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[OOC] A Game of Trust

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Roster full, but open to the idea of expansion if anyone really wants to join. Reply to this thread for more info; the gist of it is, 3.5 core rules for character creation, using the starting XP/GP indicated below.

Players & characters:

dpdx: Brother Fendric, the fawn-haired young half-elf acolyte.
Festy_Dog: Nurthk, half orc, all muscle.
doghead: Xiao, the wandering monk with the wandering mind.
DrZombie: Raven of Clan Cwdmyr, whose bowstring stills as rarely as his tongue.
Sparky: Sebrin Oliver Manderock, the drunken, dusty, out-of-tune, dried-up, old lutist.
Tailspinner: Cylantro, the spicy spellcaster.
hellrazor111: Cray, the ever mysterious one...

With hats off to those who have since moved on:
Mortisan, initial player of Victus,
Timothy, player of Jallarzi Rednail,
Vexed, player of Draven,
Vargo, second player of Victus,
National Acrobat, player of Merrim,
Mithreander, player of Furgus,
Tonguez, player of Orbril,
Uriel, player of Niccolo,
wings, player of Aerda, and
Fenris, player of Ulsys.
When at last I reach the Dark Tower, I will sing your names.


Continental Map
The Region of the Free Cities
The Empire of Tourne
The Kingdom of Bethel

(Note: The indicated locations for the two Tourne letters are incorrect on the Continental Map, and need to be updated. Apparently I changed my mind about Tourne's dimensions at some point.)

XP Totals:

Fendric: 33400
Nurthk: 30535
Raven: 29605
Oliver: 29300
Xiao: 24175
Cylantro: 21125
Cray: 18150

Most recent XP award: Part V, Post 183

New characters should start with 15500XP and 5000 GP in equipment, for the time being.
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As a way of bumping up this thread, I'll mention that the party has currently encountered a halfling village, so now would be a great time to enter your, uh, halfling into the game...

- dpdx
Fendric's player


Since Guilt Puppy's not here right this minute (he's a night-owl, like me), I'll take the conn:

Post your character's entrance/introduction in the IC thread at a time you feel is appropriate. Guilt Puppy doesn't look at the sheets, so you don't actually post your stats anywhere. As long as you stay true to the 3.5 PHB and the current XP/GP stipulations (I forget whether you just rolled your abilities or used point buy, but I'm sure he'll make it clear), you'll be fine.

The reason I suggested a halfling character was because at this point in the story, the group has stumbled into a halfling village, and we're about to begin a sidetrek.

Say, Mithreander, are you also the Mithreander on the Wizards boards? If so, we've PbPed together before.
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Looking at the beginning of the IC thread, I need to roll 4d6 for abilities. Thank you for the information, and I'll try to join right away. Could I have a summary of events, hwever? There appears to be ALOT to read in the thread, and reading the last page made no sense at all!

Oh, and yes, I am the same Mithreander (not that many of us, it seems), so if we have played together, then I hope I did not leave you stranded in one of the games I played in over there. I have been having trouble getting on to that board since my ISP changed last month.


No, you didn't leave us stranded - in fact, our whole group finished the adventure, and then the DM disappeared.

There's a good general summary on the first post of this thread from our DM, and if you go back about two pages before the end of the thread, you can read from there up to and including the halfling village.

Looking forward to having you in!

Take care,

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Mithreander -- Sorry I didn't respond sooner... Don't check this thread as often, as it's not posted to as often.

Anyway, the details you'd need to know for a character at this point:

- For in-game purposes, the PCs are currently in a halfling river community. A fairly wealthy place, for various regional economic reasons that I'm sure no one else finds as interesting as I do :) In any case, it wouldn't too abnormal for them to have visitors of other races -- they do a lot of trading with humans down south, and their routes intersect with those of Dwarves as well. They're also downstream from a temple dedicated to Wee Jas, who has been posting surprisingly large groups of undead around major cities for undisclosed reasons (with consent of the local government, of course). Most of the land between the capitol (the party's place of origin) and their current location is uninhabited, at least by any large groups of people, but a ranger or druid would just see that as all the more reason to take root there.

Hopefully that's enough info to introduce your character reasonably sensibly. As for a summary of the backstory, beyond the synopsis up top I'll leave it up to the players to get you up to date on What's Happened Thus Far (it's one of those handy DM tricks I use to figure out what the players/PCs consider to be "significant" at any given time... drives people nuts in tabletop games when I have them explain the last three months of the game I ran to one of my NPCs :) )

- For meta-game purposes, we currently have a party that boils down to a cleric, a bard, and a fighter-type. I don't know what the sum of their classes is precisely, but they fill those general roles, if you're the sort who likes to tailor your character to fit into a party dynamic. Don't, however, feel obliged to do so -- the most important party dynamic thus far has come from the RP end, so anything can work.

Also, note that the 3500/300 XP/GP estimate has been revised to 4500/1000 following the last encounter, so you may have some extra items to buy (or spells to scribe, for that matter.)

In any case, hope to see you in the game :)

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