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Monitor Duty (Freedomverse OOC)


Greetings! I haven't been on the boards here in many a moon. I am thinking about running an M&M 3e game here.
No firm details as of yet. But I gravitate towards PL 10 "Four Color" types of games set in the Modern Age?

Any interest?

EDIT: Turning this into a full recruitment. PL 10/150pp. Freedomverse as a setting, but will probably draw from some old V&V modules to start off. Pictures with applications encouraged. Looking for 4-6 players.

EDIT2: Game is full and has started

In Game Threads
Issue #1 Black&White

Roster Thread
Friends and Foes of the Freedomverse
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First Post
So how about this...

REAL NAME: Robert Anderson
ARCHETYPE: Totem (Spider)

PL 10 (150 Power Points)


POWERS (Origin – Empowered/Mystical)
*Dark Sight: Sense 2 – Dark Vision • 2pts
*Enhanced Dexterity: Enhanced Dexterity +2 • 4pts
*Fast on his Feet: Speed 2 (base 120ft movement) • 2pts
*Hyper-Awareness: Enhanced Awareness +5 • 10pts
*Super-Fighting: Enhanced Fighting +12 • 24pts
*Super-Leap: Leaping 3 (base 60ft) • 3pt
*Super-Physicality: Enhanced Stamina +5 • 10pts
*Super-Reaction: Enhanced Agility +6 • 12pts
*Super-Strength: Enhanced Strength +8 • 16pt
*AP -the Tarantula Sting: Affliction +8 (Dazed, Stunned, Paralyzed; Resisted by Fortitude; extra: Cumulative) • 1pt​
*Wall-Walker: Movement 1 – Wall-Walking (½ Speed) • 2pts

ADVANTAGES: Agile Feint, All-out Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Evasion, Hide In Plain Sight, Improved Trip, Move-By Attack, Precise Attack (concealment), Power Attack, Takedown, Uncanny Dodge

SKILLS: Acrobatics 8 (+16), Athletics 8 (+16), Insight 4 (+10), Perception 4 (+10), Stealth 10 (+18), Treatment 6 (+10), Technology 2 (+6)

OFFENSE: Initiative +8, Unarmed +12 (Close, Damage +8), the Tarantula Sting +12 (Close, Affliction +8, Resisted by Fortitude)

DEFENSE: Dodge 22 (+12), Parry 22 (+12), Fortitude +7, Toughness +8/+6 (without defensive roll), Will +9

Totals: Abilities 22+ Powers 86+ Advantages 12+ Skills 21+ Defenses 9 = 150 points

Complications: Trill of Adventure: as mild-mannered resident, Robert was shy and introverted. As Tarantula he gets to cut loss and with amenity can be the wise cracking, outgoing, thrill seeker he always has dreamed of being. Doing Good: Robert has always wanted to do the right thing. It why he went into medicine in the first place. As Tarantula he believes in fighting for what is right and believes in doing right no matter what. Enemy: the night Tarantula was created, a dark reflection was also born – the eight limbed villainess known as the Widower!! The freakish villain claims that her patron, an evil Spider like deity, warned her of Tarantula and goes out of her way to attack the hero whenever the opportunity arises. Identity: Robert works hard to maintain his secret identity, keeping his superhero antics apart and separate from his work at the free clinic. His personality is so different that some might claim he has a split personality… if they knew both were the same person.

Robert Anderson was a shy and introverted medical residence when one day while heading home after a double shift at the local emergency room he was crossing a bridge and saw three men beating up an old man. Normally Robert would have put his head down and walked on past but that night, for some reason, he did not. Instead he decided to get involved. To help someone in need.

Unfortunately for Robert, he was not a great fighter and the thugs beat him up also. Too make matters worse they threw him over the bridge to drowned. But he did not drowned…

As Robert slowly sank into the murky water a light started shining from below. As he felt his consciousness slipping away something spoke to him. It offered him help and the ability to strike back at the injustices of the world. That if Robert agree, the voice would grant him to ability to fight back at those whom preyed on the weak. Robert would be his avatar of justice … the Tarantula of Justice!!!

As Robert Allen he is introverted and shy. He works full time at a free medical clinic in a poorer part of town. He is not rich but happy with this aspect of his life. He helps a lot of people who would otherwise not see a doctor. He lives alone in a small apartment near the river and spends most of his free time (when he is not Tarantula) reading.
As Tarantula he is a wise-cracking, adventurous, outgoing hero. He lives for the thrill of fighting villains and saving people.

Tarantula is a close in melee fighter but he likes to act with surprise when possible. His random like movement allow him to often hide or get behind those he is fighting and frustrating an opponent is a great side benefit.
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First Post
Working on a sheet here...pardon the dust.


[sblock=Grimoire]Real Name: Sandra Connor
Supername: Grimoire
PL 10 (150)
Hero Points: 1
Exp: 0

Abilities 32
Strength 0
Stamina 0
Agility 2
Dexterity 2
Fighting 0
Intellect 6
Awareness 5
Presence 1

Defenses 20
Dodge 10 (2 base + 8)
Fortitude 7 (0 base + 7)
Parry 0 (0 base + 0)
Toughness 10 (0 base)
Will 10 (5 base + 5)
Initiative +2

Skills 16 (8)
Expertise: Magic +9 (3)
Expertise: Science +9 (3)
Expertise: History +8 (2)
Investigation +8 (2)
Perception +6 (1)
Sleight of Hand +5 (3)
Technology +8 (2)

Soul Spells (27pp)
- Magnus Warding - Create (Selective, Affects Insubstantial 2, Subtle 2) +7, 25pp
- Soul Hand - Move Object (Perception, Subtle 2, Precise 1) +7
- Manifest Soul (all powers are Sustained)
Enhanced Trait: Strength 5 (10)
Enhanced Trait: Fighting 6 (12)
Enhanced Trait: Fortitude 3 (3)

Book Spells (Easily Removeable -12pp) 21pp (33pp)
- One Hundred Ways to Die - Damage (Ranged, Multiattack, PF Variable (Magic) 2, PF Accurate 2) +9, 30pp
- Hexat - Affliction (Perception vs Will, Ext Condition, PF Rvrsble; Impaired-Vuln/Disabled-Defenseless/Controlled-Unaware) +9
- Disjoin - Nullify (Broad (magic), Perception, Simultaneous) +7
- Thunder Road - Teleport (Accurate, Extended, Easy, Limited to Extended, PF Change Dir, PF Change Vel, PF Inc Mass +4) +8 (+6 from extended)

Enduring Effects
Barrier Warding - Protection 10, 10pts
Glamour - Morph 2 (humanoids of roughly the same size and gender), 11pp
- PF: Invisibility (Concealment +4: All Vision, PF Precise)
Mystically Sensitive - Super Sense (Mental - Magic Awareness, Extended 1) 2pp

Ritualist, 1
Ranged Attack, 4
Sidekick: The Grimoire (20pts), 4

Attributes: 32
Defenses: 30
Skills: 8
Advantages: 9
Powers: 71

Motivation: I wanna try everything! Sandra is enthralled with the strange and mysterious, drawn to new experiences and new ideas. Being a superhero is in some ways a 'testbed' for her explorations of magic...giving her a socially-positive way to use abilities and techniques that would otherwise be very hard to ethically experiment with.

Secret Identity: There are several reasons she protects her true identity. Insulating her family and friends is one, but also she's unsure how using magic will affect her desire to be a scientist...and she's hedging her bets on that, keeping it compartmentalized.

Shoulder-Devil: The Grimoire was not a nice guy in his human existence. While he has resigned himself to his current state, he doesn't hold the lives of those who cannot use magic in very high regard. As such, his lessons and advice for Sandra, while forced by his geas to be honest, often reflect a callous disregard for the well-being of others.

Power Loss: Incantations: The spells cast from the Grimoire require the book to be in her hand, but also require incantations to be made in a clear voice. Background sound that drowns her out won't stop the spell from working, but anything that actually prevents her from vocalizing will. Her Soul magic has no such limitation however.

Sidekick: The Grimoire!
Sentient Construct

Ages ago, and perhaps in a different world entirely, a master sorcerer attempted to divest himself of his mortality...and what was left of his humanity...to become immortal. He did this by preparing a ritual that would invest his spirit into a virtually indestructible magical construct; a sort of golem of unspeakable power. He was stopped from this goal however, and while the ritual was not completely disrupted it's target was shifted from the golem to his very own book of spells. In the aftermath it was decided that an eternity of being able to gaze futilely at the instruments of his power while never being able to use them was a fitting punishment. A powerful geas was laid over the book, forcing it to answer the questions of those who held it honestly, in hopes he could still serve a useful function.

In time though, the study of magic waned, and the book was left in a library, then the library and the book both lost to history. The Grimoire eventually fell into a dormant state until it was awakened by the latent magical potential of someone picking it up; something it hadn't felt for...even it didn't know how long.

Attributes (10)
Dexterity 0
Fighting 0
Intellect 5
Awareness 0
Presence 0

Skills 6 (3)
Expertise: Magic +11 (6)

Advantages (2)

Abilities (35)
Protection 5
Immunity to Fortitude Effects 30

Flaws (-30)
Lack 3 Attributes -30

RP Quirk - "Magic is the solution to every problem!"[/sblock]
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Oh wow. I remember you!

Welcome back!

I've got a 'magic' type hero I've been wanting to try for awhile now. :)

Ah Shayuri! We meet again my old nemesis! ;)

Good to "see a familiar face"! I remember we had some fun games together. I look forward to you working your "magic".


Greetings! I haven't been on the boards here in many a moon. I am thinking about running an M&M 3e game here.
No firm details as of yet. But I gravitate towards PL 10 "Four Color" types of games set in the Modern Age?

Any interest?

EDIT: Turning this into a full recruitment. PL 10/150pp. Freedomverse as a setting, but will probably draw from some old V&V modules to start off. Pictures with applications encouraged. Looking for 4-6 players.

I am so into this, long-time gamer, new to M&M but have been wanting to try M&M for a while now :) Thanks for starting a recruitment thread!

I think this is the product I should get to make a character and learn the rules? M&M 3e Deluxe Hero's Handbook

I'd like to play some sort of a martial artist/costumed crimefighter/investigator type.

What does "Four Color" mean to you? I hear it used differently by different folks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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