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OGL 1.1 Phone Campaign


I believe I did note that I intend to be civil and that I ask everyone else to be as well. I also noted that I work at a call center myself, and I know exactly how little influence the person on the phone or their manager has over the situation. I also know how it feels to be on the receiving end of customer complaints with no ability to solve
Okay. Me too. But I just don’t think giving out WoTC number and getting a bunch of angry nerd rage sent to those people is a good thing overall.
You said be nice. I now see your script. You can’t tell me with the things being aid here you believe people will stay calm and polite. Not all of them.

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Josh Gentry - Author, Minister in Training
Okay. Me too. But I just don’t think giving out WoTC number and getting a bunch of angry nerd rage sent to those people is a good thing overall.
You said be nice. I now see your script. You can’t tell me with the things being aid here you believe people will stay calm and polite. Not all of them.
Their phone number is public information


Remember that non-violent direct action necessarily precludes harassment. Do what is reasonable and right for you to do as an individual, and as a group, disrupt. There is no reason for anyone on a phone zap to be anything less than polite. Cause no harm.
Since gamer hate bro s are already in the #opendnd tag and spreading hate and racist and sexsist things I am sure this will turn toxic fast.

I can’t WAIT to hear people brag about the calls they made to “own” WoTC.


I was a supervisor/manager at a call center years ago for a large company. When the queue gets big, what happens first is the employees start getting pressured more to cut their AHT (average handle time) and micromanagement of personal time (bathroom breaks) gets worse.

It’s the reps who will suffer most, long before senior leadership gets the message.
I worked in out sourced call centers and we didn’t even have a way to directly give complaints to some companies and those companies LIKED it that way.


Be aware you’re going to get the people taking your calls lower NPS scores when people who aren’t wise to this campaign call in. Hope for discipline all you want. Those other people calling in will reduce their ratings, affecting reviews later.
I would bet dollars to donuts that someone will lose there job in the call center before this effects anyone in the high ups.


Josh Gentry - Author, Minister in Training
I didn’t say doxing them. People CAN on their own google it and think to call and be jerks. But you just shook up the jerk turned him loose and gave him the number to save him time.
OPs didn't shake anybody up. They have issued and communicated civil calls to nonviolent direct action. If anybody has shaken anybody up, it is not this initiative.

@HammerMan I see you posting in this thread a lot, and I think that the reason you are bordering on spam is because you don't want anybody to get hurt. And that's admirable, but I don't feel like your contributions have been helpful so far.


To be frank, I don’t believe I’m responsible for the actions of every individual if I’ve made a reasonable effort to encourage people to be civil. I know some people will be jerks. I’ve gotten those calls myself at my own company when things go wrong. But I also believe that it’s worth empowering good people to take action. I respect that we disagree on this point, and I admire your concern for the workers on the phones who will, sadly, take the brunt of it.


@HammerMan I see you posting in this thread a lot, and I think that the reason you are bordering on spam is because you don't want anybody to get hurt. And that's admirable, but I don't feel like your contributions have been helpful so far.
How am I bordering on spam. After I said my peace I responded to people?

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