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Infernal Scribe

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Interesting. Let me provide a few cents from my own perspective and opinion. I'm also one of those few folk that can count the number of characters on a single hand that frequents the ISRP, and i try my best to socialize with everyone. Not because its the polite thing to do, mainly because I try to be open minded, even to the role playing and typing abilities of your fellow peer. Because after all, the more practice they use on the site, the better their skills improve.

The ISRP has always been a small community, even from the times when TSR ran the place and Wizards of the Coast, to finally our new homes here in EnWorld. Those you once knew have gone on for better pastures or disconnected themselves to other pursuits. And for the few that still return and associate with one another, all the better for you. But eventually those you associate with will also depart. Its the Noobs who become new patrons, after all, you were once a Noob yourself once so it best to be neighborly.

I myself, rather picture myself to be the old neighbor next door offering the warm apple pie in welcoming you to the community instead of the old coddger next door yelling for you to keep off my lawn.

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Now... Its... My... Turn!!


Really and truly, if you like making new characters, just let me know its you OOC. Usually I bring in my active characters, which by way of time isn't much these days. Say if you have ten new characters, just OOC me and say

'Psssssst, its me... Sillyandera`Durden... you know, the cute elf chica that was nibbling your ear lobe IC...'

You know how it goes? Right? Riiiiight?

By the way, I just made that name up, if you want to use it. Hurry!! There is still time!! Get it while it lasts!
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Her nickname could be Silly-and-a-burden. Did anyone else pick that up from that name? Maybe just me.

I'm someone that will reach my hands out to everyone in a particular event to which I make aim to let all the people that have come together to interact and perhaps make new friends IC and OOC. I sense the motivation for such acts has dwindled a bit, not many have supported a few of my ideas. But we all move on.

I have off and on days. One day all I want to do is pester people I know really well to game with me and completely ignore others. Generally I stick to it being off ISRP, but sometimes it happens. 'Course, I avoid being a complete ignorant jerk and shunning someone who just chucked a snowball at me from across the room or something of such nature, but usually I don't engage into a whole new fist fight or derailment of attention unless the other characters I'm interacting with want to go that way and I toddle along like a good student. On the other hand, I'll have days where I walk into a room filled with completely new characters and I hone in on a particular one just for the heck of it - or I go with the belligerent approach and start dancing on a table. Whatever floats my boat that day.

My comfort zone bends and shrinks and grows every day, it's never the same. Some days I just don't have a comfort zone and suddenly my character is hitting on a mouse. *shrugs*

My two cents, as well.

P.S. Jea smells like cheese.


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Infernal Scribe said:
I myself, rather picture myself to be the old neighbor next door offering the warm apple pie in welcoming you to the community instead of the old coddger next door yelling for you to keep off my lawn.

Apple pie! Wait, poison apples? Maybe crab apples, or just apples? Guess that depends on the mood.

Depending on the character, I will be yelling to stay off my lawn. Assuming it isn't evil, then I will smile when I say it. ;)


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It's just... the other pursuits were so much more engaging than ISRP :S

...and addictive...

...and then I started my business... and then sanity leaped from the window and ran cackling, free over the fields...

...sorry wait, what was the topic? I can barely manage two toons, let alone a plethora, maybe thats just the act of settling on one or two though. We all went through that phase didnt we? So why the bashing?

...or have I read -that- wrong too... oh I lost track, back to the wacom/drawing board... -_-


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[The anti-social tendencies I've also noticed. No one specific, and not any single player as far as I can tell. It is difficult to be an outsider these days, more than I remember anyway; the bad reactions have ranged from simple snobbery to mild hostility both in character and out. It might just be my imagination, but it seems like such incidents are increasing as well, which I find frustrating since it tends to rain on a person's evening. Mostly I just find it sad when the anti-social stuff becomes the norm in a predominantly social environment: it sure does kill the joy.]...i have been playing for quite a while, since 2003, and i too have noticed the trend to isolate and avoid Noobs, but then again, i am one of the few, or maybe the only one whose characters have actually been killed and for the most part, never come back..so i find myself always starting new characters..THUNDERBLADE WARHAMMER, NECRIPHIM, GHAELEN HAMMERFROST, OSGOLOTH, ISHGROLLOTH_GHAAUUL, CAMEROTH, FHARVAREAN, LYGER RAIYNE, those are just a few and at least four of those mentioned have died..i know everyone gets attached to thier character, especially if u have used the same one for more than a few years without ever making a new one, and that may or may not be the problem. maintaining a character for a very long time allows room for *settling,* which in turn may or may not cause you to inadvertently develope a isolationist attitude. how are we to get new blood and new players on board in isrp if they are ignored from the start?..we wont. just me noticing things i suppose, hope no one takes it personally..thanks


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For complicated personal history reasons Lana dislikes vampires. Even vampires of her own house will be avoided usualy..unless said vampire is a seriously high up official in which case she's likely to make a lot of effort. Some times I have to make Lana behave obnoxiously and I do seriously wince but I have to do it..It isn't personal it's all in character. So if you are a new player that happens to be a vamp player and I have had my character give you a cold shoulder please forgive me It's all in character...thanks


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Jeajea said:
So this in turn got me to thinking; why do players like to make so many different characters? Why is it that lots of people don't people stick to a single character or small set of characters? I’d welcome any thoughts or musing on the matter, or indeed responses from people who have this particular habit.
Well, if anyone cares, I could share...
What happens for me is: I end up having a character that is fun and interesting... and then that character slowly changes into a sad person due to whatever may happen, or perhaps I let my current emotion get in the way, which is wrong.. I try all I want, but she (I never play males) is still never the same... and this leads me to make another character that is fun and interesting, and so the cycle goes on. I'm sure no one has noticed, but for this reason (and others of course, but this isn't the time and place for that) I have stopped coming to ISRP so to stop flooding it with characters that no one will likely remember.

Also Jea, I think I lost your MSN. ^^;


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lana_dune said:
For complicated personal history reasons Lana dislikes vampires. Even vampires of her own house will be avoided usualy..unless said vampire is a seriously high up official in which case she's likely to make a lot of effort. Some times I have to make Lana behave obnoxiously and I do seriously wince but I have to do it..It isn't personal it's all in character. So if you are a new player that happens to be a vamp player and I have had my character give you a cold shoulder please forgive me It's all in character...thanks

I know what you mean. people talk of how "no one talks to me!" or to noobs, and so on, but see? some of those quieter people might just have IC-reasons. If your character does not like, for example, vampires, they're not going to walk up to your shiny-new vampire character and make happy-friends. Indeed, pretty much none of my characters get buddy-buddy with vampires. Of course, that's why I've not turned up much in recent times. heh. But just as with Lana's player, it's all IC with me too. Play whatever character you want, within the bounds of the ISRP, but don't immediately leap to OOC reasons for your char not being suddenly applauded and acclaimed -- it might be IC reasons such as these.
~~ KC


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I rather like Olloth. Though it seems as of late that my time is taken up with others and for that I apologize. Personally I love how you play such out there characters, we have plenty of overly cute girls and dashing guys. ;)

Being that I do play a vampire, she's always fine with some disliking her. In fact, I view it as a challenge in-character if she can turn those around from enemies to allies.

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