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LMoP [ooc]


From the IC thread:
Lister: Where is everyone Hol?
Holly: They're dead Dave.
Lister: Who is?
Holly: Everybody Dave.
Lister: What Captain Holister?
Holly: Everybody's dead Dave.
Lister: What Todd Hunter?
Holly: Everybody's dead Dave.
Lister: What Selby?
Holly: They're all dead, everybody's dead Dave.
Lister: Peterson isn't, is he?
Holly: Everybody is dead Dave.
Lister: Not Chen?
Holly: Gorden Bennet, yes Chen, everybody, everybody's dead Dave.
Lister: Rimmer?
Holly: He's dead Dave, everybody's dead, everybody is dead Dave.
Lister: Wait, are you trying to tell me everybody's dead?

Yeah, that's the situation, alright. It's definitely looking like a TPK here. Let's break this post into sections:

Finally met "Iarno" who carries a smoky-glass staff.
He talks as though he's the leader of the Redbrands.
An Internet search gives the name, "Iarno Albrek:"

". . . broke ties with the Lords' Alliance and created the Redbrands under
the guidance of Nezznar. . . ."

For his stats, the DM uses the "Evil Mage" in the back of the adventure.
HP 22 (5d8) - AC 12 - Speed 30 - SAVES: INT +5, WIS +3
STR 9, DEX 14, CON 11, INT 17, WIS 12, CHA 11
Challenge Rating 1 (200 XP)

The mage is a 4th-level spellcaster, +5 tohit, Spell Save DC 13, knowing the
following spells from the wizard's spell list:
• Cantrips (at will): light, mage hand, shocking grasp
• 1st level (4 slots): charm person, magic missile
• 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, misty step

Okay, so the "Iarno" that the party is now facing has already cast Magic Missile twice, dropping Townmaster Harbin Wester to 0 Hit Points the first time, and damaging Eddicus for 5 points of damage (among other things) the second time. Each Magic Missile casting delivers three (3) magic darts at an effect of 5 points of damage apiece, or four (4) magic darts if cast at 2nd level. The magic darts always deal their damage, without having to roll to hit.

If the Iarno in this adventure is per the book, then that means that he still has two (2) more 1st-level spell slots available, plus three (3) 2nd-level spell slots available. With one more casting of Magic Missile at 1st level, he could drop Eddicus (who is at a mere 3 HP currently) with one dart, and deal 10 points of damage to Leonan with the other two darts of that casting. That would be enough damage to drop Leonan to 0 HP, because Leonan is currently at 9 HP per Neurotic's post #446.

That one impending 1st-level casting of Magic Missile would therefore leave Brlo, Eddicus, and Leonan unconscious on the ground at 0 HP and rolling death saves.
All Iarno would then need to do is move back where Castagyr cannot see him (and therefore cannot charge him), and drop Castagyr the next round with a 2nd-level casting of Magic Missile.

The party's only hope for survival now is to submit to Iarno's rule.
They're not going to do that, are they? . . . (I would hope not.)

On a related note: If this "Iarno" is per the book, he started with 22 Hit Points. Eddicus has hit him with an arrow for 5 damage, and has another arrow rolled for 8 more damage. That's 13, and not enough to drop Iarno. This turn, Leonan didn't attack Iarno, Castagyr didn't attack Iarno, and Brlo is unconscious . . . "and rolling death saves, Dave."
Whatever else happens, it's now Iarno's turn again, and the Redbrands, and Sildar, and the town.

mips42 has already called it: "everybody's dead"
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I agree. Ever since Castagyr charged after the fleeing thug and separated the party, we were under constant fire and essentially all thugs were after us. Even with mips timely rescue by allowing us to setup outside we were badly outmatched (and spent most of our resources). If we left Castagyr to his own devices and retreated, we would be in much better situation...but that is not something that I can see happening in normal good party.

There is one chance that I can see.
We get lucky (GM fiat) and Iarno only targets city fighters (NPCs) or roles poorly on Leonan leaving him standing after he drops Eddicus (sorry, I cannot see you remaining concious).
AND Castagyr just dropped the thug blocking the path (he did 22 damage after all)

This way, Castagyr can move (and cannot reach Iarno this round), but has one spell that might decide the outcome Command FLEE or SURRENDER or whatever is the command that takes away the action from the target (this one is also his last) - he already smote twice. And this assumes he didn't cast anything before - I remember he used his breath weapon on the bridge after the fleeing thug. The luck is that Iarno (mage proficient in WIS saves) fails the save.

In this case, Leonan is not neccessary. If this fails, next round he can do 1d8 (shocking grasp) or 1d4+3 (dagger) and Castagyr could do 1d8+3 (which averages on 5+8 = 13 + Eddicus 5 = 18...too little, too late.

BUT imagine if we survive this without DM intervention! What tale to tell. And what paladin to kick out of the party! ;) I cannot see Leonan continuing this with Castagyr without some serious in-game discussion. But since Trogdor didn't re-join us, I'm guessing this is moot anyhow.

I like the adventure and would hate to see it close. And I know one player who took over another character whos player disappeared who might be willing to make another character or take over Castagyr. If you're willing to continue.
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I'm basically done with Eddicus. He didn't work out as planned: it just takes too long to switch between shield and bow when time is pressing. I was going to revise him to include materials beyond the Basic Set, but that has been ongoing for months and I'm still not satisfied with the results. Too many enemies are proficient with their DEX saves against his "Sacred Flame" cantrip; but for him to be revised to get something else better is a balancing act that I haven't mastered yet.

I agree that Iarno cannot leave Eddicus standing, if this Iarno has any spell slots left at all, due to the solid damage the cleric has been dealing. If Eddicus deals 9 more damage to Iarno, the mage is down; and 9 is well within reach of rolling 1d6+3 for the shortbow; therefore, Iarno now has to drop Eddicus or flee.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I missed the part of 13 damage. In that case 1 attack with good roll can drop him. And Castagyr with smite for 3d8+3 is almost certain to drop him. Yeah, I can see him droping the paladin first risking one more arrow. We're lucky he doesn't have sleep, he could drop us all at the hitpoint totals we're at :)


If Iarno were to use a 2nd-level spell slot, giving him four (4) magic darts using Magic Missile, he would be able to divide the darts evenly between Eddicus and Castagyr, dropping both at once. Then he wouldn't even have to move back some distance for the sake of avoiding a charge. Consequently, I think you're right that Castagyr would need to be one of Iarno's targets; but does Iarno know that? He has seen Leonan deliver a puny 2 damage to each of two Redbrands using Acid Splash this round, so he might conclude that the sorcerer is less of a threat to him than the paladin is, just based on what the mage has already seen. (Did he see the heavy damage Castagyr did to the one Redbrand who was just smitten?)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Castagyr is right next to 10' drop and it is not clear if there is line of sight. And Leonan did some heavy damage earlier.

Besides, we have this discussion about continuation of the adventure and we still don't know if [MENTION=6746242]mips42[/MENTION] is up for it what with our poor performance. :)
And [MENTION=93196]Axel[/MENTION] is not calling in.


I see from Axel's profile page that his last activity on EN World was last night, so he's on -- but not posting to this game.

Overall, I think it is likely time for mips42 to call the end of this game due to the approaching end of the (single) encounter with the entire Redbrand organization and their boss, and the fact that only two players are still posting, even here in the OOC thread. I'm ready for it to end; and if you let Trogdor1992 have control of Castagyr again, that probably means we won't see any more actions from the paladin, so that ends that.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I'm playing other games. Unfortunately, some were DMed by Trogdor. He showed at some point asking if we're up for continuance, but he didn't continue any other. But I play in others so this one isn't critical for me. But I still like the adventure. Besides, I want to see it end (even in TPK) :)

And Axel posts here, Brlo is incapacitated.


Lest we forget:

Caelynn Amastacia, CG Female High Elf Sage Wizard, formerly played by SuperZero
Brachnuss, LG Male Human Folk Hero Fighter, formerly played by mudbunny
Garret Underbough, CN Male Lightfoot Halfling Criminal Burglar Rogue, formerly played by PierceSG
Vottr Rockseeker, NG Male Mountain Dwarf Soldier Fighter, formerly played by GameDoc
Ivan Kakarov, CN Male Human Sage Warlock (Tome Pact), formerly played by toasterferret

Furthermore, Castagyr had originally been played by perrinmiller, so that one PC has lost two (2) players.

That's a total of seven (7) players who have dropped out so far, not counting Axel who might still be interested in playing Brlo, though we don't know that. That's a lot of players rotating out of the game.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
True. But most went out within weeks of starting. A bit heavier than expected. But it is normal for PbP games to loose some players. Since 5e is still 'in test' for many it is better to lose some than having uninvolved playets

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