• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

EN World New GMs, players, read the first post in this thread! (updated 5/21)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
You are correct, you can call it a "living world", after all.
This is the link: http://www.rpol.net/game.cgi?gi=70496&date=1512917847
Not sure why it didn't work for you.:confused:

EDIT: in my original post I found out the the first link doesn't woork and the second works, but they look exactly identical to me and I'm not sure why this happens...:erm:

I have an open tab and intend on opening an account.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
EDIT: in my original post I found out the the first link doesn't woork and the second works, but they look exactly identical to me and I'm not sure why this happens...:erm:


This is why your first link didn't work. URL element is incorrect and the text is correct (unfortunately, it needs to be the other way around to work. Second link is correct.



I hope I'm not breaking the law by posting here for a game that is being run on a different site, but I think there is a more active specifically 5e community here....

I need one or two more players for a continuing DnD 5e Princes of the Apocalypse campaign over on www.rpol.net, fast paced daily post rate but it is still very, very long term (been running about 18 months now, players are level 2).

This would suit someone who likes a gritty style and knows the system well. We are using system shock rules. Only one of the original players has survived the whole time - sadly a half dozen others have fallen by the wayside in various circumstances largely related to charging in to ambushes and the like. Currently three people are playing but I've put the game on hold since we ideally need four or five. Of the three players, two are original joiners - the first is the survivor - a dwarf fighter - and the second is on character #2, a bard. The third player has been in for about 6 months so far.

The characters are still in the starting town, just finishing up unravelling various intrigues. They are just about ready to head on out and pick up new strands of the story!

Available characters are as follows:
L2 Half Elf Barbarian - a second character for a player who lost the first, the player dropped out just now after trying to get back into it with this character, but he grieved the previous one too much. He did get time to save the other two characters from certain doom however, rescuing them from a villain who had got the better of them and his previous char...
L2 War Cleric - another 2nd character, the player was in the military and got sent on a tour and forced therefore to retire from the game just as he was getting into it again.

We could do with filling both slots, but one would be enough. Both characters have good backgrounds and plot hooks already in place. I am avoiding adding any new characters since it's getting ridiculous for suspension of disbelief! Both these characters are already in town or thereabouts.

The game is still very much yours for the shaping. Please let me know if you're interested! Since the game is hosted over on RpoL, you'd need to sign up for an account. Please there's no need to post here saying 'I would join, but it's on RpoL and I can't be bothered to create an account for another site'. Too much information! I could bring the game over here but RpoL has good tools specifically for PBF gaming.
Last edited:


It actually says 5e in the post and Princes of the Apocalypse is a 5e published adventure - however I have added clarification.


Once A Fool
IRON DM 2017 Tournament

System: Any

Setting/Genre: Any

Recruitment is ongoing for this year's IRON DM Tournament (one of EN World's longest-running traditions). While not a role-playing game, per se, it is a game in which contestants write role-playing adventures within a tight set of parameters.

It is intensly challenging, entirely exhilarating, and even transformative; no one can go through the crucible without coming out a better RPG adventure-writer in some way.

There are two slots left. Sign up here!


Looking for at least one more (up to five) adventurer who wants to take on Tiamat in her old AD&D form. Any brave heroes out there?!

Tyranny of Dragons
System: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - no need to be up on the rules we will all be (re)learning as we go.
Setting: Forgotten Realms
Starting XP: 0
Stat Generation: Player's Choice
Races: PHB and UA
Classes: PHB and UA (or if you really want to play a ninja let me know, I'm game)
Starting HP and Gold: rolling (using minimum HP from UA)
Psionics: also rolling for

Party so far:
Human Fighter
Human Fighter (working towards Bard)
Drow Magic-User

Come join the fun: EB's Tyranny of Dragons

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