• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

[OOC] Academy of Drell


Yeah he's pretty awesome, and luckily prolific.

Anyway i'll be cropping those pics tonite... I crashed the site twice today trying to view them to make sure I got the right pics connected to the right links... and I didn't even get through them all... *sigh* If I had money I'd get a better transfer limit...

Oh well. Gotta make do with the free stuff I suppose...

Editted to add: Cropped all but 3, atleast i got the largest ones down to less than 10% of there original size... went from only having .5 megs free to 7.2...

Oh yeah here be das site
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First Post
-Quick stats look fine. I've got something similar for my own use, but didn't post it on the web.

- If anyone's getting skipped, speak up. I basically only check activity between my latest post and the last one in the IC thread.



Thus, a level 1 power with a +2 metapsionic feat (Extend) is considered the same as a level 2 Power because it costs 3 PP to manifest. The DC would be 17 (same as a 3rd level power). The psion would need a reserve of 3 PP to manifest it if his check fails.
Why does it have the DC equivalent of a 3rd level when it is cost equivalent to a 2nd level? Was that a typo or did you intend it that way?
If you did intend it that way, then why? The metapsionic/magic feats are ment to make the spell equivalent to the level of slot/number of PP it uses.
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First Post
evileeyore, here are victors's entries for dramatis persona and quickstats. Just to save you some work.

Victor von Adlerstein

Human Bard , NG
STR 11 DEX 13 CON 10 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 16
Hit Dice: 4d6 Hit Points 18
Initiative: +1
Armor Class: Ac 15 (touch 11, flat-footed 14)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Saving Throws: FORT +1, REF +5, WILL +5
Attack: +4 Masterwork Longsword (1d8 / 19 x2), +5 Masterwork Light Crossbow (1d8 / 19 x2)
Skills: Bluff (5) +10*, Concentration (4) +4, Diplomacy (7) +18**°, Gather Information (7) +12**, Intimidate (3) +10*, Listen (7) +8, Perform (7: flute, shawn, chant, melody, dance, drum, drama) +10, Sense Motive (7) +8, *Persuasive, **Trustworthy, °Alluring
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Draconic, Celestial
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium & shields), Weapon Proficiency (longsword & simple), Trustworthy, Persuasive, Alluring
Bard Spells (per day 3/3/1; known 6/3/2): 0--detect magic, light, mage hand, mending, percussion, prestidigation; 1--cure light wounds, charm person, joyful noise; 2--eagle's splendor, suggestion
Equipment: bolts (masterwork) (20) in a quiver, longsword (masterwork), longbow (masterwork), flute (masterwork), shawm (masterwork), mithral chain shirt, scholar outfit, signet ring, spell component pouch, backpack, sketchbook, 5 parchment sheets, 2 inkpens, 2 ink vials, phantom ink (firelight) vial, 5 candles, siver handheld candlestick, 10 tindertwings, lamp, 2 oil pints, steel mirror, sealing wax, waterskin, winter blanket; 10pp, 27gp, 9sp, 5cp

Character AC FF Tch None HP FORT REF WILL Listen Search Spot Other?
Victor 15 14 11 11 18 1 5 5 8 2 1 -


First Post
Good move Novyet... Ellie right? Good Cop Bad Cop should go over somewhat well... wow I am surrounded by super social people... cool.. I can focuse on stabbing people


Alright If noone pips up in the next 2 days I'll be going with the my choices for your characters pics (I am refering to the three I don't have yet...). Of course my choices are the first ones in each group...


First Post
Tokiwong said:
Good move Novyet... Ellie right? Good Cop Bad Cop should go over somewhat well... wow I am surrounded by super social people... cool.. I can focuse on stabbing people

Can't get much more social than a telepath! :)
I finally got in and saw what you were doing, so I figured it was a good idea. :)


First Post
Dalamar said:
Why does it have the DC equivalent of a 3rd level when it is cost equivalent to a 2nd level? Was that a typo or did you intend it that way?
If you did intend it that way, then why? The metapsionic/magic feats are ment to make the spell equivalent to the level of slot/number of PP it uses.

That would be a typo. It could probably be better explained as "recalculate the level and base its DC/PP cost based on that."



For Eeyore:

For your Quickstat's Page

Character AC FF Tch None HP FORT REFX WILL Listen Search Spot Other?

Also note, since you like the exalted compendium pics so much here's a note that will keep your site up longer each hour, if you right click on the final picture you like, instead of choosing save as and getting the BMP, choose properties. Highlight the link, copy it into your browser and add JPG to the end of it. You'll get the jpg format of the pic which is 10 times smaller in file size (and thus won't hit your bandwidth limit as fast). The BMP is only in there I assume because that is the format they used to set up the frame and sizing of the pop up window.

The actual picture that the BMP draws from is a JPG, much easier to handle.

For example....

Here we have Hyung's fine picture of Demian von Prios...


That's the default pop up window with it's BMP. However, if we right click and choose properties on the picture, then we can see the source of the picture is actually...


If we add a JPG to the end of that--(because that's what I assume the file format is, and more importantly, because it works), then we get this URL..


And Voila! We have a 126 KB picture as opposed to a 1,321 KB picture. Over 10 times smaller.

Just some helpful information.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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