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MiPS Lost Mine Part II


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"Meh, why not? I could get a drink myself. What 'bout you Vottr? Heard dwarves never turns down a drink.", said Garret after hearing what Leonan suggested.

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'Dougal? I thought I saw him in town a day or so ago but I ain't seen hide nor hair of him since. I tell ye, lads, this don't smell right. Gundren finds what he thinks is some lost mine, goes to try to find it, gets grabbed by goblins and shipped off to some "better" holding place? Got the stink of planning all over it.
'As if all that weren't bad enough, a local group of toughs calling themselves the Rebrands been making it hard on everyone, shaking down local businesses and flouting the townmaster`s authority. It's a rough time, I'll tell ye that.
'You seem like a good bunch but, whatever you decide, be careful. Dad used ter say "the bees are your friends unless ye kick the hive". Mebbe I'm wrong but you folk seem like the kicking type.'


"Aye, a dwarf is always up for a good drink,"Vottr replies to Garrett. "As sure as a halfling's always up for a meal! Besides, any barkeep worth his salt is a goldmine of local information. Maybe we can find one with word of Dougal, or another place them gobbers could've taken me uncle."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
'Got the stink of planning all over it.
'As if all that weren't bad enough, a local group of toughs calling themselves the Rebrands been making it hard on everyone, shaking down local businesses and flouting the townmaster`s authority. It's a rough time, I'll tell ye that.
Dad used ter say "the bees are your friends unless ye kick the hive". Mebbe I'm wrong but you folk seem like the kicking type.'

"I'm more of a smoking the bees type. And teaching people how to fish rather then give them fish. For example, if all Rebrands would be together in one tavern at peace, listening to the music and people of the town spontaneously came to surround it, just happening to carry torches, hammers and other implements of daily work...I will look into it, but I'm not promising anything until I know more. Lets head to the inn. Sildar, you said you can set us up for a time?"

Leonan turns to the group.
"If you talk to anyone, let them know there is a bard in town with epic tales of valor ready for them this evening."
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Eddicus muses, "If Dougal was here a day ago but is now missing. . . ." His voice trails off as he tries to think clearly. It has truly been a long day.

He turns to Sildar before heading out the door toward the inn; and he asks the man, "How long had you known this Dougal person before you rode this way in the company of both him and Gundren Rockseeker?"


'Oh, I dunno at least a year. Sildar, weren't it last winter when the three of you were here?'
'Yep. So, that'd make it about 40 tendays. just under a year.'


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Did you mean 30 tendays? 40 tendays would be 400 days, right? About Year and a month... Or the expression "tenday" means something else? I'm not native speaker and occasionally encounter "numbers" such as score or stone (for weight) which I have to search for...but I thought this is clear.


"Thank you, Master Elmar, for the information. While this doesn't tell me very much -- and I'm new in town. so it wouldn't -- it might help if we could tie that number to any likely other events. If you would be as interested as I am in the matter, would you ask around among the various people you know here about any strings of unusual and untoward events that started at about the same time, which is to say roughly 40 tendays ago? It could be anything, such as a string of arsons, or a string of abductions, or a string of items going inexplicably missing, or a string of robberies. Anything at all; because, if there is nothing, then I think I can't connect Dougal's original appearance here 40 tendays ago with anything out of the ordinary. Thank you for your thoughfulness."

Eddicus politely waits for any answer from Elmar, if the man has one to give; then, having kicked the embers of a slow fire at Barthens, Eddicus strolls out of that building and accompanies the rest of the party on to their next destination.


OOC: waiting for a rest for XP, seems to make sense.

'Mebbe is was 30 tendays and me math is off but the only thing that was happening then was Gundren and them was looking for that cursed mine.'

Voidrunner's Codex

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