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M3: Assassin's Knot (Patlin judging)


LEW Judge
Velmont said:
Rinaldo stands up, close his eyes and take a deep breath. As he opens his eyes, his smile come back and nothing let show that a moment ago he was sad. He take Mordik's tolls and give it to Nurlan. "Take this and give it to Mordik when you'll be able to do so. And if you can use that wand again, I think it is better to hide those wounds as much as possible. If I understand, Abraham thinks it was the guild who attack him. If he things I was the one, it might turn the tide."

"Lehistako!" Rinaldo is now healed for a further 8 HP. "Is that better or should I try again?[/url]

OOC: Mordik's tolls? I'm not sure what you're referring to.[/url]

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First Post
OOC: Oops, typo. Mordik's thieves tools. I'm now at 22 hp.

"The scares are small now." says Rinaldo, making sure his clothing hide them. "I'll use the magic of my hat to hide them anyway. So, what Abraham knows about the situation? What have you told him up to now?"

Once Nurlan and Eanos will have brief him on the situation, he will move to the common room.


LEW Judge
Velmont(Rinaldo) said:
"So, what Abraham knows about the situation? What have you told him up to now?"

"We're all curious to know about the assassins' guild. Abraham and Balmorrow, and their friend Martin, were skeptical about why a bunch of travelling musicians and entertainers would want to get involved. I persuaded them that any decent person ought to be concerned about the operation of such a nefarious group. They might still be suspicious -- maybe think that we're spies for the Black Hand, and worry our interest might be in sabotaging rather than helping their investigations. Abraham believes the Black Hand uses his inn to meet, and built the secret passages years ago so he could spy on them."

Velmont(Rinaldo) said:
Once Nurlan and Eanos will have brief him on the situation, he will move to the common room.

Nurlan returns with him.

Edit: ...after stowing the toolkit in his pack. This will not be the right time to reveal it.

OOC: character sheet changed to reflect two charges spent from wand.


First Post
Erekose13 said:
..."Balmorrow what you say rings true, at least with me. A friend of mine was attacked and killed by skilled individuals such as those we have only now learned reside here in Three Rings. There was one clue in particular that I have been following." with that he produces the red button. "This button was found on the body of my friend and with the spells at my disposal I tracked the button here, to you Abraham. With the attack tonight by someone disguised as you it looks like you are right that they are trying to frame you. I have found in my research that while this button might belong to your vest Abraham, you do not seem the type to conduct such evil. I am with you in bringing down this assassin's guild and getting revenge for my dear friend."

I made a bluff/sense motive check on this...

Abraham is shocked as Tenebrynn pulls out the button. He takes it and examines it carefully. "This is surely my button."

Balmorrow seems very pleased. "Finally, we have allies. And ones of no small ability by the look of things. You all arrived the same night, did you not? Are you all in this together?"

Abraham lets his gaze drift away as he thinks. "Who could have taken my button? Ollie the taylor could have ordered an extra. Someone could have sneaked into my room and stolen it. Or one of the boys could have taken it when they did my laundry. Maybe we can figure this one out and track them down."

"With the doors closed and locked, and us in the center of the room, I don't think we'll be overheard. This is as safe a a place as any for a conference of this size." Abraham takes a deep breath. "I could use another drink." He promptly helps himself to another shot. "You say you have a lead as to who is involved. We also have some ideas. Tell us what you think. Ah - Master Di Sensio - nice of you to join us. Have a seat. Have a drink."

[sblock]Thanks for keeping track of those wand charges. Nice pace & RP, everyone. I was worried there for a moment that Velmont was going to bail on us! Well done.[/sblock]
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Manzanita said:
I made a bluff/sense motive check on this...

[ooc: hope their reactions meant I made it :) Tenebrynn is not the best at bluffing.]

"Who is involved? I am not sure. As I mentioned my one clue lead me to you. I have been investigating your involvement and determined that you are not one of my friend's killers. Beyond that I was investigating the Mayor, whom I have discovered came into power under questionable circumstances. But those circumstances were not enough to convince me that she was involved yet." replied Tenebrynn, trying to sidestep the question of whether they were together or not, leaving that one for one of the others.


First Post
Rinaldo enters the room, followed by Nurlan and Eanos. "I think if we have to work together, we have to be honest with each others. Master Balmorrow, please to meet you. I've heard a lot about you lately. Sadly, it wasn't for the good reason. You are right, we are together in that. We are investigating a murder, like Tenebrynn told you. We cannot tell more for the moment, but what is important to know is we are tracking the same group.

We came here because our clues lead us here. The red button. A golden string too. That might remind you something, master Balmorrow. That was putting both of you on our suspect list. Easy presumption, too easy. But in a few days, we learned much and we another hypothesis, but before telling you what it is, I would like to hear about yours, to confirm or infirm our theory."

OOC: Rinaldo will try to evaluate if both Abraham and Balmorrow are hiding something.

Manzanita said:
I was worried there for a moment that Velmont was going to bail on us! Well done.

OOC: That game is too good to leave like that. But Rinaldo is a father after all, and after that clumsy event from him, I was frustrated after myself for having done so many mistake in such a short time... so I just wanted to reflect that into Rinaldo. I like to see Rinaldo personality evolving with the events.[/sblock]


First Post
Erekose13 said:
[ooc: hope their reactions meant I made it :) Tenebrynn is not the best at bluffing.]

Erekose was lucky on that bluff attempt. Fortunately he probably won't need to again, as the master bluffer has arrived... :)

Balmorrow frowns. "Are you saying a golden lute string was found at this murder site as well? Then they are onto us. They are trying to get us framed for murder. Who else knows about these clues? Do you think there are other investigators out to find us? Even if you know of no one else, we may have been framed for other murders as well. It is only a matter of time before we are arrested. We must act quickly. My lute strings may have been intercepted in Monemvassia. But Wilbur took one recently as well. Could he be involved?"

"We do suspect Oscar and Philmar, who stay in this inn, are part of the guild. But we don't know who else. They don't seem capable of complex planning or major assassinations themselves, so they must be pawns in the guild. What have you found?"


First Post
Rinaldo agree with Balmorrow as he spoke of Oscar and Philmar. "Wilbur? For now, all we have found is his love story with Holga. No, our serious lead is other. Oscar and Philmar might be part of it, but they would be little pawns in it. They often meet with people here and leave late at night. They are meeting with captain Basmar. We suspect, but doesn't have serious proof yet, that those three are used only to take the contracts. We have surprised Basmar with a big sum of money, and we learned that when the three meet, it is with a forth person. That forth person vary from time to time but generally is someone who can pay for such contract. There meeting place is south of here, but we don't know where yet. As for the head of the organization, I have an idea, but I have not proof and prefer not to lead us on false track before something more serious is found on it." Rinaldo adds the last sentence, making sure that the idea is his alone and not from his friends.

"And who is that dark skin man who have a room here? I saw him outside pretty late tonight."


First Post
"The dark skinned man is the Viscount Causticus. He is a rich nobleman, displaced in some minor revolution in the south. He was here a couple weeks ago, then left, but required that I reserve a room for him upon his return. As you see, he speaks little. I know not his business." says Abraham.

Balmorrow is lost in thought. "Wilbur has that girl, yes. That's been going on for some time. But if one of my golden strings is missing, and he recently took one, supposedly because he broke it... Well, I'm going to have a talk with him in the morning."

"This Basmar, the fishing boat captain. I haven't seen him socialize with Oscar and Philmar. I didn't think he was involved. But where would he get large sums of money? Do you have any ways of extracting information from these people?" asks Abraham.

Voidrunner's Codex

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