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No Longer an Interest Check - 5E Rise of Tiamat + Corebooks PBP - OOC

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Deluxe Unhuman
I'm interested if you have room for more. I would happily fill whatever role the group needs.

I know 5E really well, and have lots of PbP experience.

I actually ran RoT and played in parts of it, but between how long ago that was, my ADD, and just roleplaying, none of that should be an issue.
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What I keep having in mind is a Druid that focuses on Earth Magic, as in heavily connected to the Plane of Elemental Earth. Normally, I'd think a Land Druid would be best for that, except that Moon Druids can use their Wild Shape to become an Elemental at lvl 10. Now, who knows how long it'll be before we get to lvl 10, if we ever do, but that's the kind of feel I'm going for to begin with. You have to use both Wild Shapes to become an elemental, but at that point, you can keep it up for 5 hours at a time, so you could even Short Rest while an Elemental to regain it.

I know we're looking to just use Player Handbook stuff for class and race, but would it be possible to use either Xanathar's Guide or the Elemental Player's Companion for spells? The Druid has a bunch more Earth based spells in those (originally printed in the player's companion and reprinted in Xanathar)? There's even a earth version of Fireball, Erupting Earth. It would just help with the concept I'm going for if I could grab a couple of those spells. There isn't much Earth Based in the Player's Handbook.


With this many interested players, I should perhaps have two parties concurrently running different missions. Regardless, the rules for starting gold are on page 38. Everyone gets at least 500 gold, but instead of "1d10x25 gp", I'm going to say that it should be based on your character's Background, as follows:

25 - Urchin
50 - Hermit
75 - Outlander
100 - Folk Hero or Acolyte
125 - Soldier
150 - Criminal or Sage
175 - Entertainer
200 - Charlatan or Sailor
225 - Guild Artisan
250 - Noble

These rulings are a bit of a guess, since the difference between Backgrounds that start with 10 gp in the book and those with 15 seems to be pretty random. It's also subject to negotiation, if you think your character started as an Urchin but has been ruthlessly mercenary all throughout her adventuring career so as never to be poor again, or if your backstory suggests that your Noble has lost all his lands and holdings to the schemes of a rival whom you have yet to defeat. Regardless, the 500 gives us all a good baseline for the amount of gear you should have by level 6.

For abilities, please use an online dice roller of your choice to do the standard method (4d6-drop-the-lowest and all the rest). For example, I go to d20 Dice Bag :: 5e.d20srd.org, although this is a bit less than ideal since it doesn't archive the rolls; instead all you can do is copy/paste them from the Roll History window (and they go from bottom to top, which is counterintuitive if you're rolling to hit and then for damage). More ideal would be a site that links directly to the roll results; I used to use Invisible Castle, but that has been dead for some time, so if anyone has an alternative to suggest, I can check it out.

Feel free to either take the average or to actually roll your HD, subject to the same stipulation as the ability rolls. I know it's statistically possible that your Barbarian gets 12 HP every single time he levels up, but I expect to see proof.

(I'm really tempted to steal the town of Dullsville. It would make a great starting point for a visit to my world-famous Dungeon of Suck....)

On the subject of posting frequency, my current situation is pretty weird. I have a seasonal job where I only work Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and the latter two are half-days, where I can get online for an hour or three if I don't want to go straight home. I can't commit to being online every weekend, but it's basically guaranteed I'll be on the Net for most of a day on Mondays, Wednesdays, and possibly Tuesdays and/or Fridays. This will last for a month, and then I'll be looking for a new job which will likely change my availability. So what I'm going to try and do, for this first month at least, is put up a big post on Monday, get the characters' reactions to that, and post a big response on Wednesday. After that, you'll probably have half a week to think about how to proceed; you might get an update over the weekend, but I'll try to avoid major plot advancements during that time, since I can't commit to it. When I am here online for the whole day, players who respond promptly might get an immediate response, though I won't actually advance the plot until I'm sure everyone's on board. So ideally, the first three or so major pushes can happen during this period, and after that we'll see if I'm able to keep it up. But of course, it's debatable whether this will be long enough to complete even a single combat encounter. Rise of Tiamat is already at least six full chapters, including two dungeons and several scenes of negotiation; even if I resist my temptation to pad that out further, this is still likely to take a lot of time, and my future is always in question, so we'll mostly have to play it by ear. I hope this doesn't turn into one of the many games that falls apart eventually due to RL time constraints, but then, most of those who suffered this fate were trying their best not to. shrug

@All - Question for the group in terms of setting. By default the module is written for Forgotten Realms, as is standard for 5E, but I've never been a big fan of FR's approach to the clichés of sword and sorcery. I don't really want to have to decide whether every human I introduce to you is a Chondathan or a Tethyrian, and I'd really prefer not to have to use the incredibly bland and one-dimensional NPCs that the book comes with. If you guys are super-fond of the setting, I can make an effort, but I'm not doing hours of research for every little point, so it'll be a rather continuity-light version of FR run without a great deal of enthusiasm. I offer two alternatives to this. I can my own homebrew campaign setting, which is a bit like FR in a few ways but very different in others, a slightly postmodernist approach which is more American than European and more Renaissance than Medieval (at least in a few ways). Or I can run a sarcastic mockery of FR which will be a lot funnier and a lot less epic than this module really tries to be, but will let me use several scathing puns that I've been sitting on since I first saw how stereotypical this module was going to be.

So, everyone who's interested, please vote for "straight FR", "sarcastic FR", or "Will's setting".

@jmucchiello Define "eclectic". If you need more money than suggested above to accomplish something neat, I'll hear out your proposal.

@tglassy - I sympathize with the shortage of fluff in certain archetypes, but I'm going to insist that only PHB content is allowed, particularly with regard to spells, as these are the hardest for me to understand from a balance perspective. Tell you what, if Erupting earth is literally just Fireball with the damage as Bludgeoning instead of Fire, and everything else is the same, but with an added limitation that there has to be Earth nearby which can Erupt, then I'm totally okay with you having that. But if it has some obscure other details that are potentially subject to abuse, then I'd rather not have to think about that, and will request that you stick with the spells as written. Refluffing is always fine; giving players tools they can use to McGuyver their way past the Challenge Rating system is something that makes me nervous.

Question 1: Is the number posted by each archetype the number we multiply our d10 roll by? And if it comes out lower than 500 gp, we get the pity amount anyway?

Question 2: When will you want our fully fleshed out characters?

Vote: Straight FR. I can live with your homebrew setting if that's what everybody else votes for, but I am out if you run a sarcastic mockery campaign.

Is it 500 gp plus the listed amount? And I'm not sure background should affect 6th level starting gold at all.

You should require a die roller with public history:
CoyoteCode Dice Roller v. 2.0 : roll 6 times 4d6.HIGH(3)
Dice Roller • Orokos.com (account required): roll 6#4d6k3

About ability scores, can you use the standard array if the die roller results are worse than the standard array?

eclectic: I plan to take Ritual Spellcaster as a feat for the barbarian. She rages and stuff but she isn't really from a remote tribe on the outskirts of civilization. Also, she's a dex fighter, no armor. It's not you average hulking barbarian character.

I have no use for sarcastic mockery.
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500 GP plus the listed pittance. I probably shouldn't even bother with this small a variance, but I don't want anyone to be completely screwed; even those who started as Urchins and Hermits have certainly found treasure by level 6, though it makes sense that Nobles have more of a head for figures and are better at retaining some of that wealth. But for now, we'll keep it simple - Urchins start with 525, Nobles with 750.

I'm not sure what the "standard array" you guys have mentioned is; my method is to convert dice rolls into the Point-Buy equivalent (with the slightly hacky thumb rule that a 16 costs 3 more than a 15, and an 18 costs 4 more than a 17...and the probably VERY hacky thumb rule that scores lower than 8 give you 1 extra PB for each point below 8). So if you're up to the work of doing it that way, you have my permission to scrap any roll that's equivalent to less than 27 point-buy. (Granted, I keep those godawful characters and roleplay them accordingly, but I might be a little bit of a masochist.)

Let's plan on using CoyoteCode for the moment. Orokos appears to be less intuitive, and I dislike having to make accounts.

Barbarian with two cantrips and a 1/day spell at grade 1? I approve.

Two votes against my making fun of the setting; check. I'll just take my jokes home and tell them to the cat.

Try to have a Version 1 of your character posted by late afternoon Monday (I'm in Central US time). That way I can review and approve them in time to hopefully get started on Wednesday, since I'd like to avoid losing momentum. Obviously those who can't be ready quite this quickly need not miss the boat on the entire campaign, but I'll probably start the initial encounter without them, and potentially bring them in as an allied but separate group later (this approach might allow me to play multiple chapters at once, or combine the two groups in order to rush into a later chapter way sooner than character level would otherwise allow, though I'm aware the latter approach is dangerous and I won't do it without some caution).

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