough to blow the occasional weak tree limb and old rotten fence down).

However, BOTH Mrs. Laz and Baby Laz have come down with FREAKING PNEUMONIA in the last couple of days. Apparently it's going around - we had to wait for over a dozen other pneumonia patients at the clinic to get x-rays! As for me, I'm fine, by some miracle of healthy living (Dr. Laz' Amazing Cure-All: 16oz of unsweetened organic cranberry juice a day (not from concentrate, if possible); the quinic acid in it kills EVERYTHING and keeps ya healthy!). I'll be at home playing nurse for a couple of days, but I'll try to post if I can.


Good to hear you are well, sorry about the family.

However, due to a sudden influx of inlaws, I will be incommunicado until monday the 10th.... Sorry....Feel free to boister and kill on my behalf... :)


Spoiler block is for stating my religious beliefs.... :)

[sblock]It's all good except for the hate of RPG's and Magic the gathering and the hiding of my books that reference such.

I am the head deacon at my Lutheran church you would think that my Pastor Father in Law would think that I can decide for myself... :)

No religion bashing please....

Voidrunner's Codex

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