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It looks like GWolf's other game is going to demand a lot of his time. Let's move Jack up into the Fighter slot so we can get more EN Boarders playing. I've had the chance to chat with GWolf about this, and it's all good. :)

Jack- Please set up a Fighter character for the game and we'll finish out the creation process and get started! :)

Thanks, all!
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Jack Haggerty

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Mark said:
Jack- Please set up a Fighter character for the game and we'll finish out the creation process and get started! :)

Mark, I replied to your email... I'll have him ready tomorrow morning.

Just so I've got the rules straight: 28 point buy. Core Rulebooks Only. Human, 1/2 elf, Dwarf or Gnome. No Evil or Chaotic. Maximum 1st level cash.

Did I forget anything?

For a start...

Jack Haggerty, LN Human Fighter

Str: 14
Dex: 14
Con: 13
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 13

The son of a smith, Jack spent three years in the local militia, and five years in the service of the Lord's army. After the latest military campaign, he's fulfilled his conscription contract. Paid off and released from service, for now at least, he's traveling home before looking for new employment.

That's the quick and dirty version, there'll be more tomorrow.
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Jack Haggerty

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It didn't take as long as I thought...

Here's his stat block:


Jack Haggerty: Male Human Fighter 1; CR 1; Medium-sized humanoid; HD 1d10+1; hp 11; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17 (+2 Dex, +3 armor, +2 shield); Atk +3 melee (1d10+2 19-20/x2, bastard sword), +3 melee (1d4+2 19-20/x2, dagger), +3 ranged (1d8 x3, longbow); AL LN; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0;

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 13.

Languages: Common, Dwarven.

Skills: Craft (armorsmithing) +5/4, Craft (bowmaking) +3/2, Craft (weaponsmithing) +5/4, Handle Animal +3/2, Ride +6/4.

Feats: Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Power Attack.

Possessions: Explorer's outfit, Belt pouch, Dagger, Bastard sword, Shortbow, Arrows (20), Studded leather armor, Large wooden shield; (54#)
Riding horse, Riding Saddle, Bit & bridle, Saddlebags;
Bedroll, Winter blanket, Cold weather outfit, Whetstone, Flint & steel, Hooded Lantern, Oil (8 pints), Waterskins (2), Trail Rations (2 weeks);
6 gp, 5 sp, 8 cp.

Encumbrance: Light 58#, Medium 116#, Heavy 230#.


A more detailed history and such is forthcoming.
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First Post
Goodbye GWolf, and good gaming!

Welcome Jack! I'm happy you found a place, I was feeling guilty.

To apologize, I could give you 30 gp, if you think you'll need them. Mark will let us pool money.

Can anyone help me with the name? I was looking for something with the sun, because he was found at sunrise, but everything I come up with sounds rather stupid.

Otherwise, if you think it's a silly idea, just tell me, and I'll drop it.
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Interesting developments... anyway I have been making alterations to my character by editing the original post...


First Post
Arthael has a diverse interest in magic. His short term interest is in summoning and transmutation spells. He hopes to increase his knowledge in these areas. He is also interested in Linguistics and will be studying language texts in addition to his magical studies. One of Arthael's long term goals is the construction of Golems. Another is the construction of magical objects to increase his intelligence... He also hopes to use summoning and divination to contract Lawful outsiders for knowledge and power.

Arthael has several possible motivations for adventuring with this particular group (dm's discretion). He could be hiring out his services in order to make money to buy scrolls. He could hear about something of interest to him and join up freely.

Arthael is hoping to uncover some magical items to study and will be interested in any plot lines involving the discovery of such.

Arthael's most immediate priority is to learn how to cast "Identify", "Grease", and a few more level 1 spells...


I hope you'll forgive some of the liberties I've taken with the suggested backgrounds you have constructed. In some cases, I had to scale back the experiences you added, in others, I rewrote history. :D

I've tried to begin the game by including a good helping of character background as I think will further the game, some narrative to give the flavor of the game, and finally, a few hooks to get you started (some subtle and some flagrant). I'll filter more background for the characters (some yours, some mine), more world source material, and more hooks as we continue. Feel free to make what choices you will make. Greet one another as possible. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading and writing as much as I have. ;)

*edit* Don't forget, please, to review the posting guidelines I suggested earlier in this thread. The link below will take you to the actual game thread. Thanks, gang! :) *end edit*

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