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[LPF] Pirate Treasure


Tamarie the Songweaver
Looking around a moment, Tamarie takes in a breath. "Well, yes," she begins, her words a bit more languid than usual, "a full report on what happened, as we agreed." She nods, and begins recounting the story of the adventure. "Well, we quickly determined that the hilly part of the island had the best chance of concealing treasure, so we got off the beach and began our search. In the process, we encountered a small group of harpies--part human, part bird, singing monstrosities with razor sharp talons. We fought them to a standstill, but they fled after their efforts to kill us stalled thanks to pointed use of healing magics by our group. They wounded me rather significantly, actually, and I'm thankful to my team for pulling me through."

Settling into her chair for the long haul, the songweaver continues her story. From time to time, her words pause and she thinks a moment, invoking details of the group's adventure. "We found a cave and, after a climbing exercise, gained access. Once inside, we encountered strange creatures called a Darkmantles. Fortunately, my magic education included these creatures. They would drop from above on unsuspecting foes, then race back up the walls quickly to line up for another attack, their sharp shell being used like an impaling weapon. We were able to kill both of them, and I got a chance to look one over--it was an interesting experience.

"Finally, we encountered a pair of young-ish dragons and their minions. They were quite proficient swimmers, and the female confronted us as her mate was away. I cannot say if these dragons were evil or not, but the female did choose to speak to us. She offered us the treasure chests, in exchange for our promptly leaving the island. Although we agreed, the male of the couple eventually returned and engaged the female dragon in quite a debate. In the end, they chose to honor their agreement. And thus, we have returned."

Ember eyes returning to her employer, Tamarie adds, "I hope that is satisfactory."

[sblock=Tamarie Mini Stats]Tamarie
AC: 17 (15 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 21/22
Shawl of Life Keeping: 1 stored HP
CMB: +2 CMD: 14

Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +4
Perception: +2 Sense Motive: +0
Initiative: +2

First Level spells remaining: 6/7
Second Level spells remaining: 2/4
Heavenly Fire remaining: 6/7 (Tamarie)
Bolts remaining: 18/20

Current Weapon in Hand: crossbow(loaded)
Current Conditions in Effect: mage armor, ioun torch
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none
Money: +0gp[/sblock]

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First Post
Crue listened as Tamarie relayed their story nodding in agreement in parts and flinching a bit as images came back to him of the darkmantles dropping on his companions and finally of the appearance of the dragons and what he thought was going to be last one alive type of situation. The story certainly had the trappings of a grand pirate treasure hunt. As she concludes he turns his attention to Sam, expecting their employer to be happy with the outcome and pronounce their grand success.


Sam, who has produced a pen and paper at this point, asks a few followup questions, and seems mostly concerned about the physical layout of the island, a more precise location for the cave opening, the nature of the cave down, etc. The bit about the dragons gets noted, but doesn't appear to be the main focus of his notes. Although he doesn't really change expression much throughout the meeting, he seems overall reasonably satisfied as it ends and he takes up a final drink and offers a toast to a successful mission. As he is leaving, he thanks you for your efforts, and tells you that based on your findings, the overall content of the papers he has seems to be reasonably reliable, even if a few of the details don't match precisely. With that, he is gone almost as quickly as he came, and the party finds themselves free to spend their coin and ponder the experience for a while before once more seeking out adventure.

OOC: The adventure is officially over. I will get numbers crunched some time tomorrow or Wednesday. I hope everyone had fun.


Thank you for running, sunshadow21! I had a great time and appreciate it.

Quick note to the players: LPF is built on the efforts of multiple people running games. If you haven't yet dipped into the DM pool, remember to check out the sticky thread on DMing PbP games. We do reward DMs with DMC - dungeon master credits. They are usable for either upping a character's level and gold or creating an extra character. Feel free to ask questions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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