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Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)


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[sblock= ooc] I know from experience that sometimes battles can take a long time so I surgest that we divid the posts in two, a part for marked like this that represant the day before, and without would be know at the battle. I figured we could do some roleplaying for that evening.

the story: hope I found most of the mistakes, took a long time writing so I don't hope it is spoild by crappy english, in that case it would be a pain to read.

Spending most of the time op front scouting Ces do not interact much with the rest, when around the fire he seams quit reserved letting everyone else speak, he do contribute to the conversations but seldom did he say more the a few sentence so when he last evening told a story it was out of his character

When I was a child I was told a story, it was said to be ancient and predated to a time older then this world, it goes like this.

[sblock= story]
Once upon a time there was a small village. They were good honest people but among them was a greedy man. It was not gold or jewels, nor women or power he craved. Burlock, for that was his name, was the blacksmith and very good at what he did. In fact he was so good that the peddlers coming through brought his merchandise and paid lots of gold for it, because it was highly sought by the rich in Janktar, a once mighty elvern city.
Burlock lived in a time of prosperity and life was easy and simple. He lived a humble life with his wife for he shared his gold with the rest of the village. For this he was much loved and when the village’s leader died he was offered the staff of leadership but he kindly declined, instead recommending someone else who was not as loved as him but a stronger and wiser leader.
But I said that Burlock was greedy and what he wanted was food. He was a big man and he always made sure that that no food was left. The villagers didn’t mind because Burlock gave them so much gold that they could have brought the food 10 times on the marked.
But the good times came to an end. One year a terrible plague struck the land and wiped out many animals and blight killed most crops, and war raged the land. Food was scarce but Burlock still eat as he used to. The bad time turned most of the village against Burlock for he did eat so much that people starved. One day the villagers tolled Burlock to leave, and so he did. But there were people among the villagers who did remember the kindness of Burlock so they left with him too.

Burlock and his men traveled around for many months but everywhere it were the same, no one had any food and those who did, hide it away in fear that the army would confiscate it to feed the troops.
Burlock and his men grew more and more hungry and one day he convinced his men to attack a supply train heading for the front, they set up a camp in the great forest and waited. Not many days passed before one came through. Burlock and his man attacked and they overcame the guards killing them and stole the food, and equipped them self from the raid with what they needed but left the rest.
Finally they could feast and so they did for over a year, for Burlock and his men kept stealing the soldier’s food, moving from place to place, attacking the supply trains and stealing the food. They were very successful and they got far more food then needed, but Burlock had not forgotten what his village had done to him so he and his men ate it all. That would be, his men got the food they needed and Burlock ate the rest and always on the day when they raided.

It happened that the war came to an end and the land flourished again, the fields were booming with crops, and the village became rich as a new busy trade route were going through the village.
Burlock learned this and he and his men moved back to the area were they used to live and preyed on the caravans stealing the food when passing through but leaving everything else. Here they stayed and no matter how heavy an escort the caravan brought along there were nothing that could stop Burlock. When he had food in sight he was like a great dragon killing everyone in his way.
This of cause harmed the trade greatly and almost all traffic stopped. The villagers called a council and together the gathered all the food they could spare, and waited a week so Burlock would starve. Stay gathered a wagon full of food and had their fastest runner driving the wagon into the countryside.
When Burlock and his men spotted the caravan they were full of joy because that had not eaten for days. Even through Burlock was the size of 4 men he outraced everyone else and jumped the wagon, killing the driver before he could run anywhere. When his men came up to the side of the wagon they were eager to share the spoil but Burlock looked down on them from the wagon and said that no one was to touch the food as it was his alone.
This enraged his men and in their folly they attacked Burlock. But Burlock was defending his food and he slew every one of them before feasting on the load. He ate half of the load before he was stuffed but he knew no limit anymore, so in his greed he began on the last half of the wagon load. This proved to be his end for halfway through his belly exploded and he died on the wagon

Ces closes his eyes and when he opens them again he has a dreamy look on his face, however this turn to a look of sorrow after a few seconds. It is many years since I last have heard the tale.
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Elise snaps into alertness. She stands quickly, rousing Ligaea with her movements.

She takes a quick assessment of the situation, elves in their trances? Human sleeping? Donkey doing what ever a donkey does at this point? Is the sun all the way down?

If it's very dark Elise will cast light on a crossbow bolt. If not she will just try to identify the sound a bit better. Don't lose it Elise, it probly just anouther traveller, sneaking up on you, in the night.

[sblock=OoC]Elise.(Init=15, Spot=3(nat 1), Listen=20)[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Earlier that day]As they walk Elise makes light conversation. Interesting story, Ces, Have any of you ever heard of the Festival of Halina?[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC] Ah yes, I allways roll under the moniker LF. I screwed up a roll and then rolled again, and forgot to re enter LF, sorry bout that. I can reroll if you'd like. (expecially the spot) :D[/sblock]
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After a long day of traveling, Krit pulls out his bedroll, smelling the familiar waft of his fathers pipe as he does so. Every time he brought it out it always seemed to send back to his youth. to a small village that was once his home. He longed for things to be different, but he knew that he was unable to change the past. His face hardens as he remembers that day. Quickly shaking his head of these thoughts, he returns to his task of setting up his bed. After laying his bedroll out he unstraps his bow and quiver, laying them close at hand. Next he unstraps his rapier and places it on the other side of his bedroll, next to his back pack. Lastly he unsheaths his small dagger and places it under his pillow. You can never be too way he thinks to himself as he crawls into bed.
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OOC: At the currant rate, you would if you wanted a full 8 hours of rest, though you have an extra hour to tag onto the morning if you want to scrounge for food.


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KriticalFailure said:
OOC: im a little confused here..should we all be either asleep or bedding down for the night as Elise takes the first watch??

After Taking a small nap, Krit rouses himself and sets off to relieve Elise of her watch duty, streching along the way to work out his still weary limbs.

I had just proceded assuming that the watch order given was agreeable to all. If you want to further discuss it you may. Dargon and Logicsfate has provided some very good dialouge that occurs previous to this evening. Anyway, According the the watch order I was going off, Krit has the thrid watch.[/sblock]

The footfall was too soft for any of the resting travelers to hear. In the darkness Elise can make out the surrounding rocks and shrubs, but she can really only make out shapes, and none of the shapes appear to be an approaching intruder.

OOC: Dargon, I appreciate your story. I think it would be great if you and the other players could keep up the interpersonal interaction. There really is more to adventuring than killing sentient beings and stealing their belongings.


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With a nudge of her shoulders Ligaea takes flight, carefully finding a perch closer to the sounds. Elise cautiously approaches the noises, holding up her lit crossbow bolt like a torch. The wizardress is visibly shaken.

[sblock=Earlier that day] Have any of you heard of the Festival of Halina Elise asks, addressing the rest[/sblock]


First Post
LogicsFate said:
[sblock=Earlier that day] Have any of you heard of the Festival of Halina Elise asks, addressing the rest[/sblock]

[SBLOCK=Earlier that day]"No, I'm afraid I have not." Krit replies, "May I ask as to why you inquire?"[/SBLOCK]

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