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Long Live the Queen (all groups) [Boddynock judging] Completed

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Saithnar decides to hold his fire until right after the queen ant drops he current victim, then he will bombard her with an icy ray that will freeze her chitinous armor and hopefully make it more vulnerable to attacks.

OOC: readied action to fire an augmented cold ray at queen when she drops Krindorf.
Augmented Cold ray (touch AC) at queen on readied action (1d20+2=17, 2d6+2=5)

Saithnar must be broadcasting his thoughts with his telepathy or something, because Quint likewise decides to wait for the queen to drop the dwarf before opening fire with his longbow. He gets easily distracted though waiting for that to happen and in his eventual haste bungles yet another shot. "Aw heck!" the halfling curses his luck.

OOC: Readied action to shoot at queen when she drops Krindorf.
Readied action to shoot Queen with Longbow. (1d20+5=12, 1d6=2)


Jamilee uses her delayed action to retreat/hobble to somewhere she won't be right in the front line and subject to attacks of opportunity, sheathing her shortsword. In round 5, she retrieves and knocks back one of her two potions of cure light wounds. The great gashes around her midsection where the Queen's jaws caught her stop bleeding and fade somewhat, though they remain quite nasty-looking.(Potion: 1d8+1=7. Current HP 7/11.)


ooc: Voda Vosa: Krindorf is grappled by the Queen at the moment.
Robichaud: Landers already pulled you a bit away last round so i'll take that you stand up and drink the potion in round 4, which leaves you with all your actions left in round 5!


B4cchus said:
Robichaud: Landers already pulled you a bit away last round so i'll take that you stand up and drink the potion in round 4, which leaves you with all your actions left in round 5!
Well.. if Landers can pull her to her feet and out of danger like this, and she ditches her shortsword instead of sheating it for drinking that potion, that means she can actually return to the fray and make an attack on the Queen without instantly killing herself.

Being more than a little crazy, this is exactly what she does!

"Yaaaah!", she cries out as she stabs at the giant ant; it's a battle cry, though it could be mistaken for a passingly good imitation of a rusty door hinge. Despite the pomp and circumstance of the attack, it's still a miss.


First Post
Possum will move into the fight, trying to get near an ant. She'll fight using total defense (no attack) - her main goal is merely to set up a flanking opportunity for a comrade.


First Post
OoC: sorry it took so long but my few days turned out to be little more then a week, life kind of caught up with me.

Nura looks at her companions "all that blood" she whispers
Having used up her MM Nura starts on the incarnation of a ray of frost at ant 4 but the energy required for the two stronger spells have drained her and her aim goes wide
to hit 8
The tiredness can be seen in her face even trough she hasn't been involved in any of the physical struggles, she is dripping with sweat and her hair plasters to her shoulder.


Round 5:

Ant 4: 6 damage
Ant 5: Dead
Ant 6: Dead
Queen: Dying.

Yaaaah!", Jamilee cries out as she stabs at the giant ant; it's a battle cry, though it could be mistaken for a passingly good imitation of a rusty door hinge. Despite the pomp and circumstance of the attack, it's still a miss.

Saithnar decides to hold his fire until right after the queen ant drops he current victim, then he will bombard her with an icy ray that will freeze her chitinous armor and hopefully make it more vulnerable to attacks.
(ready action)

Quint likewise decides to wait for the queen to drop the dwarf before opening fire with his longbow.
(ready action)

Jallembo curses as the Queen gets hold of the dwarf. I'll never be able to throw my burning oil! he complains for himself.
He thus continues to aim at the soldiers. The arrow just misses the ant.

"Jallembo! Hit the Hive with the oil! That might distract them enough to see their home on fire!" Dorrin yells as he steps up to the queen and delivers a mighty blow with his sword.

Ximix surveys the battle to try to find the best use of his skills. Seeing Jami is not unconscious but simply playing dead as she now crawls away with Landers help, Ximix calls out to the grappled Krindorf: "Try playing dead a moment Krin, she'll drop you like she did Jami." The business-like tone of the Elf seems to have a bit of an "I hope" dip at the end...

Possum will move into the fight, trying to get near an ant. She'll fight using total defense (no attack)

Nura looks at her companions "all that blood" she whispers
Having used up her MM Nura starts on the incarnation of a ray of frost at ant 4 but the energy required for the two stronger spells have drained her and her aim goes wide.

Munchin continues his attack on the ant, landing a solid kick in it's flank.

Krindorf screams and drop his blade, and stop moving.

Content with the demise of another victim, the queen drops Krindorf to the floor. With that action Saithnar and Quint immediately respond by opening fire. While Quint's arrow misses the queen, Saithnar's ray hits home. the ray freezes parts of the ant. While one of her legs snaps off as she tries to move, the create seems to be on the verge of collapse.
In a last attempt to retaliate, she snaps at Dorrin but the attack drains the last energy and while her mandibles snap in the air, the large create collapses to the cavern floor.

The ant near Munchin attempts to grasp him once again, but fails to hit.

ooc: delayed action from Ximix goes now, them the rest again (go ahead and post right away since finishing this battle should require that much effort)

Voidrunner's Codex

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