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Loex'edar: The Dragonwars


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A world wrecked by war and destruction. Fire, brimstone and ash; forests,
rivers, jungles, swamps... No more. Death and destruction rules this world.

The war bewteen the good and the evil dragons had raged for aeons withot
resolve. When one victory was achieved on one side, the other side achieved
victory somewhere else. It was a stalemate, for sure. Then the DragonShards
was discovered. There were ten of them, all together. One for each of the
ten Dragons of Power; Aasterinian the Messenger, Astilabor the
Hoardmistress, Bahamuth the Lord of the North Wind, Chronepsis the Silent
Watcher, Falazure the Night Dragon, Garyx the Cleanser-of-Worlds, Hlal the
Keeper of Tales, Lendys the Weigher of Justice, Tamara the Beneficence and
Tiamat the Chromatic Dragon. Each of these Shards gave the holder great
power. There was also rumours about an eleventh Shard, The Shard of Io the
Great Eternal Wheel.

Unfortunately the Evil dragons got a hold of most of the Shards, and as such
began the downfall of all that was good. Corruption started to seep through
the lesser dragons, and more and more of the dragonkin joined the evil in
their cause of destruction. In a span of hundred of years the Good dragons
were all but obliterated, and all the lesser races were either enslaved by
the evil dragons or completely wiped out. Now the good dragons fight a
futile struggle against the evil dragons and their hosts of followers. The
odds are getting darker and darker, and the Dragons of Power seems to stay
out of the struggle alltogether. Then a slight ray of hope emerges from the
darkness. A never before seen wyrm calling herself Cyrem contacts the Good
dragons, claiming to know how to get a hold of the DragonShards. Showing her
words to be truth, she delivers to the forces of good two of the
DragonShards, the shard of Astilabor and the Shard of Garyx. And so the hunt
is on. The rest of the Shards will be recovered, whatever the price. The
salvation lies in holding all the shards. Or so Cyrem says. There is more to
Cyrem than is first apparent, but she keeps her secrets to herself - for

The council of The Elders lasted for days. Where dragons are concerned, that
is nothing new though.

Cyrem appeared in Okarthel'Kear out of nowhere a few weeks ago, carrying two
items of remarkable origins. One was a twelve-faceted gem in the purest
violet imaginable, flawless in every meaning of the word; perfection
incarnate. The other was a transculent sphere filled with what appears to be
liquid fire. If peering closely into the fire, one could make out a dark,
menacing reptilian eye looking back at you. Cyrem claimed these were two of
the fabled DragonShards of legends. Of course, the Elders did not believe
her at first. A plot like this had been expected for quite a while, but
decided to examine the so-called DragonShards. Days went by without any
words from the Elders, without so much as a hint wether Cyrems claims were
true or not. On the eve of the fifth day the council emerged from the Hall
of the Five, bearing grave tidings. An army led by one of the most feared
Shadowdragons, a dragon known only as The Darkness, was slowly but surely
approaching Aurix'Ner. Aurix'Ner is one of the eleven remaining strongholds
of the Good Dragons, and also where most of writings of ages past were kept.
There was no time to loose and the Elders and most of the other able-bodied
dragons left for Aurix'Ner in hopes of protecting it against the coming
onslaught of The Darkness. Left behind were five of the Elders, one
representing each of the five major Good Dragonflight and a small garrison
dedicated to keep Okarthel'Kear safe. Having no other choice than to trust
Cyrem, the five remaining Elders again secluded themselves from the rest of
their kin, debating what to do about the matter. This time they were only
gone for three days. When they emerged they carried a scroll engraved with a
list of names. The scroll was handed to Cyrem, with instructions how to use
the magical item. The message was then sent out to those whose name was on
the list, asking them to come to Okarthel'Kear as soon as possible. Still
more days went past, and the ones who were called to started to appear.
Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze, Brass, Radiant, Battle and Faerie. They were
all there, but their number was still increasing with each passing day. One
by one you were introduced to Cyrem in the Chamber of Traquility. Each of
you were then handed the magical scroll, given to you to read.

"Good tidings to you, brave young dragons. We, the council, have decided to call upon our brightest hopes in these times of peril. We need a flight of dragons to go and find some hope for us now. The great silver bearing this scroll, one Cyrem, knows where this hope may be found. Please, follow her directions and bring us back a dragonshard. Our hopes go with you, and may Bahamut watch over you."

Now, you have all decided to heed the call of the council. Cyrem has given you directions to a great castle in the sky, many days travel to the north and east. Instead of a grand fanfare, there was silence among the dragons watching you as you departed Okarthel'Kear. Every dragon there, no matter its age or status, bowed its head to you as you passed.

You are no more than a half-day of flight from Okarthel'Kear when you spot, perhaps a half-mile distant, forms in the sky around a mountaintop. At almost the same moment you see them, they turn and begin flying towards you. They do not appear to be dragons, but instead seem bipedal creatures, about 11' tall, with wings. And weapons.

[sblock=ooc]The mechanics of combat in a situation like this are a little new to me, so I want to run one nice easy little scuffle before we get into a big bad to-do. Please bear with me :) That said, initiative time![/sblock]

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Guest 11456

Zathros : Male Wyrmling Gold Dragon Fighter 6

Zathros had heeded the call by the elders. He did not know what the future held, but he now had something to focus on. Like the others he saw the large creatures flying toward them and prepared for what may come.

OOC: Initiative: 9


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Shayuri, one of the youngest of the group; a smallish but otherwise well-formed golden wyrmling with eyes like poured quicksilver, bugled a warning cry a the sight of the strange creatures. They might not be evl dragons, but their size and might lend them some formidability. A slave or proxy race of the chromatics, perhaps.

She growled harsh, strange words that were Draconic, yet with a cadence and grammar all their own. Her sleek yellowed form shimmered and vanished like a mirage. She then narrowed her eyes and tried to see the things more clearly as they came closer. If she could figure out their nature in time to be of tactical use, so much the better.

Init: 8

(Casting Invisibility on self first. Then will attempt to make Spot roll at +10 and/or Knowledge roll if needed, to ID these things. Just let me know which Knowledge specialty is needed. Arcana is +19.)
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[sblock=ooc for shayuri]The dreatures that are approaching are rather easily recognizable as dragonkin, a bastard race that the chromatic dragons have been breeding for some time now. Dragonkin share non of your intelligence and wisdom, preferring to seek after magical baubles. You are fairly certain that you and your companions can fight them off, though it may be a bit of an annoyance to do so.[/sblock]


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Versveshedar was on edge ever since he had gotten here, seeing so many dragons in one place was... disturbing. In his eighteen years, dragons had always been his enemies and while his mind told him that these were allies, family even, his emotions still bordered on fight or flight.

Still they had sent him after these shards. At first he was angry, they were sending what amounted to children after what perhaps amounted to their only hope. Then he realized the elders simply did not trust Cyrem. If this proved to be false, they were sending expendable resources. It was a harsh decision, but this was a war, one which they were losing, so perhaps a necessary one.

It did not take much imagination to see why they had asked him to come, he was older, experienced in leading and fighting dragons. The others, while they appeared quite talented, needed someone to guide them.

When the winged humanoids appeared, he was angry at himself, he had thought they would have more time and could discuss strategy and capabilites before they had to fight.

He peered at them, trying to figure out what exactly they were facing. Whatever they were, they see as well as a dragon and that is saying something. Worse case, they are some kind of demon.

(OOC: Initiative: 17
Versveshedar is also trying to figure out what they are (spot +20, KS: Arcana, Nature, Religion +13))

Nonlethal Force

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FLitterdust chuckles to himself as he sees the armed bipedals flying their way. He clears his throat a little bit.

"They've got weapons, boys ... er ... guys ... er ... heck ... nevermind. I'll get used to flying in a flight of mixed genders soon enough. But if you'll all allow me to shake off the dust on my abilities that haven't been used for a while, I'd like to offer you a blessing as you go forth to kick some evil tail."

Flitterdust smiles at the simplicity of the spell, but offers it anyway. "Bahamat, smile down upon these warriors and as we begin may this fight be a sign of your divine conquest upon the wrathful evil encroaching through the land." He snaps his fingers at the completion of the prayer as the divine energy extends around him.
Casting Bless - a simple spell, but who knows, it might help.

[Sblock]I'd still rather you roll, but just in case here are my rolls. I rolled a Know(arc) check to identify ... but I don't know that I made it so I left it out of my post.
Init: 32
Know(arcana) if needed: 14


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
<Lucky that I got a chance to go on this voyage. This is going to be fun!> "Ooh, time to play. They have sticks, too." Drumaxius flies to inctercept one of the winged creatures--he'll try to rip into one pretty heftily.

ooc: Initiative +6, Power Attacking for 5... bite attack: +25, damage 2d6+18

Luminous has been silent for the briefing and trip, her only action being to lower her natural radiance to a level that it wouldn't be a beacon to the evil ones.

When the attackers are spotted, she snaps her wings back, commencing a powerful lunge that propels her toward the enemy. As her powerful wingstrokes bring her closer, she studies them to determine what they may be, even as she pinpoints one to attack.

Coming into range, she closes with her chosen target and snaps forward, attempting to bite the smaller creature in half.

Rolls: Init/Spot/Attack, in that order.


Init: 11+6=17
Spot: 19+22=41
Attack (bite): 20+28=48 (Rolled nat 20) Roll to confirm crit: 19+28=47.

Note: bite has a 10 foot reach.

Lord Wyrm

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Thric Martivar

Noticing the humanoid forms Thric cuts downward.
"Fan out, no need to lose anyone to these wretched forms!" The Silver one commanded before disappearing from view.

[sblock]Ring of Invisibility[/sblock]

After vanishing Thric rises as sharply as he can to gain altitude over his enemies.

[sblock]+8 Initiative modifier[/sblock]


First Post
Versveshedar watches two of their number charge forward, the brash copper and the radiant dragon.

"Stop! Come back!" he yells loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough for the distant humanoids to be able to determine what he is saying.

"Let them come to us. We all fly at different speeds, charging forward is only going to seperate us. We are stronger together than apart." he says to those remaining.

"Let them come to us, and let none of them escape. They may have answers to question, it is best if we can keep at least one of them alive."

Voidrunner's Codex

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