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Mortal Kombat: Fight (Box Office Predictions)

Indy will flop spectularly, Spiderverse will crush it, along with horrorible reviews. Some folks are still pissed about the crystal skull. I look forward to South Parks take, I suspect Disney dispite owning South Park will not.

No clue about FF, transformers a maybe.

Flash I think will do better then expected pissing off Henry Carvill fans when its Ezra Miller's Flash who survives to see the Gunnverse.

The Little Mermaid will do okay Domestic (US and Canada, which annoys me, were an independant country damn it), but will crash and burn internationally. The live action remakes have lost their charm, Aqusfina's singing is a crime against humanity and I maintain if she ever sings in public again she be tried before the Hague as a war criminal. Halle's singing on the other hand is said to great and her voice is simular to OG Ariel, but that can't save horrible CGI that is so horrible its going to cause kids some nightmares.

I haven't heard about Destiny.
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Hit. Dial of Destiny. Decent trailer, last hurrah with Harrison Ford.
I read a week or 2 ago it got panned horribly at Cannes. I could care less about critic reviews so I'll see it anyway and I'm sure it will do well at the box office if for no other reason than nostalgia. My opinion is that the Crystal Skull and DoD came about 20 years too late and the franchise should've been continued and finished in the mid to late 90s. Franchises that languish in development hell for years and years like this one did never seem to live up to the films of the original run. 18 and 17 years between installments is just too long. But I hope its good.
Spiderman into the Spiderverse
I almost went to see this today as the first one was good, but then I read the audio mix is horrible and the dialogue is inaudible at parts, so I decided to wait until its out on VOD/PPV and hopefully the issue will be fixed. It had a very good opening weekend at the box office nonetheless with $120.5 million in North America.



Yeah a few of these movies are out now.

F&FX looks like a flop with that budget.

TLM doing OK domestically poorly internationally looks like a flop with that budget.

Spiderverse. Projections are very good has a very reasonable budget. On track to be a big hit.

Transformers no idea.

Flash not sure.

DoD negative early reviews apparently what and see but might be a flop. See what happens.


DoD negative early reviews apparently what and see but might be a flop. See what happens.
When a studio decides whats a hit and whats a flop do they only count box office revenue only or do they consider VOD/PPV, DVD/Blu-Ray sales and streaming services as well?


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
When a studio decides whats a hit and whats a flop do they only count box office revenue only or do they consider VOD/PPV, DVD/Blu-Ray sales and streaming services as well?
Likely a combo. The bad reviews and very very high production cost makes Dial look like a bit of a gamble at present.


Likely a combo. The bad reviews and very very high production cost makes Dial look like a bit of a gamble at present.
I would imagine too. With the multitude of ways people consume media these days I would think it foolish to consider a movie a flop based only on box office numbers for the first few weeks. Then again, I don't know what studios make off of DVD, PPV/VOD and streaming sales so I could be wrong.


I would imagine too. With the multitude of ways people consume media these days I would think it foolish to consider a movie a flop based only on box office numbers for the first few weeks. Then again, I don't know what studios make off of DVD, PPV/VOD and streaming sales so I could be wrong.
This is a respected opinion, but the OP did make it very clear what the criteria here was.

We turned the Dnd movie hit or flop thread into an endless debate as to what to include, the OP has fixed that with a specific criteria. Lets respect that and discuss.


This is a respected opinion, but the OP did make it very clear what the criteria here was.

We turned the Dnd movie hit or flop thread into an endless debate as to what to include, the OP has fixed that with a specific criteria. Lets respect that and discuss.

That and no one has access to those numbers.

John Wick, Mario for example undisputed hits the backend is just gravy.

Looks like Spiderverse will met that threshold as well.

Basically I noticed 5 or 6 potential blockbusters were landing one after another and I was interested in what ones would be a hit at the box office not what may or may not make bank eventually.

Big money moving forward might be in reasonably priced animation movies with budgets around 100 million.

Fast X and Dial of Destiny were ones that had big ???.

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