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Midway Mining Expedition (PbP)


Gamer Extraordinaire
Coldtree intends to quietly move to flank the remaining Deviard and strike with advantage. He will manipulate waylines to Thump his opponent.
83, 61

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Coldtree intends... flank... strike... Thump...
Tehn barely notices that Coldtree is moving to his aid. His opponent necessitates his focus.
Coldtree: 46(motility)
Lunnaya: 25(camouflage), 25(athleticism)
Deviards: 50(blur)
Coldtree: 31(aggression) + 24(accuracy) + 46(fury) +83(d100) = 184 + 100(flank) = 284
Lunnaya: 32(finesse) + 23 + 25 + 75 = 155
Deviards: 72 + 75 = 147

Coldtree: 31(readiness) + 24(avoidance) + 34(analysis) +
Lunnaya: 32 + 42(counter) + 29 + 75 = 178 + 25(camo) = 203
Deviards: 24 + 18 + 30 + 75 = 147 + 50(blur) = 197 + 18(kilter) = 215
284 - 215 = 69% * 4 = 3
Coldtree: 27(bending) + 46(thump) + 61(d100) = 134

Deviards: 24(conditioning) + 60(clarity) + 56(d100) = 140
D1 & 2: Body: 10 - 11 = -1, incapacitated.
D3: unconscious.
As they have done so for the passed seven seconds, Lunnaya and his opponent continue to ineffectively engage one another. Coldtree intervenes by rabbit punching the Deviard in the left kidney. He is unable to generate and accompanying thump of air.

The blow hurts. It hurts just enough to make the Deviard flinch and look for his new opponent. The reflexive action is an unrecoverable mistake and the Deviard is no match for two equal opponents. He falls.

Tehn sighs, "Thanks, that was taking far too long and going nowhere positive."

The former slaves stand to their feet and look toward the two men as they make sure the fallen Deviards will not recover. Three of the slaves are Kozzog, two are Maldrog and the remaining three are of a Mhytre tribe that is unfamiliar to either Tehn or Coldtree. They are a mixture of males and females, since the Deviard do not discriminate for labor. The male Maldrog quietly says "Thanks," in his own language, which is understood.
Coldtree:: Mind: 10 - 6 = 4 + 1 = 5 + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5, dazed.
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 52
Tehn: full wellness
Tunic: 52
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 437

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 1, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Coot Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: {Will +2}
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Porcupine Quill: 1, {Cohesion +2}, (toxicity x 3)
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??

Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}
Unknown: 24

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Flowers: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Restore x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, {Health +1}
Coal: 1, (heat x3)
Emberstone: 1, {Confluence +2}
Flint: 1, (Shock x2)
Heartstone: 1, {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1, (shock x 3)
Milkstone: 1, {Will +2}
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}

nothing here
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Coldtree speaks to the Mhytres in Orngaddrin, and the few words he knows of Maldrog and Kozzog. "You may go your own way, or you may come back with us to Midway. There you will do the same mining work, but it will be for your own benefit."
He will search the Deviard for anything useful.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Coldtree speaks... will search...
The three Mhytres who are of an unfamiliar tribe, take up their mining hammers and spikes and begin to back away from the rest. Determining that their rescuers are not going to become hostile, they make some gesture of departing, then leave. It becomes evident that they can neither understand Orngaddrin nor Maldrog.

The Kozzogs speak a few chopped phrases in Maldrog. It seems they are from the known Kozzog monastery and wish to return. They will accompany the DWAC, if its members are headed that way soon, If not, they will depart on their own. They leave their mining tools.

Maldrogs, in general, are much more talkative. Learning that the DWAC members can communicate in such, they engage, explaining that the Mhytres who left are Ekimmards, not the sharpest of tools. The two also explain that they were originally part of a prospecting company that was defeated by a group of Deviard, and they are the only two to have lived because they were rendered unconscious. They would indeed like to journey to Midway to become part of another prospecting crew.

Since the former slaves do not seem to understand Orngaddrin, Tehn uses it when speaking to Coldtree. "Do we want to head back to rid ourselves of this extra baggage or poke around more with them hanging around?"
Coldtree: 24(observe) + 34(tuning) + 60(d100) = 118
Tehn: 33 + 29 + 75 = 137
Other than the obvious 4 harnin hammers and 4 harnin bucklers, the fallen Deviards also hold 8 lodestones, 4 unknown white stones that feel wet when touched, 4 ingots of an unknown, light, silvery metal, and 4 ingots of whitish metal.
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 52
Tehn: full wellness
Tunic: 52
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 437

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 1, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Coot Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: {Will +2}
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Porcupine Quill: 1, {Cohesion +2}, (toxicity x 3)
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??

Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}
Unknown: 24

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Flowers: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Restore x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, {Health +1}
Coal: 1, (heat x3)
Emberstone: 1, {Confluence +2}
Flint: 1, (Shock x2)
Heartstone: 1, {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 1, (shock x 3)
Milkstone: 1, {Will +2}
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}

nothing here
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
8 lodestones, 4 unknown white stones that feel wet when touched, 4 ingots of an unknown, light, silvery metal, and 4 ingots of whitish metal.
Keep the spoils secret from the former slaves. Makes a mental note to investigate the metal when he has some privacy.
In response to Tehn's question, Coldtree responds in Orngaddrin. "Let us head back to Midway at once. I do not want to rely on anyone in the wilds that I do not trust."

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
..."Let us head back to Midway at once..."
Tehn nods. "I could not agree more."

He secrets away several of the collected items, as well, to be examined later, away from prying eyes and less competent minds. He collects the remaining hammers, spikes and bucklers, since they are overt items, and hands them to the others, saying, "carry" in Maldrog. He nods at Coldtree indicating that he ready to travel.
OOC: 98 + 42 = 140


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Coldtree responds...
Tehn nods.... secrets...
Coldtree: 26(alchemy) + 34(analysis) + 149(d100) = 209, success
Time: 40 days / 209 = 5 hours, success
Tehn: 33 + 29 + 140 = 202, success
Time: 40 days / 202 = 5 hours, success
Nothing overt is required in attempting to learn the proclivity of a particular item. It only needs to be in bodily contact. Even while sleeping, a Bender will dream about the particular item in contact if it was consciously considered when first taking to rest. The white stone, called slickstone, is found to be able to absorb heat, making it effective in augmenting the bending of thermal waylines for such or in resisting heat. The light, silvery metal is aluminum. It is beneficial in the alteration of electromagnetic waylines with regard to shock. It is also found to enhance the motility of its bearer. There has not yet been opportunity to examine the whitish metal.

Having now made the trek several times, the return trip to Midway is routine, even mundane, except for the fact that the two Maldrogs are quite talkative. Once within the boundaries of the mining community, Coldtree and Tehn are greeted, overtly. Comments are made about the two Maldrogs tagging along and they are mildly hazed by the others of their tribe, which is typical behavior.

Foreman Gebbrik is impressed and extremely interested in this turn of events. He congratulates the DWAC on their success, thus far, and hosts a feast in their honor. The Maldrog members of the mining community are demonstratively grateful for the rescue of two of their brothers and much alcohol is shared at the feast.

A couple of days is warranted to recover from the feast before strenuous labor or adventures are pursued.
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 52
Tehn: full wellness
Tunic: 52
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 437
Harnin Bucklers: 2
Harnin Hammers: 12

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 1, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Coot Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: {Will +2}
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Porcupine Quill: 1, {Cohesion +2}, (toxicity x 3)
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??

Aluminum: 4, (Motility +2), {Shock x3}
Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}
Whitish Metal: 4, ??

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Flowers: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Restore x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, {Health +1}
Coal: 1, (heat x3)
Emberstone: 1, {Confluence +2}
Flint: 1, (Shock x2)
Heartstone: 1, {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 9, (shock x 3)
Milkstone: 1, {Will +2}
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}
Slickstone: 4, {Frostbite x3}

nothing here
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.
Last edited:

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Having sufficiently recovered from the festivities, Tehn catches a moment with Coldtree to engage in private conversation. "I feel sufficient with the equipment that I currently carry. I do not want to add heavier armor. I am in favor of trading these hammers and bucklers to the smith to see what future credit it may warrant. After that, I am good to make another run at the Deviards, but I have no plan or strategy, as yet."
OOC: 89


Gamer Extraordinaire
Coldtree strokes his beard as he considers Tehn's words. He says, "I am fine with my gear as well, so I agree to trade for credit. Let us ask one of the Maldrog here in Midway to assist us in conversing with the ones we rescued to see if there is anymore useful information they have about the Deviards."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Tehn catches... engage in private...
Coldtree... says...
The Maldrog people are known for their boisterous nature; but away from the public eye, they can prove to be sensible and level headed. The two in question are also quite forthcoming with all information they can remember once they learn the motivation for the DWAC asking.

"We were captured... Let me start at what I know of these people..."

The man doing most of the talking explains things in way that makes sense to help him remember. He conveys that all mining communities send out prospectors, but those of the Deviard are not looking for ore. They are looking for other miners. They use their inherent talent of Bending to alter the minds of others. If this does not work so well, they can also electrocute people. Once captured it seems to be difficult to even think about escaping. It is like the thought just slips away and is forgotten. Despite this, the Deviard are not especially cruel to prisoners. they do not beat them or starve them, as this would reduce labor, anyway.

The Deviard encampment to the north is fairly new. The two Maldrog were originally captured to the South and brought north. Others were captured later. There were two work units of prisoners. One would still be there. The prisoners worked in half day shifts so that only one group was in camp at a time. The locked quarters were shared. As there are no old prisoners, it is suspected that once a person becomes less viable at work, he is killed.

"That is what I know, as I can remember it. Is there anything more?"
Coldtree: full wellness
Harnin arrows: 17
Tunic: 52
Tehn: full wellness
Tunic: 52
Standard Earnings: 360 shillings / 10 days
Shillings: 437
Harnin Bucklers: 2
Harnin Hammers: 12

Animal Parts:
Ant Pinchers: 5, (Cohesion +1)
Ant Stingers: 1, {Toxin x2}
Beetle Elytra: 5 pair (deflect 4, soak 2)
Coot Feathers: 1 set, (Cohesion +1)
Goat Beard Talisman: {Will +2}
Greenjay Feather Talisman: ??
Harvester Feather Talisman: 1, (Health +1)
Porcupine Quill: 1, {Cohesion +2}, (toxicity x 3)
Roadrunner Feather Talisman: 2: ??

Aluminum: 4, (Motility +2), {Shock x3}
Tin: 1, (Persona +1), {- Mind x 2}
Zinc: 7, (Health +1), {+ Body x 2}
Whitish Metal: 4, ??

Berserker Flowers: 1 measure, {+ Strength x2 / - Mind x3}
Dried Flowers: 2: ??
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Restore x 2}

Bloodstone: 1, {Health +1}
Coal: 1, (heat x3)
Emberstone: 1, {Confluence +2}
Flint: 1, (Shock x2)
Heartstone: 1, {Confluence +1}
Lodestone: 9, (shock x 3)
Milkstone: 1, {Will +2}
Slate: 3, {Sound x2}
Slickstone: 4, {Frostbite x3}

nothing here
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.

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