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D&D 1E My clever theory: why 1e AD&D is being reprinted


First Post
Thus, the re-release of the 1e books. They give newer gamers a chance to see what's come before, and (hopefully) they provide a positive basis for comparison with the new rules set. It's sort of brilliant, actually, because this is a case where everyone wins.

Opinions? Thoughts? Hilarious debunking?

My initial reaction was exactly the opposite. I thought their rationale could be:

"Yeah, we're not going to be able to target the 1e fans with 5e. Let's re-release 1e to give them something nice and at least reestablish communications. (And of course make some money.)"

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First Post
I don't think this news means that D&DNEXT adheres more closely to 1E. I think it simply means that Wizards is assuring the fan base that they will consider the best features from ALL editions as they work on the next one. It will not simply be a rehash of 4E or any other -E, it will be a new version that attempts to scratch everyone's itch. I think this is possible, but very difficult. However, I do think that Mike&Monte are probably the most capable to be able to pull it off.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I think this is going to be a great moment whether it's just a gesture or whether it marks the beginning of a slew of reprints from WIZARDS OF THE COAST. And I'm not gonna play in the theater of negative ideas on this.

One thing that folks sometimes forget is that gestures matter. "Thank you," matters. Thoughtfulness matters. Companies may run on money, but people run on consideration.


The EN World kitten
One thing that folks sometimes forget is that gestures matter. "Thank you," matters. Thoughtfulness matters. Companies may run on money, but people run on consideration.

Not many people know that the pages of these reprints will be made from olive branches.


In some ways it reminds me of the public unveiling of 3E back at Gencon 1999, when Peter Adkison had Gary on stage to do a mock "contract signing" to write columns for Dragon Magazine after years of being snubbed by TSR. Though in real terms it didn't mean a lot (Gary was only doing editorials essentially, not game design or consultation) the fans ate it up. I was there in the audience, and we were going hog-wild at the time because it was a nod of recognition to what and who had gone before, not because it meant anything in terms of game design.


The response to this re-release is overwhelming positive. No matter Wizards ultimate goal(s) are, i think this is win-win for everyone involved. And it makes me feel even better about the future unfolding of 5e.


The EN World kitten
I was there in the audience, and we were going hog-wild at the time because it was a nod of recognition to what and who had gone before, not because it meant anything in terms of game design.

I was there too, and you're right; there was a great feeling in the air as we all started chanting "Gary! Gary!" over and over. That WotC wants to recapture even a mote of that same enthusiasm for a nod to D&D's past is something to smile about.


First Post
I also think they could use a little diversity in product during the period between the 'next' announcement and it's release. It's has to be a little scary for them.

This is the best theory I've heard so far. They can't expect to have much cash flow from 4e when there's a new edition on the horizon, but a collector product will sell well and not really get in the way of the new edition, either. Plus, it's a guaranteed recovery of costs, a decent profit, good PR, and a way of proving to game stores that WotC can still move product off the shelves.

I don't buy Piratecat's theory, not because it's a bad theory, but just because there are other explanations that seem more likely.

Another benefit to a reprint of 1e is simply that it won't upset anyone, and won't set any particular set of gamers at the throats of others right when WotC is trying to bring everyone under one tent. It's non-controversial, and during the run-up to a new edition, that's important.

Edit - and it's a nice gesture, too -- what I wrote above shouldn't be seen as their exclusive reason, just the part of the reason that makes business sense but wouldn't be a part of the actual press releases or advertising because it's not relevant to the purchaser.
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First Post
Not many people know that the pages of these reprints will be made from olive branches.

As someone who has been very critical of WotC for the last few years I am very happy to see them change the tone of their marketing and production. Normally I am very skeptical of what corporations say and do, but I am genuinely encouraged by this shift. As a potential customer it's nice to feel wanted again.

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