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NPC Equipment Generator, version 2.0


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Hello all!

I have -finally- completed the NPC Equipment generator [v2.0]. The new version is written in JAVA, so you'll need the a JVM to use it. I've attached the .zip file in this message, but the file will be available [ i expect] on Jamis' site in a couple of days. It's also available on rpghost.com at


Let me know what you think! Comments are welcome.


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HELP WITH NPCEQ.jar execution

several people have been emailing me about how to get the NPCEQ.jar file to actually execute on a windows machine. The short answer is... read the README.htm file included in the download! And you must have the JAVA Runtime Environment (v1.3.1_2) installed as well. There is a link to that file from Sun in the README.htm. :rolleyes:

The longer answer is... well... longer. :) It's a read of an email I had with one user that was having trouble. Maybe this will help.


I'm still a bit puzzled. If you have downloaded and installed the Sun Microsystems Java Runtime Environment (version 1.3.1_2 i think...) then you should have a directory called

C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1_02

in that there is a "bin" directory. in the "bin" directory there is a
file javaw.exe. This is used to run the NPCEQ.jar file. Now, the installation of the JRE 1.3.1 should have set up a PATH to that bin directory and a file association in windows that makes windows know that .jar files are intended for the javaw.exe file in the "bin" directory. If, for some wierd reason, the installation did not set up that path and file association then you can do it yourself. Now, I use Windows 2000 so I'm not sure _how_ this is done on other version of windows. With my OS, I usually open "My Computer" go to "Tools" menu, choose "Folder Options", click on the "File Types" tab, scroll down to .jar file types and make sure that javaw.exe is the associated executable file. If it's not listed, then click "New", type ".jar" and follow the directions. Setting up a PATH variable to the java directory is another way to do it, but that is more complicated. :)

hope that helps.
Jonathan Jacobs

---- "[THEUSER]" <email removed> wrote:
Yes I am asking about the NPCEQ, software. As to the Java download for windows, done that. When I start up the program it asks me what program I want to connect to. Under windows directory, I have a Java directory which has 2 subdirectories. I assume I need to connect to something there but what? Thanks for any help you can give me.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jonathan Jacobs <malakai@onebox.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: Connection to Java

Are you asking me about my NPCEQ? software? read the README.htm and follow the link to get the Java Run-time environment from Sun Microsystems. It's free. Download the JRE for windows.

---- "[THEUSER]" <email removed> wrote:
I have down loaded Java to a subdirectory under my windows directory. When I start up your program it asks me for something to connect to. I have looked in the Java files & I do not find any executable
files. Perhaps I should attach to something that does not have an extension? Any suggestions? Thanks.


First Post
cut & paste

you .can cut& paste from NPCEQ, but it's a bit obscure. Just use your operating system's cut&paste keys. In windows, for example, highlight what you want to cut out of the results and then hit CTRL-C[\B] to copy. then open your favorite text editing software (word, textpad :D, etc ) and hit CTRL-v[\B] to paste.

that's it simple.

But, yes, i'll try to include cut/paste/copy/print features in the future. Right now I'm working on adding intelligent item support.

Cheers! --Jonathan
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In order of preference/importance:
Support for small characters (I don't think too many halflings and gnomes will have magical great swords).

Ability to specify weapon specific feats. For instance if I have Weapon Focus(short sword), then I should have a greater chance to end up with a magical short sword.

Saving to a Text of HTML file would be good.

Also, I am not sure how. But if a windows program could make a call to your program passing in relevant info and then get back the equipment list....

Support for Large characters.

*:> Scott
p.s. I saw from the readme that you are in Crofton. My wife grew up near Weigh(sp?) Chapel Road and we lived in Odenton for 3 yrs.


First Post
new features...

sure.. i'll add those things to my "to do" list. support for character size should be easy... like a radio button that you click on and specify size. the weapon size info is already in there... so adding that feature shouldn't be too difficult.

As for the "i have feat X so I am more likely to get equiptment Y" I don't think that will be too easy for me to do. My idea for the NPCEQ is to have a lightwieght application that can quickly produce eq. for NPC's that break the static-list modes listed in the DMG. If the DM has an NPC with feat X which makes it more likely to get eq. Y, then the DM can just as easily add/remove/change a piece of eq. in a generated list. Basically, important customized characters should have important customized eq. lists. But if you need a eq list for a band of brigands and you need it FAST! then NPCEQ is your answer.

hope that clears it up. I like the sizing feature... i'll add that to my list... as i said before.

ciao. --Jonathan.

***PS yeah,,, just moved to crofton. My fiancee and I are working on our PhD's at University of Maryland.
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First Post
MAC users[\B]

I recently got an email from a Mac OSX user who was having trouble with NPCEQ on his Mac. If anyone out there is using NPCEQ on a Mac with OSX, please let me know as I do not have access.

Here is what he said:
I'm trying to run your app on Mac OS X. It starts up fine but the window only shows what I assume must be a small portion of the whole screen. There is not way to resize it. Thought you should know. Thanks, [name withheld]

Here's what i said:
Hmm, [name], I have not run NPCEQ on OSX, I just "assumed" it would work. Are you running JAVA 1.3.1_02 or newer? I know that OSX ships with JAVA, but you may not have the most current version. GO here:


And see if you have the latest version of JAVA for your mac. You may also need to make sure you've upgraded yuour OS to version 10.1.3 [or something like that]/ I don't know if having this upgrade will be a silver bullet to get my app to run on your machine, but it's a good bet that that's the problem. NPCEQ was written using 100% JAVA, so so long as your using at least the same version I am using, it should run on ANY operating system.
any better ideas? --Jonathan.
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Rock Monkey
Yep, seems like a good little app, goes well with NPC generator. I usually end up swapping certain things out, much like I do with skills and feats for the NPCs but it definately takes lots of the hard work out of it.

BTW, you removed [NAME REMOVED] from the gentlemans email above but then kept it in your reply... thought you'd like to know...

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