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Looking for a good Eberron Xen'driK adventure


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I'm planning to run a 3.5E D&D game set in Eberron for 10th level characters and above.

I have some beginning of a plot in Xen'drik and being too busy to be able to prepare everything I would need :.-( I thought I would shamelessly modify / cannibalize some good published adventure :)

So, I'm looking for recommendations for good adventures in Xen'drik for about level 10 (give or take a few levels would be fine).

Roger the Jolly :angel:

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Bad News: There are NO Eberron modules, Xen'Drik of otherwise, post 10th level. :(

However, I can recommend a few Goodman Game options that might need some flavor-tweaking, but would work well.

#21: Assault on Stormbringer Castle
#15: Lost Tomb of the Sphinx Queen
#22: The Stormbringer Juggernaut

You might also want to look into Secrets of Xen'Drik for the Destiny Arms mini-module, as well as modifying Grasp of the Emerald Claw (lvl 6-8).


Voyage of the Golden Dragon is an Eberron adventure for 7th level PCs, the last third of which takes place in Xen'drik. The majority of the module is concerned with the journey to Xen'drik, however.

Just about any good tomb-raiding adventure could be slotted into Xen'drik with little trouble. I've used The Mud Sorcerer's Tomb from Dungeon 138 (14th level) but there should be plenty such adventures that you could pick from.


blargey the second

If I remember correctly, blargey the second, a poster here and at paizo, used the Isle of Dread adventures from the Savage Tide adventure path, for Xendrik.

You'd start with Here There Be Monsters, then go to Tide of Dread, which is for 9th level characters, and then the following 2 adventures, which I don't remember the names of but a quick trip to the wiki says: The Lightless Depths and City of Broken Idols.

From Goodman Games is Bloody Jacks Gold, but since it went the way of the dodo due to the GSL, you may have a difficult time finding it.


First Post
If I remember correctly, blargey the second, a poster here and at paizo, used the Isle of Dread adventures from the Savage Tide adventure path, for Xendrik.

You'd start with Here There Be Monsters, then go to Tide of Dread, which is for 9th level characters, and then the following 2 adventures, which I don't remember the names of but a quick trip to the wiki says: The Lightless Depths and City of Broken Idols.

From Goodman Games is Bloody Jacks Gold, but since it went the way of the dodo due to the GSL, you may have a difficult time finding it.

I happen to know that is a fact. Blargney is currently running the game - he has made some big modifications, and he calls me up every now and then with some insidious secret scheme or monster (My personal favourite being a huge aquatic creature with a swallow whole ability... with a shark in it's stomach that also had a swallow whole ability... just classic!).

I think, though, that he's ending it fairly soon, at around 10th level (which is where I happened to end STAP, coincidentally).

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
I have indeed been running the Savage Tide adventure path in Xen'drik. I used Stormreach as Sasserine for the early adventures, then had them sail to a cluster of islands off the northwest coast of Xen'drik for the Isle of Dread stuff.

Secrets of Xen'drik is a fantastic sourcebook for any DM who wants to spend some time on the dark continent. It's got lots of neat little bits you can use to make piecemeal adventures.

If you want to bandy some ideas around, I'm totally up for helping out!

ps - Here's the big eel that Wik mentioned. That was a great encounter. :)


First Post

Thank you all for all the good pointers.
I've ordered 5! ;) adventures that caught my eye from goodman games and I will be keeping the names of the other you mentioned.

This is the second time I'm hearing good things about Secrets of Xen'drik - maybe I will order it too.

I'm planning to start the campaign in a few months after a few things come together - here is hoping all this preparation will help make it a great one! :)

Thanks for all the great help guys! :D


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