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OoC Discussion for Minds in Hedrad


Sage of the Scarred Lands
I open the forum to my players. I do want there to be an open dialogue here...and I'm getting the feeling I might have a revolt on my hands.

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First Post
Not at all, Nightfall. I'm doing fine. My character is more action based, so I've done what I can with the intrigue, but that's more the psions' area, and they've been goin' to town with it. I know I'll get my turn to use my mad psionic jumping skillz, I have no problem with them using Charm Person and such. A good game gives each charactr chances in the spotlight.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Okay gary. That at least makes me feel a little better. However I think creamsteak might have a little more to say. I will say, give me two more posts. There will be combat soon. (Though I will say I am new to this format so I do hope you guys can give me a little slack.)


Alrighty. I'm here, and I do have an opinion.

First off, I sent you a short description of a single character element I wanted you to have available. Did you get it, Nightfall? It would help me to get a response about that, as it's a minor but expandable character element that could help you bring my character to life through interaction.

Second, right now, I'm having troubles because I'm not getting enough attention. I know that, and that's a good thing to be able to state-openly. I need something, like for instance, having my character beat into submission every time he's 'disrespectful' and 'arogant' towards the authorities. My character's one of those 'heroes' that can sometimes prove his 'heroism' by forcing his opponents into beating him senseless. I doubt you know what I'm talking about, but a good example would be Stephen R. Donaldson's Reave the Just.

Third, speed. We need to post more (I would, if I had anything more to say, but until this deboccle is resolved, I don't know what to say).

If these three things can happen, the game is saved -in my eyes.


Sage of the Scarred Lands

Yes I did get it. I liked it. I'll be sure to reread it. Also I'll see about getting you two more involved.

I'll see about speeding this stuff up for you all.


I think you're doing fine so far Nightfall. It's an interesting game, and I've really got into the role of Verity.


I, too, have gotten into character with this game.

I, too, will post my opinion of this game thus far: it's too jerky. Too much stop-and-go, and it's messing with the flow. Very much so. For instance, the post for when the page first came in to announce the death, where we were left hanging... that might have been a good moment to let us post, but the page telling us what had happened should have probably been done soon after that, allowing only one or two posts to be done inbetween, at most (and no more than 24 hours pass). Especially with the game being so young, that post definitely screwed up the flow of the game. I personally felt that I couldn't really add anything productive without the information that the page held, and I'm certain that the others felt that way, as well.

I'm not trying to be offensive, either. Nightfall, I recognize the fact that you are new to this style, and everyone makes mistakes. Consider it... a critique. I'm not saying anything good or bad, just telling you what I think that you could work on.


First Post
BTW - Since I haven't mentioned it in a while: Thanks, Nightfall, for DMing this game for us! It can very tough when a game forms around an idea with no DM to find someone willing to run the game. We appreciate you running this game for us! :)


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Np. And thank for playing. I'm just hoping you guys continue to enjoy my style. I'm always very open to hear criticisms.

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