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One Shots - Discussions


Wait if group D is whatever you wish doesn't that spread out the monster races. Group D would be for things like up coming approved classes (Artificer comes to mind) and the spot where you ask the DM can I play a gensai? or use a feat from this module? etc.

Updated brew:
-System 5e
-Player has portfolio of three characters.
-Character A is either: Fighter, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue
-Character B is either: Ranger, Paladin, Bard, Warlock
-Character C is either: Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard

Races: from the PHB
Abilities would be Point buy @ 29pts
HP: Max @ 1st lv - average after that
Max starting gold for class (i.e. a monk would have 20gp, a bard would have 200gp to spend)
Backgrounds - 2 backgrounds should be from the PHB the third may be PHB or SCAG

Then there is Group D:

Race: PHB or chose from list
Aasimar: Protector, Scourge, Fallen (DMG (base only), VOLO)
Deep Gnome/Svirfneblin (EE, SCAG)
Dwarf: Duergar (SCAG)
Firbolg (VOLO)
Genasi (PotA, EE)
Goblin (VOLO)
Goliath (EE, VOLO)
Halfling: Ghostwise (SCAG)
Half-Elf: Variant (SCAG)
Hobgoblin (VOLO)
Kenku (VOLO)
Kobold (VOLO)
Lizardfolk (VOLO)
Orc (VOLO)
Tabaxi (VOLO)
Tiefling: Variant (other than Winged) (SCAG)
Triton (VOLO)

Class: Any - discussed with DM other players for balance
Abilities: Array - 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8
HP: Max @ lvl 1 - average after that
Starting Equipment based of quick build for class/background
Background: PHB
Special: Feats, equipment, and such open to discussion, so this character could just be a regular human fighter but the feats are out of some new book or something which makes him fit into Group D

I think we may be getting there. So much closer than before thanks hafrogman

Just curious why you're going 29 point build (straying from RAW 27)?

Also, I'm not sure limiting the Backgrounds is a good idea, since per RAW you can create your own background. Many of the SCAG backgrounds are even just that: retooled versions of the PHB ones (as far as ideals, bonds, flaws, personality go). Basically just use the Custom Background template and make sure any Feature that isn't from the book gets approved by the DMs.

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How does a hobgoblin wizard get armor prof?

Yes group D would be the anything goes. (Well almost anything)

Tried to keep Group D unappealing, you know us DMs not wanting to much crazyness out there. I think I still have backlash from Book of 9 Swords perhaps

Why make it unappealing? Why don't we open it up to 4 characters. 3 characters have the limits you have set (Group A, B, C), and one character is whatever you like (within the overarching rules of PHB, Volo's, SCAG, EE, etc, no UA)


Just curious why you're going 29 point build (straying from RAW 27)?

Also, I'm not sure limiting the Backgrounds is a good idea, since per RAW you can create your own background. Many of the SCAG backgrounds are even just that: retooled versions of the PHB ones (as far as ideals, bonds, flaws, personality go). Basically just use the Custom Background template and make sure any Feature that isn't from the book gets approved by the DMs.

How do I miss there is always another page.

Good questions:
- If you look at the point buy and stat array the array is 27 pts. I added the 2 pts to help give everyone a chance for no negative if they wish it. Wanted that better than normal heroes feel.

- I know almost nothing about SCAG (and this is the first time I heard you could make your own background as a PC). Was limiting things more to make it easy for me to cross reference/check them than for any sort of balance in game play.

Been playing 5e all of a month as of now, please bear with me on a few things.


How do I miss there is always another page.

Good questions:
- If you look at the point buy and stat array the array is 27 pts. I added the 2 pts to help give everyone a chance for no negative if they wish it. Wanted that better than normal heroes feel.

- I know almost nothing about SCAG (and this is the first time I heard you could make your own background as a PC). Was limiting things more to make it easy for me to cross reference/check them than for any sort of balance in game play.

Been playing 5e all of a month as of now, please bear with me on a few things.

No worries. If you read the section in the PHB on Backgrounds, it tells you how to make a custom background. It's basically 2 skills, two proficiencies (tools, languages), and an RP/Fluff ability. Page 124.


Question, for the Group D character, could I go with a Tabaxi Ranger, using the Revised Ranger UA with the Deep Stalker archetype? I just have this amazing vision of a dual wielding jungle cat hiding in the dark, waiting to pounce on his enemies...

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Why make it unappealing? Why don't we open it up to 4 characters. 3 characters have the limits you have set (Group A, B, C), and one character is whatever you like (within the overarching rules of PHB, Volo's, SCAG, EE, etc, no UA)

Should be four characters per player now. So that the 4th is the one where you can get slightly crazy. And not just DM approval, i hope everyone wil chime in and help so as not to find a broken combo and then everyone's fourth character is a kender ninja.

Also, are you going to allow other DMs to throw up one-shots and use the pool of characters?

Indeed I will. How else do I get to play? (haha)

Voidrunner's Codex

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