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Netbook of Feats


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The netbook of feats is a collection of OGL, d20 compliant feats. While it includes the feats from the SRD it also contains many additional feats from individual authors and other OGC sources. Please consider the following feats which have been adapted from that source.


When Krathen, lord of the necromatic kingdom of Nem, loosed his undead armies upon enworld, lands and peoples were easily overrun by their tireless advance. It was during these desperate times that the order of Hyrag's undead hunters, the brightstrikers, was formed. Hyrag granted many of his clerics the power to powerfully channel positive energy and destroy undead outright. This ability proved to be so useful in the fight against the armies of Lord Krathen that many clerics devoted themselves to mastering this divine gift.

Deities grant various gifts to their clerics. Some of these gifts may be mastered and used more frequently.

Divine Boon[General] Vetoed 5 No
Prerequisite: A domain with a granted power that has a limited number of uses per day
Benefit: Choose one of your granted powers usable a limited number of times per day. You can now use that granted power twice more each day.
Special: Domains with appropraite granted powers include: Animal, Charm, Community, Death, Destruction, Luck, Madness, Nobility, Protection, Repose, Strength, Sun
Adapted from DIVINE BOON Copyright 2002, Jerry M. Chaney II


The Barbarian tribes of the Gungan plains are renown for the beserk fury they can unlease. The story is told that King Haster of Westing demanded that the tribes recognize him as their sovereign. In response, the war chief of the East River tribe, Haja, directed a single warrior to journey to the capital city of Westing, Dunport. This warrior's name was Grena. For a single terrible day, the entire city was griped by the fear of a single man. Grena was uncontainable; every time he was confronted by Haster's guards, he would fly into an fearsome rage and and make a bloody escape. As dusk settled, Grena escaped from the city. King Haster stripped his palace of valuables in order to placate the barbarian chiefs.

With devotion, any barbarian can learn to find the inner rage necessary to face many foes over the course of a single day.

Extra Rage [General] Approved 3 Yes
Prerequisite: Rage ability
Benefit: You can rage two more times per day.
Special: This feat can be taken more than once, each time allowing you to enter a fit of rage two more times per day.
Adapted from the feat by Eric D. Harry, EXTRA RAGE Copyright 2001


The Green Thorn Circle, is a circle of druids devoted to Verdante. Whether or not the circle still exists, it is apparant that these druids gained many powers from Verdante not generally seen among druids elsewhere. It seems that they could become one with nature, joining with a forest or artic tundra, gaining power and insight.

While such power is hidden or has been lost, devoted druids can discover that nature stands ever willing to extend greater power to those that are willing to listen and feel.

Extra Animal Wild Shape [General] Approved 3 Yes
Prerequisite: Wild shape ability
Benefit: You may use your animal wild shape ability two more times per day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, its effects stack.
Adapted from the feat by Eric D. Harry, EXTRA WILD SHAPE Copyright 2001


Druids that live close to an elemental tower see and feel how each element is part of and influences the natural order. Powerful druids gain the ability to assume the form of an elemental. With work a druid can learn how to more easily slip to and from the elemental form.

Extra Elemental Wild Shape [General] Approved 3 Yes
Prerequiste: Elemental wild shape ability
Benefit: You may use you elemental wild shape ability one more time per day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, its effects stack.
Adapted from the feat by Eric D. Harry, EXTRA WILD SHAPE Copyright 2001


Life among the barbarian tribes of the Gungan plains is brutally difficult. Those that thrive do so because they can outlast the challenges of the environment and fellow barbarian. The barbarians Gungan plains understand that the inner fire may be ignited and stoked.

Fiery Rage [General] 4 No
Prerequisite: Rage 1/day
Benefit: You can rage for a number of rounds equal to 6 plus your rage-enhanced modified Constitution modifier.
Normal: A fit of rage normally lasts a number of rounds equal to 3 plus the raging character's newly modified Constitution modifier.
FIERY RAGE Copyright 2001, Eric D. Harry
Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board


Rivenblight has long been a welcoming haven for all manner of people, even when life there has not always been easy or particularly safe. It was in this environment that this form of combat was developed. Using precise attacks, a dextrous attacker could inflict grevious wounds upon a creature who has been hindered or stymied. This technique has spread from Rivenblight, and now can be found among most peoples.

Foul Sneaking [General] 4 No
Prerequisite: Dex 13, Sneak Attack 1d6
Benefit: In addition to normal sneak attack opportunities, you can sneak attack a target that is dazzled, entangled, or nauseated. See the condition summary in Core Rulebook II for a description on these conditions.
Adapted from FOUL SNEAKING Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér


Animal Companionship [General] 1 No
You have a stronger connection to your animal companion.
Prerequisite: Animal Companion ability
Benefit: Your effective level for the Animal Companion ability is three levels higher than normal; your effective level may not exceed your Hit Dice. As noted in the SRD this improves the abilities of your animal companion.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. It stacks with itself.
Animal Companionship is Inspired by the feat IMPROVED ANIMAL COMPANION by Rick Coen and found in the Netbook of Feats


Improved Animal Companion 1 No
You can attrack amore powerful animal to be your companion.
Prerequisite: Animal Companion Class Ability
Benefit: Add +3 to your effective druid level for the purposes of your animal companion abilities. This feat cannot bring your effective druid level above your number of hit dice.

Alternatively, this feat may mitigate -3 of the penalty for choosing a more powerful animal to be your companion. This feat does not allow you to select a more powerful companion before you would otherwise be able.


Among more benevolent societies, wrongdoers are not subject to officially sanctioned bodily harm or death. In such places, official are trained to subdue rather than kill. So too people desiring to capture magical beasts or animals often take care to avoid unneccessary injury.

Improved Subdual [General] Approved 5 Yes
Benefit: When using a weapon that does normal damage for a nonlethal attack, you are not subject to the normal -4 penalty to hit.
Normal: Characters striking to subdue with normal weapons do so at -4 to hit.
Special: A fighter may choose Improved Subdual as one of his bonus fighter feats
IMPROVED SUBDUAL Copyright 2001, Rebecca Glenn, Scott Metzger
(Updated to 3.5 by NBOF)


Song of Unity [General] 2 Yes, 2 No
Prerequisite: Bardic music ability
Benefit: A bard with this feat acquires the following three bardic music effects:

Inspire Cooperation: A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to help gain the cooperation of others. If you perform for a full round, you gain a +2 bonus to all Charisma based attribute and skill checks made against any creature that could hear your performance. This ability does not influence any creature that begins hostile towards you. This bonus lasts for 24 hours.

Inspire Teamwork: A bard of 6th level or higher with 9 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to help his allies work more effectively together. All allies within 30 feet and able to see and hear the bard are affected. The bard must also be able to see the allies to be affected.

His allies gain a +1 insight bonus to the attack bonus provided by flanking and to the bonus provided by an aid another action for as long as they continue to hear the bard’s music. The effect lasts as long as the bard concentrates, up to a maximum of 2 minutes. Inspire Teamwork is a mind-affecting ability.

Inspire Friendship: A bard of 12th level or higher with 15 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to cause a creature to become more friendly towards him and his allies. The creature must be aware the bard, and be able to see him. The bard must also be able to see the creature. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a bard attains beyond 12th, he can target one additional creature with a single use of this ability.

To use the ability, a bard makes a Perform check. His check result is the DC for each affected creature’s Will save against the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to influence that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature changes its attitude towards the bard and his visible allies according the the diplomacy table but based off the bard's perfom check. This improved attitude lasts for as long as the bard continues to play and concentrate. The creature reverts to its former attitude upon the expiration of this effect and remembers everything that occured.

Any potential threat requires the bard to make another Perform check and allows the creature a new saving throw against a DC equal to the new Perform check result. Adjust the creature's attitude based on this new check. This adjustment may result in a more hostile attitude, but never a friendlier one.

Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Inspire Friendship is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.


Psychic Sense [Psionic] 3 Yes
Your psychic senses allow you to intuitively sense the presence of danger.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: As long as you are psionically focused, you can make a Will save (DC 20) to avoid being caught surprised. On a successful save, you can act during the surprise round even if you would otherwise be surprised and you can retain your Dex bonus to armor class even if you have not yet acted in combat.
PSYCHIC SENSE adapted from the feat found in the netbook of feats by Eric D. Harry


Summoning Concetration [General] Approved 4 Yes
You can increase the time that your summoned creatures remain by concentrating.
Benefit: You can maintain the duration of a summon spell (such as summon monster or summon nature's ally) through concentration. As long as you concentrate on the spell, do not count time off its duration. After you stop concentrating, the normal duration resumes and then terminates as normal. You cannot resume concentration, regardless of the effects of other feats that would normally allow you to do so.
SUMMONING CONCENTRATION Copyright 2001, Carl Cramér
Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
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The man with the probe
Not ignoring this, but lots of feats, and one of them has actualy been published differently by WoTC (Extra Rage), and there is a similar feat out there already.


First Post
It's nice to know that these proposed feats have not been entirely ignored. I realize that there are a number of feats to be considered, I justed hoped that each one can be considered and voted on seperately. (There are a number of others that I would like to propose, and if anyone else would like to propose feats from the same source, I would see that as welcome.)

With respect to Extra Rage, if we are to believe the copyright associated with it, it was created in 2001, while according to WOTC, their version first appeared in Masters of the Wild published in Feb. 2002. Ofcourse the whole idea of the feat is rather simple.

Nevertheless, since a feat has been approved that does provide for extra raging capabilities, we may find that Extra Rage, while not duplicated, does not fit well in the same game world.

What do you think of the other feats?

Rystil Arden

First Post
Let's see:

Improved Animal Companion: Absurdly overpowered. My 1st-level Human Druid now has a CR 4 Brown Bear as a companion? What the heck--how could anyone have possibly published that feat? I think the problem is that whoever did the 3.5 update was not paying attention to what they were writing. What you're looking for is a feat that can only be taken once that gives you a bonus that goes up to your Druid level but no higher and doesn't allow you to select a stronger companion. This helps multiclass Druids keep a competitive companion and also gives minor boosts to Druid companions by cancelling out the penalty for selecting a stronger one, but it never allows you to select a stronger companion before you should be able.

Psychic Sense: Not as bad as the previous feat, but still problematic. This is effectively a more powerful version of Uncanny Dodge as a feat, with the caveat that it is only partially effective until you start rising in level or take a Prestige Class. Probably most useful for Cerebromancers, actually, as they tend to have absolutely killwe Will saves. Makes Spot and Listen somewhat obsolete, as you eventually can't be taken by surprise, even by an opponent with 9th-level nondetection magic up and +50 to Hide and Move Silently. The fact that you have to be focused is not a problem in most cases, particularly for the ambush scenario, as a Psion who isn't focused while walking along before a fight breaks out is being an idiot.


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
Improved Animal Companion: Absurdly overpowered. My 1st-level Human Druid now has a CR 4 Brown Bear as a companion? What the heck--how could anyone have possibly published that feat? I think the problem is that whoever did the 3.5 update was not paying attention to what they were writing. What you're looking for is a feat that can only be taken once that gives you a bonus that goes up to your Druid level but no higher and doesn't allow you to select a stronger companion. This helps multiclass Druids keep a competitive companion and also gives minor boosts to Druid companions by cancelling out the penalty for selecting a stronger one, but it never allows you to select a stronger companion before you should be able.

Your example clearly shows that the feat cannot be accepted as it is currently written. Like you I suspect the problem lies with the transtion from 3.0 to 3.5. I think that I would change it so that a character's effective Druid Level can never exceed their character level. However, I think I would still let the feat be taken multiple times. If a character wants to use all of their feats making sure their animal companion is just as strong as a pure druid's I don't think that that'll be a problem. Of course this makes this feat useless to the pure druid, but then so is Practiced Spellcaster for the pure wizard.

Rystil Arden said:
Psychic Sense: Not as bad as the previous feat, but still problematic. This is effectively a more powerful version of Uncanny Dodge as a feat, with the caveat that it is only partially effective until you start rising in level or take a Prestige Class. Probably most useful for Cerebromancers, actually, as they tend to have absolutely killwe Will saves. Makes Spot and Listen somewhat obsolete, as you eventually can't be taken by surprise, even by an opponent with 9th-level nondetection magic up and +50 to Hide and Move Silently. The fact that you have to be focused is not a problem in most cases, particularly for the ambush scenario, as a Psion who isn't focused while walking along before a fight breaks out is being an idiot.

Thank you for your insights. You mention that this would be most useful for a Cerebromancer. I tend to agree, and not only because they have such a good will save, but also because neither they nor the wizard and psion have spot or listen on their class skill list.

What I like most about this feat is the ability granted to act in the surprise round. It just feels right that a psionicly focused being can achieve the precognition necessary to avoid be taken by surprise.

I can think of a number of changes that would be able to maintain this essential flavor while at the same time, reducing the power issues you have raised. However, at this time I am not entirely sure that the feat is overpowering. I would like to hear other thoughts.

I suppose the best test is whether the feat is good enough that any character would be best served by taking it. In the example of Improved Familiar, your example clearly pointed out that the feat as written is fatally flawed. In the case of Psychic Sense, I am not yet sure.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Your example clearly shows that the feat cannot be accepted as it is currently written. Like you I suspect the problem lies with the transtion from 3.0 to 3.5. I think that I would change it so that a character's effective Druid Level can never exceed their character level. However, I think I would still let the feat be taken multiple times. If a character wants to use all of their feats making sure their animal companion is just as strong as a pure druid's I don't think that that'll be a problem. Of course this makes this feat useless to the pure druid, but then so is Practiced Spellcaster for the pure wizard.

With the revision, it is useful for multiclass Druids, Rangers (who get less than full progression), and full Druids as well once they hit level 4 and choose an advanced animal (it lets their advanced animal get a few extra abilities on the chart).

Thank you for your insights. You mention that this would be most useful for a Cerebromancer. I tend to agree, and not only because they have such a good will save, but also because neither they nor the wizard and psion have spot or listen on their class skill list.

What I like most about this feat is the ability granted to act in the surprise round. It just feels right that a psionicly focused being can achieve the precognition necessary to avoid be taken by surprise.

I can think of a number of changes that would be able to maintain this essential flavor while at the same time, reducing the power issues you have raised. However, at this time I am not entirely sure that the feat is overpowering. I would like to hear other thoughts.

I suppose the best test is whether the feat is good enough that any character would be best served by taking it. In the example of Improved Familiar, your example clearly pointed out that the feat as written is fatally flawed. In the case of Psychic Sense, I am not yet sure.

I guess the problem, as I see it, is that this eventually gives the benefit of 95% chance to never be surprised or be rendered flat-footed, and even just Uncanny Dodge is a bit powerful for a feat.


First Post
I have made changes to the Improved Animal Campanion feat and renamed it Animal Companionship. I believe that the changes address the very valid concerns that Rystil Arden brought up. I also believe that the mechanics of the feat are clear and easy to follow but I would like to know whether that is the case.

I have considered further the feat Psychic Sense. Presenting a will save for all situations that cause flat-footedness seems unwise. There are many different things that can cause a flat-footed condition, and not all of them should be negated by a psychic awareness of one's surroundings. (I am thinking specificly of balance, climb, and grapple situations.)

In keeping with the flavor, I am considering making the following changes.


Your psychic senses allow you to intuitively sense the presence of danger.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: As long as you are psionically focused, you can make a Will save (DC 20) to avoid being caught surprised or flat-footed. On a successful save, you can act during the surprise round even if you would otherwise be surprised and you can retain your Dex bonus to armor class even if you would otherwise be caught flat-footed have not yet acted in combat.

This new feat essentially allows the psionicly focused character to avoid being surprised by the iniation of combat, but does not protect against the other flat-footed causing situations.

I have also looked over the Fury of the Wolverine feat and compared it to the Extra Rage feat. While Fury of the Wolverine can in principle allow unlimited raging per day, the cost of that extra rage (being struck for more than half of the current HP total seems rather steep.) It will likely be invoked in any combat situation where the barbarian is losing, but is useless in less desperate situations. Extra Rage's is useful every day in every combat, as it allows greater flexibility in choosing when to expend a rage. I don't know whether both can exist in the same campaign world.

On the other hand Fiery Rage is clearly more powerful than the proposed Lasting Rage. These two feats really cannot co-exist. I wonder which the board believes is more appropriate.

Rystil Arden

First Post
The new Psychic Sense looks much better and seems about right.

The Animal feat is mostly perfect, though I am slightly worried about a Druid that takes it a lot of times to pump up a big animal even bigger (for example--a level 13 Druid who has this feat 3 times and packs a Dire Bear with 8 extra Hit Dice (which crosses the threshold for Size Huge), 8 more natural armour, 4 more Strength and Dex, and Multiattack, and then she casts Animal Growth and Bull's Strength on it, for a total of 57 Strength and +50 to Grapple with Improved Grab on the claws), which could be addressed by either making it only applicable once (like Practised Spellcaster) or by disallowing it to help single-classed Druids at all (which I would not prefer).

Knight Otu

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Rystil Arden said:
The new Psychic Sense looks much better and seems about right.

The Animal feat is mostly perfect, though I am slightly worried about a Druid that takes it a lot of times to pump up a big animal even bigger (for example--a level 13 Druid who has this feat 3 times and packs a Dire Bear with 8 extra Hit Dice (which crosses the threshold for Size Huge), 8 more natural armour, 4 more Strength and Dex, and Multiattack, and then she casts Animal Growth and Bull's Strength on it, for a total of 57 Strength and +50 to Grapple with Improved Grab on the claws), which could be addressed by either making it only applicable once (like Practised Spellcaster) or by disallowing it to help single-classed Druids at all (which I would not prefer).
Wasn't it clarified somewhere that the extra hit dice of animal companions are not supposed to increase the companion's size?


First Post
The effective level should be calculated before substracting the animal penalty, that way, it would help any multi-class character, and also Rangers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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